• 妈妈没有做饭厨房看到头部漂亮。我告诉她,我可以帮助她,她接受

    During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty. I told her Icould help her and she accepted.


  • 妈妈没有做饭庖厨看到头部漂亮。我告诉她,我可以帮助她,她接受

    During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty. I told her I could help her and she accepted.


  • 妈妈没有做饭庖厨瞅见头部漂亮。我告诉她,我可以帮忙她,她接管

    During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty. I told her I could help her and she accepted.


  • 斯克利夫先生极大的正房。很像是约克一个普通农家厨房只是没有做饭迹象桌旁坐着农夫

    Mr Heathcliff and I entered the huge main room. It could have been any Yorkshire farmhouse kitchen, except that there was no sign of cooking, and no farmer sitting at the table.


  • 上个月由于要投入紧张复习中, 为了时间便没有做饭没有跑步了,今天是新的第一,我开始重新做饭、跑步。

    For the sake of squeezing more time for revision, I didn't cook by myself last month. It is the first day of another new month, I am beginning to cook by myself and run again today.


  • 然而我们没有做饭

    And yet we aren't cooking.


  • 任务新手那些没有时间自己做饭的人打气。

    My mission is to encourage green hands and those lacking time or money to feed themselves.


  • 对那些可能没有时间做饭的人而言尤其重要。

    This is especially important for people who might not have time to cook.


  • 会烧做饭。但是没有足够本钱饭馆所以没有办法只能乞讨。

    My only skill is cooking. I don't have enough start up capital to open a restaurant, so that's not an option.


  • 孩子们对于自己做饭没有太多兴趣更别提好奇哪里了。

    Kids don't take as much of an interest in cooking their own food, let alone having any curiosity as to where it comes from.


  • 尽情表达自我欢笑,去生活,去写作,去,去作画去写博客,去歌唱,去工作,去做饭,去建造没有尽头。

    Express yourself any way you can: laughing, living, writing, loving, drawing, blogging, singing, working, cooking, building... the list goes on and on.


  • 没有火柴的情况下生火树木简易掩体,用篝火做饭还有很多

    Starting a fire without matches, building a shelterz from wood, cooking over a campfire{, and lots more.


  • 阿龙没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服,自己家禽所有的事都他自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry -he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 阿龙没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服自己家禽所有的事都得自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry - he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 放坏了奶油散发气味并不是开胃的,更何况做饭房间根本没有任何通风设备。

    The smell of rancid butter frying is not particularly appetizing, especially when the cooking is done in a room in which there is not the slightest form of ventilation.


  • 没有水电怎么指望她们做饭洗衣呢?

    How could they be expected to cook and clean without water or electricity?


  • 西蒙没有先生没有必要妈妈做饭可是好手

    SIMON: No Sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.


  • 自从了赫尔曼之后,真是一点隐私没有了——不管睡觉做饭还是厕所,干什么它都跟着。

    There is literally no privacy left since I got Herman - whether I am sleeping, cooking dinner or even going to the bathroom, Herman is always around.


  • 史蒂文真的我们昨天吵了架。那天责备没有准备晚饭那天是轮到做饭了。

    Steven: that's true. We had an argument yesterday. She blamed me for not preparing the supper that day, but it was her turn to cook the dinner.


  • 瑞秋做饭的时候,他们可以托住孩子,说着跳绳晃的更快了。一点想象力没有

    They're good for holding a baby when you're cooking, Rachel says, turning the jump rope a little quicker. She has no imagination.


  • 对夫妇都是公司高层管理人员,忙的没有时间做饭星期至少外面吃饭

    The couples are high ranking executives of big companies. They eat out at least five days a week due to the lack of time for home cooking.


  • 传统来说日本男人很少厨房做饭这项家务通常都是留给妻子母亲要是家里没有女人做饭他们便选择餐馆

    Traditionally, Japanese men are rarely seen in the kitchen, leaving it to their wife or mother to make their meals and eating out if there were no females around to cook for them.


  • 对夫妻公司高层管理人员,忙的没有时间做饭星期至少外面

    The couple are high-ranking executives of big companies. They eat out at least five days a week due to the lack of time for home cooking.


  • 做饭,没人我做事情没有人批评我。

    There was nobody cook for me, asked me to do things or criticized me.


  • 做饭,没人我做事情没有人批评我。

    There was nobody cook for me, asked me to do things or criticized me.


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