• BCBST发现以一种反映团队数据治理工作方法(1)组织员工处理整个企业架构组织有效

    BCBST has found it effective to organize its people to address overall enterprise architecture organization in ways that reflect the teams working on its data governance (see Figure 1).


  • 本文针对废水主要污染物不同,对处理方法治理技术工艺分别进行了论述提出建议

    According to different main pollutants of wastewater, the disposal methods, treatment technology and techniques are separately discussed, and suggestion are put forward.


  • 主要阐述我国城市生活垃圾现状、现有处理城市生活垃圾的几种方法治理趋势进行探讨

    This paper describes the existing status of urban household waste and several methods to dispose these waste in China, the tread of disposal method is also discussed.


  • 报导基于削方减载、局部锚固综合方法治理茅巴公路段危崩塌体病害处理措施。

    In this paper, the treatment practice of rock fall hazardous mass by reduce-loading, anchor generalization method in Mou-Bau highway section is reported.


  • 介绍石油化工污水治理处理技术常规方法改进及其处理技术等方面的进展

    Technical progress in the pretreatment technology, improvement of routine processes and other methods of wastewater treatment in petrochemical industry is reviewed.


  • 较为详细介绍了CO_2治理方法包括减少抑制处理固定法。

    Treatment of CO_2, including methods of reducing and controling CO_2 to engender and methods of treating and fixing CO_2, are described in detail.


  • 发明涉及一种酸性污水储罐排放净化处理方法属于废气净化治理技术领域。

    The invention relates to a purification processing method of the discharge gas of an acid waste water tank, belongs to waste gas purification treatment technology.


  • 发明涉及一种酸性污水储罐排放气净化处理方法属于废气净化治理技术领域

    The present invention provides a purifying treating method of sour water storage tank discharging, belonging to waste gas cleaning treatment field.


  • 靛蓝染料废水采用传统方法难以达到理想的处理效果因而,靛蓝废水治理一直困扰水处理的一大难题

    The indigo dye waste water is used traditional methods to achieve the ideal processing effect with so many difficulties that industry is always puzzled by the indigo waste water treatment.


  • 阐述了宝钢各种不同废油回收经济效益最后提出了处理过程中产生三废简易治理方法

    The economic benefits of recovery of various kinds of waste oils are also described, Finally, the simple and easy ways of treating the wastes generated during the treatment are put forward.


  • 结果表明,将工艺应用于分离处理离子交换洗脱液,无论是环境治理角度,还是经济效益方面分析都是可行方法之一。

    The results indicate that this technique is one of the feasible proposals for the separation of ion exchanging eluate analyzed not only from environment remediation, but economic effect.


  • 地下水一旦污染,依靠传统治理方法(如将地下水提升至地表后集中处理),难度代价十分巨大。

    If the groundwater was polluted, it's hard and expends much to teat by traditional treatment method.


  • 富阳市大桥路工程实践介绍城市沿河道路管线复杂状态处理道路滑坡方法,提出了以抗滑桩处理路基病害工程措施,达到了良好的治理效果。

    Taking Great Bridge road Project practice in Fuyang City as an example, the paper introduces the method for treating road landslide under the condition of complex lining in urban roads along river.


  • 经济技术角度考虑开发利用新的处理技术提高降解有机废水可生化性,经过传统的生化工艺处理治理类废水的有效方法

    Consider from economy and technology, new pretreatment techniques should be developed to improve biodegradability of that wastewater, and then it is treated by the conventional methods.


  • 采用物理、化学方法,研究蜡染印花生产废水处理工艺应用于废水治理工程中。

    The treatment and recovering technology of the wastewater from wax printing production has been studied with physicochemical methods and applied to the practical engineering.


  • 深层过滤处理工程中的基本单元方法油田注水处理、石化废水治理方面有很重要地位

    The deep bed filter is one of the basic units in water treatment engineering, it plays an important role in the produced water treatment of oil field and waste water treatment of refineries.


  • 发明涉及采油污水生物治理技术,具体地说是一种处理稠油污水 的微生物菌制备方法

    The invention relates to the biological treatment for oil extraction wastewater, which in detail relates to a bacterial agent for treating thick oil wastewater and the method for preparing the same.


  • 鉴于云南省危险废物处理处置方法诸多弊端,建立完善危险废物处理处置机制就成为了危险废物治理首当其冲的任务。

    Because of the unreasonable hazard waste treatment in Yunnan province, the establishment and perfection of hazard waste treatment system become very important.


  • 综述糖蜜酒精废水治理现状,介绍主要治理途径即资源化直接进行污染处理的具体方法

    This thesis gives a review on the treatment of sugar-syrup alcohol wastewater. It shows the two main treatment ways, reuse and direct treatment.


  • 气田治理油气田废水治理难点之一处理方法较多。

    Treatment of wastewater of gas field is one of difficult treatment process. There are many ways to treat the wastewater.


  • 实践证明方法处理费用处理效果可靠同类废水治理提供了宝贵经验

    The data presented by practice show that the method features a low cost and reliable disposal effects, which can provide valuable experience in the wastewater treatment of the same sort.


  • 实施改进方法以后,提高了污水处理抗冲击能力治理效果,使污水处理场实现长期平稳运行

    The implementation of the improving method has enhanced the control effectiveness of sewage. The sewage disposal plant keeps in long-term and stable operation.


  • 防止放射性核素迁移扩散,迫切需要一种低廉有效处理方法对日益增多的低浓度含铀废水进行治理

    The paper pointed out that the combination of those treatments would achieve a better result for treatment of low concentration uranium-bearing wastewater.


  • 在众多治理方法中,生物法具有成本低、二次污染等特点而成为含废水处理主流

    Of all the methods of degradating phenolic compounds, biodegradation has been a main trend because of its low cost and no secondary pollution.


  • 提出了烟道作为处理废水进行深度治理方法给出了最佳处理条件,并对处理机理进行了分析。

    In this paper, a new method of deep treatment of Wool washing wastewater with a mixture of flue dust and Aluminium dregs is put forward.


  • “小产权房治理不能采取“一刀切”方法应当处理疏导结合,针对不同种类采用不同的治理方式。

    The solutions of different kind of "the incomplete-property-right house" should be dissimilar, and combine leading together.


  • 井下作业中,原油废水地表土壤铺垫井场地面废钢等相混合,形成了特殊的作业井场含油固体废物。为此,采用了两种处理方法该类含油固体废物进行综合治理研究

    During a well workover, the oily solid contaminant in the well field is composed of crude oil, waste water, surface soil and waste steel sludge spread on the well field.


  • 吉林石化公司合成树脂废水处理系统存在问题进行分析,通过点源治理调优等方法使废水COD达标。

    This paper introduces how Jihua Synthetic Resin Factory gets the wastewater in ABS unit to reach the COD discharge standard by the method of point source treating and process optimizing.


  • 吉林石化公司合成树脂废水处理系统存在问题进行分析,通过点源治理调优等方法使废水COD达标。

    This paper introduces how Jihua Synthetic Resin Factory gets the wastewater in ABS unit to reach the COD discharge standard by the method of point source treating and process optimizing.


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