• 赛道直接连接沙达

    The tail race channel joins directly the Sharda River.


  • 其中发生沙达爆炸袭击最为严重,造成至少32死亡

    The worst occurred in the town of Charsadda, where at least 32 people were killed.


  • 穆克·沙达表示,在新德里大约400个传统火葬场孟买大约300个。

    New Delhi has about 400 traditional cremation grounds, while Mumbai has around 300, according to Mokshda.


  • 洪水冲毁了该省数百座房屋桥梁道路其中包括斯瓦特山谷沙达地区

    Hundreds of homes, Bridges and roadways have been destroyed in the province, including the areas of Peshawar, Swat Valley and the Charsadda district.


  • 沙达城市地基阴暗垃圾堆里,埃沃卡后代日趋堕落,逐渐倒退开化的野蛮人。

    The descendants of the Evocii degenerated in the shadowed filth of Nar Shaddaa's foundations, mutating into unwholesome savages.


  • 当地伊沃卡人被迫移居纳尔赫塔星最大卫星——纳沙达赫特人最终还是吞并了这颗卫星。

    The native Evocii were displaced to the largest of Nal Hutta's moons, Nar Shaddaa, but the Hutts eventually annexed the moon as well.


  • 巴基斯坦东北部边境省份自杀性爆炸袭击增多。其中发生沙达爆炸袭击最为严重,造成至少32死亡

    There were more suicide-bomb attacks in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province. The worst occurred in the town of Charsadda, where at least 32 people were killed.


  • 在随后几年里,财富几起几落,同时,拥有不少古怪的东西,比如沙达座旧星际飞船场。

    Lando's wealth waxed and waned over the next few years, as he came into possession of such oddities as a used starship lot on Nar Shaddaa.


  • 穆克·沙达组织1992年开始运作据说全国42个分组织,主要城市地区他们计划明年增加50个。

    Mokshda, which began operations in 1992, says it has installed 42 units across the country, mainly in urban areas, and plans to increase the number to 50 by next year.


  • 年轻贾克森来到纳沙达星球,之后,几年时间垂直城市穷街陋巷磨练自己街头求生技能随机应变能力。

    The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his streetwise survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities.


  • 里斯托尔大学博士生沙达·桑尼同事开展了这项研究,其结果发表Biology Letters(《生物学通讯》)上。

    The study conducted by PhD student Sarda Sahney and colleagues at the University of Bristol is published in Biology Letters.


  • 当心理医生的妈妈沙达·阿缇亚当时惊呆吓傻了”。她哈桑说过,将来有伊拉克要等到伊拉克局势稳定以后。

    His mother, Shatha Atiya, a psychologist, said she was "shocked and terrified. "She had told him she would take him to Iraq, but only after the country stabilizes.


  • 游客们观看艺术家山派特耐克创作

    Visitors look at a sand sculpture created by sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik.


  • 知名印度艺术家山帕奈克应邀参加温哥华举行世界锦标赛

    Well-known Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik has been invited to take part in the World Championships of Sand Sculpture to be held in Vancouver.


  • 勒·格姆说:“认为我们可以一起来和平而努力,尤其是在有关尔富尔问题。”

    "I think we can do, together, something for peace, especially regarding the issue of Darfur," said Abdel-Rahman Shalgam.


  • 如果没有,这也是班吉姆先生的功劳,是把萨·尔介绍给公众的。

    If I remember right Bankim Babu was also responsible for introducing him to the public.


  • 也同样放弃了那毫无结果不情愿的孩子们教授文法的做法,代之以一道罗》。

    He likewise gave up the fruitless task of teaching grammar to his unwilling pupil, and read Sakuntala with me instead.


  • 一定程度可以之类的药物可以降低禽流感发病严重程度但是必须在出现临床症状24小时接受治疗

    Yes — to some extent. Drugs such as Tamiflu and Relenza can lessen the severity of bird flu, but only if patients receive treatment within the first 24 hours of showing symptoms.


  • 唱诗班席位上去原本是花饰窗格发现他们已经严重破裂,就像所有古老那样。

    Climbing up in the south quire to look at the traceries originally, he had found them heavily fissured, like all Durham's ancient sandstone.


  • 反抗俄罗斯的著名首领,米尔,也是走着条路,俄罗斯武装吉斯坦的一个村庄抓获,1859年投降

    The most celebrated anti-Russian warlord, Shamil, surrendered in 1859 just down the road after Tsarist forces trapped him in the Dagestani village of Gunib.


  • 高盛集团同时把集团的股价预期83法郎提高95法郎,把公司的股票评级从325法郎提高410法郎。

    The brokerage raised its price forecast for Lonza shares to 95 francs from 83 francs previously, and the estimate for Syngenta to 410 francs from 325 francs.


  • 交易实际上使用万事其他支付系统代价,并且大部分征费用支付给了相关发卡银行

    This levy is, in effect, a toll for using the payment networks of Visa, MasterCard and others, which is mostly paid to the Banks that issue such CARDS.


  • 开采吉利海峡开凿人类制造的最极端机器大都在了挖掘上。

    From mining the oil sands of Alberta to boring under the English Channel, some of the most extreme machines made by man are devoted to digging.


  • 萨尼声称,基于这本书, 荣格所有著作都会逐渐得以解答.而且之前有关的评论重写.

    Mr Shamdasani claims that eventually all Jung’s work will be understood on the basis of this book and that previous writing about him will have to be revised.


  • 美国部分商户加入到集团诉讼行动,矛头直指维万事互相勾结以谋取超额交易费的银行

    In America they are part of a class-action lawsuit accusing Visa, MasterCard and a bunch of Banks of collusion in setting excessive interchange rates.


  • 艺术家兹亚·西纽约的库珀·休伊特国家设计博物馆组织展览。

    Artist Shahzia Sikander guest-curates at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City.


  • 泰晤士报得到图片,图片坐标证实西机场,,该机场称作班得瑞,位于巴基斯坦城市西南200英里

    The Times also obtained a copy of the image, whose co-ordinates confirm that it is the Shamsi airfield, also known as Bandari, about 200 miles southwest of the Pakistani city of Quetta.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特·海因茨,建筑家索姆·摩尔以及芭蕾舞蹈家米恩·沃策尔。

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特·海因茨,建筑家索姆·摩尔以及芭蕾舞蹈家米恩·沃策尔。

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


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