• 能捕食猎物包括昆虫小型哺乳动物两栖动物以及可能生活沼泽森林白垩纪的小型恐龙。

    Among its prey would have been insects, small mammals, amphibians and possibly small dinosaurs that lived in the swamps and forests of the late Cretaceous.


  • 这样,很快地就走过了森林沼泽激转的漩涡

    So she passed quickly through the wood and the marsh, and between the rushing whirlpools.


  • 使他们有理由相信南极洲曾经森林沼泽

    This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests.


  • 到了3亿年前大片森林沼泽覆盖陆地最早爬虫化石也发现一时期的地层中。

    By 300 million years ago, large forests and swamps covered the land, and the earliest fossils of reptiles appear during this period as well.


  • 茂密本土森林很多色彩艳丽的稀有鸟类家园同时还有众多的鸟类遍布南非草原沙漠红树林沼泽

    The thick indigenous4 forests are home to many exquisitely5 coloured and unique birds, while a veritable6 flurry7 of species occur throughout South Africa's grasslands, deserts and mangrove8 swamps9.


  • 生活具有不同气候温度各种各样的地方包括平原森林雪地甚至沼泽

    I can live in all sorts of places with different climates and temperatures. They include plains, forests, snowy areas and even swamps.


  • 石炭纪有着茂盛沼泽森林,这是最适合的地形”,英国诺里奇英吉利大学的蒂姆·莱顿表示

    "The Carboniferous had lush swampy forests, perfect for burying carbon" says Tim Lenton of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK.


  • 周五添加了罗里达的沼泽马达加斯加热带森林使名单增加31个,增强人们的环保意识。

    On Friday it added Florida's Everglades and Madagascar's tropical forest to the 31 sites already on the list, which aims to boost environmental protection.


  • 这个公园有着大批山杨树的公园场地草地沼泽湖泊落叶寒带森林骑马登山一个顶级的观赏野生动物的活动。

    Rich with aspen parkland and grasslands, marshes and small lakes, and spanning deciduous and boreal forests, Riding Mounting is a top wildlife-viewing locale.


  • 1997年,p .progenetica生活的这种泥煤沼泽森林大火所破坏,如今这种沼泽面临着人类伐木城市化进程开荒种田等行为的威胁

    The peat swamps were damaged by forest fires in 1997, and are also threatened by logging, urbanisation and agriculture.


  • 荒野不仅仅宽广纠结森林淤塞的沼泽暴风肆虐平原

    The wild is more than just an expanse of tangled forests, stagnant swamps and windswept plains.


  • 我们森林对于它们两者都很适宜,在每一个沼泽周围可以看到兔子鹧鸪步行而牧童们在它们周围布置了细枝的篱笆马鬃陷阱

    Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends.


  • 根据煤系有机研究分析,可以划化分干燥泥炭沼泽相、潮湿森林泥炭沼泽相、过渡边缘沼泽相、活水泥炭沼泽开阔水体种有机相。

    The coal measure facies can be divided into five ones such as dry peat marsh, moist forest peat marsh, transitional margin marsh, living water peat marsh and open water facies.


  • 我们常常空气污染烟囱汽车联系在一起,事实上火山森林火灾沙暴沼泽海洋植物都会带来一些我们认为大气污染物化学物质

    We normally associate air pollution with smokestacks and cars, but volcanoes, forest fires, dust storms, marshes, oceans, and plants also add to the air chemicals we consider pollutants.


  • 保护区复合生态系统包括森林山脉沟壑湖泊溪流沼泽湿地珍稀地方性动植物提供了一个广阔栖息地

    It is a complex ecosystem, including forest, mountains, gorges, lakes, streams, grasslands, swamps and wetlands, and provides a wide habitat for rare and endemic species of animals and plants.


  • 这些体瘦猴子名字源于印度教中曼,分布潮湿森林沼泽甚至印度巴基斯坦孟加拉斯里兰卡缅甸 等国 的城市地区能发现

    Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma).


  • 茂密本土森林很多色彩艳丽的稀有鸟类家园同时还有众多的鸟类遍布南非草原沙漠红树林沼泽

    The thick indigenous forests are home to many exquisitely coloured and unique birds, while a veritable6 flurry of species occur throughout South Africa's grasslands, deserts and mangrove swamps.


  • K 含量棕色森林草甸沼泽土壤较高

    Leaf N, P and K were higher of blueberry cultured on dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil.


  • 主要是由于采伐温度水位发生变化,二者共同作用导致采伐后森林沼泽甲烷通量的变化。

    Changes in temperature and water table together contributed to the changes of methane fluxes after cutting.


  • 南非广阔地貌囊括了热带草原、雪山森林热带沼泽无穷的海岸沙滩宁静河流喧闹都市

    South Africa's vast landscape includes seavannahs, snow-covered mountains, forests, tropical swaps, endless beaches, tranquil rivers and bustling urban centers.


  • 未遭到破坏森林湖泊红树林沼泽栖息濒临灭绝珍稀狐猴鸟类

    The undisturbed forests, lakes and mangrove swamps are the habitat for rare and endangered lemurs and birds.


  • 一生物保护区位于尤卡坦半岛东岸内有热带森林红树林沼泽还有被礁石分割开的产区。

    Located on the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula, this biosphere reserve contains tropical forests, mangroves and marshes, as well as a large Marine section intersected by a barrier reef.


  • 一生物保护区位于尤卡坦半岛东岸内有热带森林红树林沼泽还有被礁石分割开的产区。

    Located on the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula, this biosphere reserve contains tropical forests, mangroves and marshes, as well as a large Marine section intersected by a barrier reef.


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