• 通过这种自由创造性游戏方式个体宣泄消极情绪情感激活心灵自我治愈达到自我实现。

    In this manner, through free and creative play, individual releases his or her negative emotion and feeling, activates the psyche self-healing power, and achieves self-realization.


  • 告诉他们,我亲身体会到,有人停下自己下来聆听你的故事时,会你的身体里产生无法估量治愈力

    I tell them I know firsthand that immeasurable healing takes place within me when someone stops, sits down and listens to my story.


  • 临产时母亲父亲新生儿三人使得原治愈增幅终于将玛拉战疯的疾病中解脱了出来。

    She carried the child to term, and the healing glow of the Force bolstered by the love of mother, father and newborn son finally cured Mara of the Yuuzhan Vong sickness.


  • 你们带有治愈力引导能带给朋友们我的家庭祝福富足健康,愿我们的心一整年中充满和喜悦

    May your healing guidance bring blessings, abundance and good health to me and my friends and my family. May our hearts be filled with joy and love all throughout the year.


  • 事实上,杂志的第二已经出版了期待拜读那篇题为《钢管舞治愈》(The Healing Power of Pole)的

    In fact, the second issue is already out. I'm looking forward to reading about "the Healing Power of Pole."


  • 通过更多空气吸入的空气也更多,这使的呼吸越发饱满深沉有助于调节你的免疫实现对你机体的自发治愈

    By moving more air out, you bring more air in. Allowing your breath to be fuller, deeper and more even helps you to optimize immunity and access spontaneous healing in your body.


  • 毁灭我们可以发现这种能量迹象反过来说,在这种量背后也存在着光明因素内在的治愈自然

    We can see all around evidence of this energy in the forces of destruction and then conversely, the elements of light and healing within its midst.


  • 干细胞移植给了全世界每年因为化学烧伤角膜的数千患者治愈希望这些患者通常是工作场所家中因接触强腐蚀的清洁剂而不慎灼伤。

    Stem cell transplants offer hope to the thousands of people worldwide every year who suffer chemical burns on their corneas from heavy-duty cleansers or other substances at work or at home.


  • 可以解决问题,激发创造甚至治愈我们自己,只有在夜晚,我们才可以得到这么有价值的帮助,而如果不能学习加以利用大为可惜。

    Dreams can solve our problems, make us more creative and even heal us. Our nights offer us valuable tools. It would be a shame if we do not learn to use them.


  • 能够帮解决我们问题,激发我们创造甚至治愈我们内心的伤口。

    Dreams can solve our problems, make us more creative and even heal us.


  • 有机绿茶苦楝金盏花精华能够增强皮肤免疫自然治愈湿疹有很大的帮助

    Organic green tea, neem oil, and calendula extract to naturally boost skin immunity and help heal from eczema.


  • 魔法奇迹神秘无辜的童心创造根源,也将可以治愈世界真的相信一点。

    The magic, the wonder, the mystery and the innocence of a child's heart are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.


  • 老年痴呆一种很严重疾病,会攻击记忆病人胡说八道为了他们有所建树的东西攻击别人,这种病目前来说不能治愈

    Balzheimer's is a terrible illness that attacks the memory and gives its victims the balls to attack others for things they themselves. There is no known cure.


  • 真诚相信魔术奇迹神秘孩子内心纯真创造的源泉,可以治愈这个世界的创伤。

    The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child's heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.


  • 真诚相信魔术奇迹神秘孩子内心纯真创造的源泉,可以治愈这个世界的创伤。

    The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child's heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.


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