• 2008年的油价飙升改变了状况,促使人们转向小型汽车道路电动革命仍是一个遥远前景

    A 2008 spike in oil prices changed that, prompting a shift towards smaller cars, yet still an electric "revolution" on the roads remains a distant prospect.


  • 受到了一些暂时性因素影响:油价飙升抑制了消费者开支日本地震打破了供应链

    Temporary factors have played some role in this. Soaring oil prices crimped consumer spending. The Japanese earthquake disturbed supply chains.


  • 如果欧佩克闲置产能低于我们预期,那么任何时候任何一个产油国出现变故,油价飙升的可能性大。

    If OPEC's spare production cushion is thinner than we think, prices are going to be much more apt to surge any time we see a flare-up in an oil-producing country.


  • 由于成本低,具有较高潜在回报这些期权称作“彩票”,油价飙升此举带来了回报

    The options were referred to as "lottery tickets" at the time because of their low cost and high potential reward, but the move paid off when oil surged.


  • 预定今年夏天航班的人们发现为什么更环保省油飞机好事:油价飙升机票价格造成了较大影响

    Anyone looking to book a flight this summer can see why greener, more fuel-efficient aeroplanes will be a good thing: soaring fuel prices have had a stratospheric effect on ticket prices.


  • 油价飙升通胀十分严重、利率达到两位数70年代,道指曾实现几次有力的反弹总是会再度下挫

    During the 1970s — a period of oil-price spikes, rampant inflation and double-digit interest rates — the Dow industrials staged several strong rallies, but always fell back again.


  • 报告指出,油价飙升真实经济冲击主要应归咎于央行油价飙升引发通货膨胀压力做出的反应

    'the majority of the impact of an oil price shock on the real economy is attributable to the central bank's response to the inflationary pressures engendered by the shock,' he wrote.


  • 今年春季油价飙升时候,丰田投产时间2009年底推迟到了2010年5月,之后又表示该厂转而生产普锐斯。

    When gasoline prices soared in the spring, it pushed the start of production to May 2010 from late 2009 and then said the plant would produce the Prius instead.


  • 美国欧元区英国央行本周都将开会讨论利率政策目前它们面对经济增长放缓和通胀上涨,一定程度上都是油价飙升引起的。

    The central Banks of the us, Eurozone and UK meet this week to consider interest rate policy in the face of slowing growth and rising inflation, caused in part by soaring oil prices.


  • 国际货币基金组织非洲本尼迪克特·克里斯滕森说,比起上次油价飙升现在撒哈拉以南非洲地区请求援助的时候更少了

    According to Benedicte Christensen, of the Africa department of the IMF, there have been fewer requests for help from sub-Saharan Africa than there were the last time oil prices soared.


  • 许多企业没有能够足够提高他们价格弥补今年夏天油价飙升超过145美元每桶所带来的损失,他们油价将引发问题

    Many businesses had not managed to raise their prices enough to compensate for this summer's oil spike to more than $145 a barrel, and they say the high prices are still causing problems.


  • 举例来说,通用汽车悍马找新的“驿站”可能会遇到麻烦。由于油价飙升,这些身形庞大如饥似渴的汽车已经不合时宜,通用汽车决定卖掉它们。

    GM is likely to have trouble parking its Hummer division, for example, having decided to look for a buyer just as giant, thirsty vehicles are going out of fashion because of soaring oil prices.


  • 油价飙升,《牛津去年年度hypermiling”,形容人们纷纷采取省油措施,调整自己的座驾驶习惯,以节约汽油行为

    With gas prices spiking, Oxford's word last year was "hypermiling," the act of conserving gasoline by making fuel-saving changes to one's automobile and driving habits.


  • 由于油价飙升西班牙9开始爆发大规模卡车司机罢工数万卡车排成长队,堵在通往马德里巴塞罗那的高速公路等地,导致交通完全瘫痪。

    Tens of thousands of Spanish truck drivers went on a strike over rocketing fuel prices Monday, lining their trucks along major highways and bringing traffic to a standstill.


  • 俄罗斯已经稳定地提供了35能源”,E.O N发言人,并指出这种稳定的能源供应经历许多危机,比如说油价飙升以及苏联解体。

    "Russia has been a reliable source of gas for 35 years," said a spokeswoman for E.ON, pointing out that business ties had survived crises like oil price hikes and the fall of the Soviet Union.


  • 油价飙升之际,结论变得有说服力因为油价飙升导致收入转移到了那些过痛苦经历国家——这些国家已吸取教训不再迅速消耗额外收入

    That conclusion became still more potent when oil prices soared, since this shifted income to countries that painful experience has taught not to spend their additional revenue quickly.


  • 抗议者们找到一种新奇示威方式反对飙升

    Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.


  • 禁运西方引起恐慌,导致石油价飙升

    The embargo created panic in the West and caused oilprices to shoot up.


  • 如果这个周末假期正在2008年寻找一个确定主题——也许你正加油——没有飙升油价更适当了。

    If you're searching for a defining theme to 2008 this holiday weekend-perhaps while filling up at the pump-look no further than the soaring price of oil.


  • 由于担心利比亚动荡可能会蔓延更大石油生产国,使得油价接连飙升达到了以来的新高。

    Oil prices have continued to climb, hitting their highest levels in two-and-a-half years, amid fears the unrest in Libya could spread to larger oil producing nations.


  • 需求飙升周二基准油价推升每桶逾90美元26个月高位,于本周六召开会议的石油输出国组织(Opec,简称:欧佩克)制造了难题

    That surge, which lifted benchmark oil prices to a 26-month high of more than $90 a barrel on Tuesday, is creating a dilemma for the Opec oil cartel, which meets on Saturday.


  • 尽管最近飙升到创纪录水平可是墨西哥由于油田产量降低而没有得到多少好处

    Although the price of oil has reached record levels recently, the country has not been able to take full advantage because production at Mexican Wells is slowing.


  • 去年飙升炼油厂不能更高成本转移消费者时,中国炼油商都出现大额亏损

    Last year, when the price of crude oil soared but refineries were not allowed to pass those higher costs on to consumers, Chinese refiners recorded significant losses.


  • 随着不断飙升以及人们燃烧煤炭化石燃料会加剧全球变暖的担忧日益加剧因素水力发电重新收到青睐。

    But other factors have brought hydropower back into vogue, such as rising oil prices and concern about the impact on global warming from burning fossil fuels like coal.


  • 随着不断飙升以及人们燃烧煤炭化石燃料会加剧全球变暖的担忧日益加剧因素水力发电重新收到青睐。

    But other factors have brought hydropower back into vogue, such as rising oil prices and concern about the impact on global warming from burning fossil fuels like coal.


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