• 老是没完没了地他们

    She's forever going on about how poor they are.


  • 这场争论没完没了地持续数月

    The dispute has dragged on for months.


  • 这场辩论会没完没了继续下去!

    This debate will run and run !


  • 我们没完没了地讨论此事令人厌倦。

    We discussed it ad nauseam.


  • 没完没了地唠叨那份工作

    He keeps banging on about his new job.


  • 何必发生的事没完没了自责?

    Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?


  • 我们没完没了地重复他论点

    We listened to his lengthy rehearsal of the arguments.


  • 收音机没完没了播放流行音乐

    The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs.


  • 没完没了地旅行

    She went on and on about her trip.


  • 总是没完没了谈论儿子女儿

    He's always going on about his son and daughter.


  • 他们没完没了地争吵

    They argue continually about money.


  • 会议没完没了地拖延着。

    The meeting dragged on interminably.


  • 没完没了地骂人

    She could do nothing but spout insults.


  • 整个晚上没完没了地唠叨孩子们

    She prattled on about her children all evening.


  • 没完没了哭穷

    He went on and on about how poor he was.


  • 没完没了地着。

    She was chatting away, nineteen to the dozen.


  • 歇歇了,没完没了地唠叨的东西。

    I think you should try to stop obsessing about food.


  • 解说员球员们的外貌没完没了说着俏皮话

    The commentators make endless quips about the players' appearance.


  • 孩子们很兴奋没完没了地谈论第二活动

    The children chattered to each other excitedly about the next day's events.


  • 即使不想听,仍然没完建议这建议那。

    She's always dishing out advice, even when you don't want it.


  • 这样没完没了地伦敦纽约之间来回奔波使得疲惫不堪。

    All this toing and froing between London and New York takes it out of him.


  • 他们车子清洗打蜡没完没了谈论它们——有些甚至毛皮骰子装饰它们。

    They wash and wax the cars, go on and on about themsome even adorn them with furry dice.


  • 例如一些青少年可能没完没了地梳头经常衣服,经常照镜子看看自己别人眼中是什么样子。

    For example, some teens may comb their hair endlessly, change their clothes often, and constantly look in the mirror to see how they look to others.


  • 选民们对于初选没完没了地空喊口号现象感到发腻

    The voters are pretty sick of such a surfeit of primary sloganeering.


  • 没完没了地夸耀自己分数

    She bragged endlessly about her high score.


  • 不要涨价没完没了地发牢骚了。

    Stop beefing about the price increase.


  • 不爱整洁姐姐没完没了地劝告。

    My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.


  • 不要没完没了一些有必要问题

    Don't try to "get your money's worth" by asking unnecessary questions.


  • 老人继续没完咳嗽停下。

    The old man continued to cough perseveringly and would not cease until the water boiled.


  • 现在人们还在没完没了地谈论着2012。

    And now, there is all that talk about 2012.


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