• 没有开头或许更糟

    No opening could possibly be worse.


  • 没有开头没有结尾

    There is no beginning, no end.


  • 岁月一首歌,一首哀怨凄婉的,一首没有开头结尾

    Years is a song, a plaintive, the songs, there is no one at the beginning and end of the song.


  • 可让共和党人抓住了机会,振振有辞声称若非他们边缘政策,控制债务只怕没有开头

    This gave the initiative to the Republicans, who now say, plausibly, that without their brinkmanship there would still have been no start on bringing the debt under control.


  • 对于那些没有意识这种不利条件人来说,这的是那些姓氏字母表下半部分字母开头的人的歧视。

    This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.


  • 无论如何,在没有进一步预告的情况下,我们回到这场时装秀开头,细细道来…。

    Anyway, without further preamble, let's stretch this fashion show cat walk back to the beginning...


  • 我们开头踢的好,一直控制比赛的节奏,但是很可惜没有优势坚持到比赛结束

    We made a good start, were always in control but could not finish the game off.


  • 话说,开头,没有告诉大家这一剩下部分是什么样子,因为来说《颂》的精华就是第一节。

    In other words, he gives you the opening but he doesn't give you any sense of the rest of the stanza, because for him "To Autumn" is all about the first stanza.


  • 没有没有听说过那首老歌,歌词开头:“爱个死去的男人护照上的一记印戳。”

    No, he has never heard of the old chanson that she is looking for, which begins with the words "Love is a new stamp in a dead man's passport.


  • 答案可能包括了,诗歌开头根本没有一个清晰区分可能性

    I think the answer may involve the possibility that at the beginning of the poem, there simply wasn't a clear distinction between the poet and the speaker.


  • regex所有出现逗号位于 regex开头逗号)位置做出断言:“前面是不是没有引号或者前面引号个数是否偶数”?

    The regex makes an assertion at every occurrence of a comma (that's the comma at the very beginning of the regex): "Are no quotes ahead or is an even number of quotes ahead?"


  • 只有节点(没有内容)的节点开头破折号

    Nodes with only children (no content) have leading dashes.


  • 说新网站没有广告没有digg工具,很多句子都开头”。

    She says the new site has "no ads, no digg badges, lots of sentences starting with 'I'."


  • 复杂过滤使用正则表达式过滤字符串开头末尾总是添加一个星号 *,因此没有必要简单字符串添加通配符)。

    Use regular expressions for more complex filtering (an asterisk (*) is always added to the beginning and end of the filter string, so there's no need to add wildcards for simple strings).


  • 不幸的是,如何设定研究问题没有任何硬性规定正如没有对如何写出有趣翔实开头的规定一样。

    Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph.


  • 从来没有去过纽约,知道时代广场是什么模样,还有电视剧“老友记”开头那些镜头

    I have never been there and only really know what Times Square looks like and the opening sequence of Friends.


  • 说到达西先生开头并不认为怎么漂亮;在跳舞会上着她的时候没有带着丝毫的爱慕之意,第二次见面的时候,他也不过吹毛求疵的眼光去看待她。

    Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty; he had looked at her without admiration at the ball; and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticise.


  • 警察脖子之类的要害瞄准躯干大腿没有肌肉控制人们就倒地上

    Police target body or legs to avoid vulnerable areas such as head and neck. Without muscle control, people fall to the ground.


  • 我们只是没有盖骨直接进入的情况下利用这些信息。” 汤说道

    We just don’t have a way to tap into that without opening the skull and accessing it directly,” said Tong.


  • 开头看着书架,女性作者应该摆在哪儿?,架子没有女性作者的作品,之后是的出现一些女作家不少呢。

    It starts with a time when she looks on the shelf where the women writers ought to be and there aren't any women writers, and then later, yes, there are women writers, there are quite a few novelists.


  • 短评节目里,鲁尼提出过成千上万的问题,其中没有一个是以没有……?” 这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为有关

    Rooney asked thousands of questions in his essays over the years, none, however, began with "Did you ever...?" a phrase often associated with him.


  • 这些故事里面充满了谩骂,却没有委婉语,并且篇故事里面就有五开头一句话出现了跟“”有关的字眼。

    The stories are filled with cussing and free of euphemisms, and five of the nine address death in their first sentence.


  • 今天考试了,知道一个庸俗开头事实就是这样,但生活几乎没有什么改变

    Examine today, I know, this is a very vulgar beginning, but the fact is so, but my life almost has no change.


  • 自传第一《演艺生涯》开头,他写道:“起初,大地没有形状,一切都虚空中。”

    The first chapter of his autobiography, "in the Arena", opens with "in the beginning... the earth was without form, and void."


  • 放到办公桌上那些没有清晰开头结尾或者主题文章似乎不费吹灰之力就可以变得十分尖锐脉络清晰

    Articles that arrived on his desk with no clear beginning, end or theme were turned, apparently effortlessly, into something perfectly sharp and coherent.


  • 永远知道开头,你将永远不知道结尾因为根本没有

    You will never know the beginning and you will never know the end because there are none.


  • 这里Makefile文件已经修改过现有文件开头字母m表示hgrc . example文件是还没有跟踪的新文件由行开头的问号?

    In this case, the Makefile file is an existing file that has been modified (indicated by the letter m at the beginning of the line), while the hgrc.example.


  • 脚本中末尾token必须开头的token相对应,如果没有对应上,那么这个脚本(Albert:比如,缺少了结束的token),就会解释为读入更多内容命令标准输入处

    The token that ends the here script must exactly match the one that starts it, or else the remainder of your script will be interpreted as more standard input to the command.


  • 脚本中末尾token必须开头的token相对应,如果没有对应上,那么这个脚本(Albert:比如,缺少了结束的token),就会解释为读入更多内容命令标准输入处

    The token that ends the here script must exactly match the one that starts it, or else the remainder of your script will be interpreted as more standard input to the command.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定