• Philip沼泽清理笼子喂食动物

    He also cleans cages and feeds the animals in the swamp area.


  • 是的沼泽我们沼泽区顶帐篷

    Yes, it is swamp. We live in the swamp in a tent.


  • 西半球暖湿沼泽可见长嘴水鸟;库隆涉禽之一属

    Genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the western hemisphere: courlan; limpkin.


  • 如果看到青蛙沼泽一个迹象病患者运气损失

    If you see frogs in a low marshy area this is a sign of ill luck and losses.


  • 沼泽受难修女街,外祖父家里……记得他外祖父的名字了。

    He lives in the Marais, Rue des Filles-du-Calvaire, with his grandfather. I do not recollect his name.


  • 夏天他们赶着驯鹿迁移一路上穿过沼泽区、杜鹃花似的灌木丛被风吹打桦树

    In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them, across a landscape of boggy ponds, rhododendron-like shrubs and wind-blasted birch trees.


  • 包括红树群落柏树沼泽江河湾海滨沼泽在内的九种不同生态系统并存。

    Nine different environments exist within the Everglades. They include mangrove and cypress swamps, estuaries and coastal marshes.


  • 夏天他们赶着驯鹿迁移一路上穿过沼泽区杜鹃花似的灌木丛被风吹打桦树

    In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them, across a landscape of boggy ponds, rhododendron -like shrubs and wind-blasted birch trees.


  • 生长沼泽野鸡,牠们平均才能找到小虫子,走一百步才能找到一个饮水的地方。

    Pheasant living in the swamp can find a bug to eat by walking average ten steps, and find a place to drink by walking around a hundred steps.


  • 景观设计遵循步移景异非正式原则,沼泽绿化延伸建筑奥姆斯特德的浪漫主义传统

    The landscape design follows Olmsted's Romantic tradition of winding paths and informal planting to draw the greenery of the Fens into the building.


  • 巴西阿托尔深峡谷庄园,拍摄到了巨型食蚁兽。那里是一个面积达3万英亩大农场,同时也是巴西南马托格罗索沼泽区野生动物保护地。

    I took this shot of a giant anteater in the Fazenda Barranco Alto, a 30,000-acre cattle ranch and wildlife preserve in the Pantanal of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


  • 所以设德兰群岛(Shetland Islands) 187平方公里泥炭沼泽区建造欧洲最大陆上风力发电厂这个计划绿色环保资质(green credential)方面还存在很多严重问题

    So there are serious questions about the green credentials of plans to build Europe's largest onshore wind farm on 187 square kilometres of thick peat on the Shetland Islands.


  • 按英亩来算,有些保护,例如那些位于雨林热带草原或者红树林沼泽的地方- - -平均每亩保护物种要比其他保护的多。

    Acre for acre, some sanctuaries-such as those in rainforest, tropical grassland or mangrove swamps-offered a lot more species protection per acre than others did.


  • 伦敦中心30公里泰晤士河南岸皇家鸟类保护协会划作保护的雷纳姆沼泽

    Rainham marsh lies on the north bank of the Thames, 30km east of central London, and is maintained by the RSPB as a reserve.


  • 划独木舟沿路经过巴西内陆地时,四周弥漫着“红树林沼泽腐烂出物”,尤为尖锐嘶喊声不绝于耳。

    Particularly poignant was a scream overheard when he was canoeing through the "putrid exhalations" of mangrove swamps in the Brazilian interior.


  • 伊拉克境内底格里斯河幼发拉底河附近枯竭(灰色)与沼泽(暗红色)卫星图像

    Satellite image of drained areas (grey) amongst marshland (dark red) around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq.


  • 这种扩散作用外,油污还内陆沼泽居民淤积

    And in addition to that transport, you'll see the oil get deposited inland in marshes and potentially residential areas.


  • 埃克斯穆尔高地皮克等风景中的泥潭沼泽自古以来都利用其古老腐殖质沉积层储存了大量二氧化碳

    Peatlands in beauty spots like Exmoor and the Peak District store carbon dioxide in ancient deposits of rotted vegetation.


  • 欧洲大陆大部分低洼潮湿的盆地,简直沼泽伸展几千平方英里

    Much of the european continent in that area is a lowlying, soggy saucer almost like everglades, spreading over thousands of square miles .


  • 授课结束林克带领我们到保育柏木沼泽沿著蜿蜒步道搜寻动物粪便

    After the lecture, Rinker led us on a scat search along a boardwalk that snakes through a cypress swamp section of the refuge.


  • 沿着休斯顿水牛植物园位于墨西哥湾沿海平原生态范围内支持着抵靠着峡谷广袤平坦大草原,峡谷里树木繁茂并且充满沼泽洼地

    Located along Buffalo bayou in Houston, the Arboretum lies within the Gulf Coastal Plains ecoregion, supporting vast flat prairies that abut wooded ravines associated with bayous and depressions.


  • 由此推测,泥河湾猿人沉睡于沟壑崖下葬身沼泽地带和湖底,或安葬于山洞堆积层里。

    Thus we can infer that Nihewan ape-man may either rest under the bare cliff of the Gorge Area or be buried in the marsh country or deep in the lake bed, or in the accumulation layer of the cavern.


  • 大自然图案:倒影。沼泽墨西哥博斯克德尔阿帕奇国家野生动物保护反映一群沙丘鹤。

    A marsh in New Mexico's Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge reflects a group of sandhill cranes.


  • 得出结论双阳盆地长岭煤系地层沉积环境主要三角洲沉积湖泊沼泽沉积。

    The conclusion is that the sedimentary environment of coal measures in Changyang area, Shuangyang basin is mainly fan delta and limnetic deposits.


  • 块浸满了水低地沼泽湿地尤其指它被当作野生动物自然居住

    A lowland area, such as a marsh or swamp, that is saturated with moisture, especially when regarded as the natural habitat of wildlife.


  • 根据调查的数据分析,拉湿地鸟类分为4个群落,即明水面农业耕作沼泽浅水森林植被

    According to the data obtained from the study, the avifauna in Lashihai wetland can be divided into 4 communities: water surface area, swamp, agricultural farmland and forest vegetation.


  • 根据调查的数据分析,拉湿地鸟类分为4个群落,即明水面农业耕作沼泽浅水森林植被

    According to the data obtained from the study, the avifauna in Lashihai wetland can be divided into 4 communities: water surface area, swamp, agricultural farmland and forest vegetation.


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