• 疲软美元高价促使美国人自已就近度假从而推进国内旅游业

    The weak dollar and high oil prices also encourage Americans to take their holidays nearer home, providing a further boost for domestic tourism.


  • 正是要求——很快明白如果一部不可能实现一点的,每天的租金就要花掉40美元,更别提停车费了

    Well, that was my mandate — one I quickly learned would be impossible to achieve if I rented a car, which could run me $40 a day, not to mention gas and parking.


  • 自从价格2005年首次超过3美元/加仑以来底特律市试图再度夺回中档汽车市场依靠昂贵高利润SUV越野车其他老虎

    Since petrol prices first rose above $3 a gallon in 2005 Detroit has been trying to reconquer the modest car market instead of relying on sales of expensive, high-margin SUVs and other gas-guzzlers.


  • BP公司每天花费数百万美元栏收集使用化学分散剂分解石燃烧海洋表面一部分

    BP is spending millions of dollars a day to contain the oil with booms, using chemicals to disperse and break it up, and burning some oil on the ocean surface.


  • 装满可能价值几百万美元

    An oil tanker filled with oil can be worth a few hundred million dollars.


  • 所以为什么105美元

    So why are we at $105 a barrel? Fear.


  • 下一步水藻中提取加仑成本100美元减少2美元

    The next major step is to reduce the cost of squeezing a gallon of oil from algae from $100 to $2.


  • 如果一个人偶尔观注一下四月16日市的话,就发现每桶115.07美元价格创下历史新高,但仔细想想却是可以理解的。

    A CASUAL observer might be forgiven for thinking that the oil price reached a new record, of $115.07 a barrel, on April 16th.


  • 处于恐慌中的对这个产能存疑,价格还是一路攀升至145美元

    Terrified oil markets doubted its existence, and prices rose anyway, to reach $145.


  • 不过幸好出发算了比小账邻近同样价格加15加仑省下1.5美元四英里的车程差不多这点

    Thankfully, I did a little math before heading out. A 15-gallon fill-up would have saved me $1.50 on the same purchase at a nearby station, but the drive would have burned about that much in gas.


  • 17MollyMaloney丰田凯美瑞车加40美元时吓坏了,该混合通常售价2.75美元加仑

    Molly Maloney, 17, winced the other day as she pumped $40 worth of gas into her Toyota Camry at a station in Westlake, Ohio, that was selling its regular blend for $2.75 a gallon.


  • 尝试一下DuWop CircleBlock,含有木果氧化眼霜和遮瑕膏,分别为3.2g6.4g,31美元沃尔玛药品专柜有售。

    Try: DuWop Circle Block, a two-step antioxidant treatment plus concealer with shea butter and glycerin, 3.2 g/6.4 g, $31; at Shoppers Drug Mart.


  • 7月,现代汽车持续给它的竞争者们施压,推出补贴计划,夏季月份购车者1年内每加仑补贴1.49美元不是做有可能损害品牌形象广告刺激

    Rather than advertise vehicle incentives that can damage brand image, Hyundai introduced Assurance Gas Lock, which guaranteed summer-month buyers $1.49-per-gallon for a year.


  • 漆匠整个房子的估价1000美元

    The painter's estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.


  • 如果一个人偶尔观注一下四月16日市的话,就发现以每桶115.07美元价格创下历史新高,但仔细想想却是可以理解的。

    CASUAL observer might be forgiven for thinking that the oil price reached a new record, of $115.07 a barrel, on April 16th.


  • 卡罗莱州夏洛特附近小镇里,司机们得到了一个千载难逢的机会星期三他们起了英里长的队,为的是美元二十二分一加仑的汔

    And in a small town near Charlotte, North Carolina, drivers got a massive break in gas prices. They lined up Thursday for miles to pay just a dollar twenty-two a gallon.


  • 疲软美元反过来驱使黄金价格升高,其它日用品更高价格

    A weaker dollar, in turn, drives the price of gold, oil and other commodities higher.


  • 同意结论指出,韩国和另一个大宗商品净进口国印度都是成品出口国。以美元计算,这些成品价值今年会上升

    Mr Baweja agrees with this conclusion, noting that both South Korea and India, another net commodity importer, are exporters of refined oil products, the dollar value of which should rise this year.


  • 进入季度取暖需求成为影响价格主要因素美元汇率继续价格产生深刻影响

    After entering the fourth quarter, heating oil demand will be the main factors affecting oil prices, the dollar will continue to have a profound impact on oil prices.


  • 如果债券名义收益率7%优惠券103元(1030美元)的溢价购买那么计算出较低的,因为只有7%利息支付1000美元面值

    If a bond has a 7% nominal yield or coupon and was purchased at a premium of $103 ($1030), then your YTM will calculate lower because the 7% interest is only paid to the $1000 par.


  • 纽约商品交易所7月交割其它交易,民用燃料期货上涨了0.2美分,到达3.14美元1加仑期货下降了0.3美分到达3.04美元

    In other Nymex trading in July contracts, heating oil rose 0.2 cent to $3.14 a gallon while gasoline fell 0.3 cent to $3.04 a gallon.


  • 中国公布新的成品定价机制,设定40美元/地板130美元/桶的“天花板价”。

    China has launched a new fuel pricing scheme which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at $40 a barrel and the price ceiling at $130.


  • 中国公布新的成品定价机制,设定40美元/地板130美元/桶的“天花板价”。

    China has launched a new fuel pricing scheme which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at $40 a barrel and the price ceiling at $130.


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