• 英国没有遵从而是采取新的策略声称受欢迎许多海滩根本不是海水浴场

    Britain, rather than complying, took the novel strategy of contending that many of its most popular beaches were not swimming beaches at all.


  • 假如没有遵从上司要求你自律吗?

    Do you get disciplined if you fail to obey your master's commands?


  • 文档中的例子不够清晰,因为它们没有遵从任何命名约定

    The examples in the documentation are unclear because they don't follow any naming convention.


  • 因为没有遵从西方、对非洲抽象艺术观念被批评。

    He says he is criticised for not comply with western perceptions of African abstract art.


  • 美国李安没有遵从一般标准而NC - 17级的身份发布这部电影。

    Lee defied norms in the U.S. by releasing the film here with an NC-17 rating.


  • 这项动议最后未获通过,让人感到惊讶是,将近一半的卡梅伦后座议员们没有遵从的倡议投反对票

    The motion was defeated, but, astonishingly, almost half of David Cameron’s backbench MPs defied his call for them to vote against it.


  • 这项动议最后未获通过,让人感到惊讶是,将近一半卡梅伦后座议员们没有遵从的倡议投反对票

    The motion was defeated, but, astonishingly, almost half of David Cameron's backbench MPs defied his call for them to vote against it.


  • 如果没有遵从这些建议,或许是因为你想看起来特立独行或者明知道这个规则然后主观作出决定无视它们

    If you're bucking the advice here, it should be because you're going for a really unique look or you know the rules and make a conscious decision to ignore them!


  • Circulation杂志中的一个研究发现尽管医嘱可以减少一半第二次心脏病发作危险,但是超过四分之一心脏病患者没有遵从医嘱饮食锻炼

    A study in the journal Circulation found that more than a quarter of heart attack sufferers did not comply with diet and exercise advice even though it can reduce the risk of a second attack by half.


  • 工具设计为了使过程变得容易如果遵从那个过程,那么工具来说没有价值的。

    The tool is designed to make a process easier; if you don't follow that process, the tool will have no value for you.


  • 即使没有好的遵从计划,你也会明确的知道留心自己需要什么

    Even if you don’t follow your schedule perfectly, you’ll be mindful and aware of exactly what you need to do.


  • 通过建立定制的触发器允许知道风险事件(例如没有满足遵从法规的需求)什么时候发生了,您可以确定减轻最高影响风险

    You can identify and mitigate the highest impact risks by establishing a custom trigger to let you know when a risk event, such as failure to meet a compliance requirement, has occurred.


  • 即使没有好的遵从计划,你也会明确的知道留心自己需要什么

    Even if you don't follow your schedule perfectly, you'll be mindful and aware of exactly what you need to do.


  • 但对于公司来说便要求它们预见人们会认可隐私条款的哪些部分。如果没有注意隐私条款的话,又怎么指望他们遵从处理私人信息规范呢?

    If no one pays attention to these policies, how can we expect them to comply with norms for how private information is handled?


  • 第一亚当夏娃可能,可以接近生命只要他们遵从上帝旨意,此时永生没有威胁的。

    First it may be that Adam and Eve had access to this tree up to that point. As long as their will conformed to the will of God there was no danger to their going on eternally, being immortal.


  • 去世前不久,卢梭承认遵从德尔斐谕的指令—“认识自己”——根本没有原先想象容易

    At the end of his life, Rousseau acknowledged that it was not nearly so easy as he had assumed to follow the Delphic oracle's injunction to "know thyself."


  • 报告指出,理应监管学校爱尔兰教育部门因为实行没有震慑性”的检查忽略了显而易见问题遵从教会权威

    The report singles out Ireland’s Department of Education, meant to regulate the schools, for runningtoothlessinspections that overlooked glaring problems and deferred to church authority.


  • 基于DSL(领域特定语言)记录应用程序的架构文档时有没有特殊模式遵从

    Are there any special architecture documentation patterns one should follow in documenting the architecture of applications that are based on Domain Specific Languages (DSL)?


  • 没有顺从别人,只是遵从自己天性,我违反了所谓教条避免羊肉的命运

    I disobeyed, true to my nature, I transgressed, but I avoided the destiny of the sheep fat.


  • 之前从来没有这么热切完整地想要遵从指令,并因此而如此之快地相信一位相对来说还算陌生的人。

    Never before had I followed instructions so keenly and completely, or for that matter trusted a relative stranger so quickly.


  • 最后其他委员会仅仅遵从他们的成员均衡一般性要求没有进一步列举怎样足以构成均衡

    Finally, other committees are subject only to the general requirement that their membership be "balanced" without any further enumeration of what constitutes an adequate balance.


  • 由于领域没有出现可以遵从行业标准,因此设计方面仍然需要特定每一个用户

    As there are no industry standards to follow in this area, this aspect of the design is still specific for each customer. However, we are starting to see the following as common capabilities.


  • 前提种不相容论的主张,即,任何遵从决定论的东西,都没有自由意志

    Premise two was the incompatibilist claim that, "Nothing subject to determinism has free will."


  • 因此我们遵从2009年颁布的环境法方面没有费用支出,在将来不会承担任何可能的费用

    Accordingly we had no expenditures for compliance with environmental law in 2009 and do not anticipate incurring any such costs in the future.


  • 大多数医院都安排了非正式人员观察医生护士其他职员是否遵从了手部卫生管理规则,也有许多医院没有安排。

    Most hospitals have unofficial observers of whether doctors, nurses and other staff are following hand-hygiene guidelines. Many are not.


  • 大多数医院都安排了非正式人员观察医生护士其他职员是否遵从了手部卫生管理规则,也有许多医院没有安排。

    Most hospitals have unofficial observers of whether doctors, nurses and other staff are following hand-hygiene guidelines. Many are not.


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