• 祖父法兰船夫她的父亲特伦斯是一个钢铁工人医院的搬运工

    Her grandfather Frank was a boatman while Belinda's father, Terence, was a steelworker and a hospital porter.


  • 上个月法兰克福汽车展上,几乎汽车制造商对自己电油混合管道自吹自擂,其中有一些还是plug - in模式的,纯电动汽车展品更到处是。

    At last month's Frankfurt motor show almost every big carmaker could boast of new hybrids in the pipeline, some of them plug-ins, and prototype all-electric vehicles were all over the place.


  • DB采用的一种方法轨道接入权:Veolia(法国集团)拥有的InterConnex就法兰克福科隆之间客运服务争夺战中失败了。

    One way DB does this is with access to its tracks: InterConnex, owned by Veolia (a French group), fought a losing battle to run a passenger service between Frankfurt and Cologne.


  • 但是有着7300出版商30万游客法兰克福一个非常高风险投机

    But Frankfurt, with its 7, 300 publishers and 300, 000 visitors, was a much riskier venture.


  • 去年法兰克福居民唐娜·帕斯内(DonnaParssinen)把儿子送到了森林幼儿园,但是据她,儿子因为沾染类患上了姆关节炎,后来又导致脑膜炎,一度让张脸瘫痪了。

    Frankfurt resident Donna Parssinen sent her son to a Waldkindergarten last year but says he got Lyme disease from ticks. It resulted in meningitis that temporarily paralyzed half his face.


  • 摩纳哥,她那些梦想建立自己的人们树立了榜样,使他们相信只要智谋、有毅力就一定能够成功。 1297年,一位名叫法兰西斯科·哥利迈尔迪的热那亚冒险夺得了这里的岩石海角。

    Tiny it may be, but for those who dream of founding their own country Monaco stands as an example of what cunning and tenacity can achieve.


  • 公司主要生产进行密封不锈钢法兰配套密封件专业企业

    Our company is mainly manufacturing to seal and seal of stainless steel pump, valve, flange etc supporting seals the specialized enterprise.


  • 法兰克福翻译公司的老板萨拜因·勒尔说,翻译工具的用途有限的,使用者期望值过高的时候,问题就出现了。

    According to Sabine Reul, who runs a Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited USES - and problems arise when web users expect too much from them.


  • 作为演员查理·卓别林教育杜威法律著名教授费利克斯法兰克福特在被告美国人

    Such famous Americans as actor Charlie Chaplin, educator John Dewey, and law professor Felix Frankfurter were among those accused.


  • 小罗伯特·唐尼特伦斯·霍华德父亲法兰·塔伊尔、作曲莱明·瓦迪以及视觉效果专斯坦·温斯都是铁人的粉丝

    Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard and his father, Faran Tahir, composer Ramin Djawadi and VFXpert Stan Winston are fans of Iron Man.


  • 法兰德斯地区出过诸如鲁宾斯、范代克其它伟大的艺术

    The district of Flanders had great artists such as Rubens van dyck and others.


  • 法兰化妆品(珠海)有限公司,专业从事彩妆系列产品开发生产销售服务为一体外商独资企业

    Vallee DE Roses cosmetics (Zhuhai) co. Ltd. is a foreign-invested enterprise in a business of product development, manufacturing, sales, and service in professional make-up series.


  • 哈贝马斯认为早期法兰克福学派理论霍克·海默阿多尔诺的“工具理性批判失败的。

    Habermas claims that the Critique of instrumental reason which advocated by scholars of early Frankfurt school, such as Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, is a complete failure.


  • 法兰西大球场发生一切让我开始考虑去权衡自己喜欢的西班牙球会

    What happened at the Stade DE France tipped the balance in favour of the Spanish club.


  • 嘉善县翔峰紧固件有限公司专业生产各种不锈钢螺母法兰螺母,盖型螺母等标准件的工业企业。

    Jiashan Xiangfeng fastener Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specializing in all kinds of stainless steel nuts, flange nuts, cap nuts and other standard fasteners.


  • “与格拉斯这些不同,不爱在公众面前高谈阔论或大肆宣扬,”来自《星期日法兰克福汇报》的书评沃克尔·韦德曼,“她内敛一些。”

    "She's not one of these public trumpeters8 -or drumbeaters9, like Grass," said Volker Weidermann, a book critic for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper. "She's more reserved."


  • 德国德赛诊断系统有限公司总部位于德国法兰克福专业研发生产销售体外诊断产品的大型跨国公司。

    DiaSys diagnostic Systems GmbH is a multinational corporation specializing in developing, manufacturing and selling in vitro diagnostic products with headquarters in Frankfurt Germany.


  • 位于法兰克福周边德国通用药品生产公司史达德,收益低迷运行成本财务核算不透明,市值估算低于同行。

    Stada, a German maker of generic drugs based near Frankfurt, had low revenues, high running costs and opaque accounting.


  • 德国林德集团世界1000强工商企业之一国际化集团公司全球拥有120公司,是组成德国法兰克福dax股票指数30公司之一

    Linde Group (Germany) ranks among the top 1000 companies in the world, which has more than 120 subsidiaries worldwide and is one of the 30 companies forming the Frankfurt DAX stock index.


  • 旅客法兰克福飞机转乘同一外国承运人(不同航班号)公司中转航班前往布拉格。

    The passenger gets off the plane in Frankfurt and boards a connecting flight (with a different flight number), on the same foreign carrier or a different carrier, which goes to Prague.


  • 分析投资者会议上的演讲首席财务法兰·卡尔德·罗尼收益具有竞争性。”

    Speaking at a conference for analysts and investors, Chief Financial Officer Frank Calderoni said the yield would be "competitive."


  • 法兰克福更换承运人飞机,由一外国承运人继续法兰克福-布拉格飞行

    S. carrier's code and flight number throughout the entire journey. There is a change of carrier and aircraft in Frankfurt, and a foreign carrier operates the Frankfurt-Prague segment.


  • 法兰克福更换承运人飞机,由一外国承运人继续法兰克福-布拉格飞行

    S. carrier's code and flight number throughout the entire journey. There is a change of carrier and aircraft in Frankfurt, and a foreign carrier operates the Frankfurt-Prague segment.


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