• 知名印度艺术家苏达山帕奈克应邀参加温哥华举行世界锦标

    Well-known Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik has been invited to take part in the World Championships of Sand Sculpture to be held in Vancouver.


  • 想想这个吧:奥尼尔比比尔更强吗?

    Think about this: Was Shaquille O'Neal better than Bill Russell?


  • 祭司示巴尼,约法,拿业,亚玛,撒利雅,比拿亚,以利以谢约柜

    Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah and Eliezer the priests were to blow trumpets before the ark of God.


  • 德·刘易斯NBA已经第七个年头了,参加全明星周末的活动,而他第一次出现在全明星,不过在此前他用行动证明了自己已经进入了明星的行列。

    This is his seventh year in the NBA, and he just made his third trip to the circus that is the NBA All-Star Weekend. But this was his debut appearance on the main stage.


  • 至于别的地方,旗忠网球馆坐落上海多外围地区,它又大又,而且是从花朵中得到灵感的场馆一个可缩起的屋顶,为了给一年一度的AT P网球锦标提供场地

    Elsewhere on its gritty outskirts stands the Qi Zhong Stadium, a cavernous, flower-inspired venue with a retractable roof built to accommodate once-yearly ATP tennis tournaments.


  • 第九位:贱女孩——·洛翰瑞秋·麦克亚当斯,莱西·伯特阿曼达·里德。

    Mean Girls - Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert and Amanda seyfried.


  • 这项活动是以历届国际锦标冠军号召,只有14艺术家受邀其中之一

    He is one of only 14 sand artists who have been invited to the event which will feature former international championship winners.


  • 举行划晚上——划舟的晚上,他们常常醉醺醺的——夫茨伯雷街上遇到一个年轻人

    It was boat race night — terribly rowdy they used to get on boat race night — and I bumps into a young bloke on shaftesbury avenue.


  • 祭司示巴尼、约法、拿业、亚玛、撒利雅、比拿亚、以利以谢约柜

    Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, and Eliezer, the priests, should blow the trumpets before the ark of God.


  • 目的评价国产多西他联合奥作为铂类耐药晚期卵巢上皮癌解救化疗疗效毒性

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of docetaxel plus oxaliplatin in the treatment of platinum resistance advanced epithelia ovary cancer.


  • 今天,一家英国医院医生表示他们成功地为这位少女进行了颅骨修复手术几个小时以后发表了声明。

    It was posted today hours after doctors at a British hospital said that they had successfully operated to reconstruct the young woman's skull.


  • 湖人爵士系列越来越激烈了,此时的湖人需要手感时冷时热的挺身而出胶着时投进几个关键球

    As series with Utah gets tight, Lakers need the hot-and-cold Sasha Vujacic to keep things loose, and to hit a few key jumpers in the bargain.


  • 他们需要人站出来——就像系列的前两场分别15,12一样

    They need somebody like, well, the Sasha Vujacic who scored 15 points in the series opener and 12 in Game 2.


  • 艺术家卡尔文·博特最近夏威夷海滩完成系列精准几何

    Artist Calvin Seibert (previously) recently completed a new series of his geometrically precise sand castles on the beaches of Hawaii.


  • 勒在一幕就确定了米娅个人事业喜好

    Chazelleuses the film's first act to establish Mia and Seb's individual careers and passions.


  • 自从1882。1。7的无手套拳击中击败培·雷恩,约翰·里文就成为著名重量级拳击世界冠军

    John L. Sullivan became the recognized world heavyweight boxing champion after defeating Paddy Ryan in a bare-knuckle bout February 7, 1882.


  • 威尔士主教练承认不得不淡忘阿龙·拉姆齐,他期待2012年欧锦预选做好准备

    Wales manager John Toshack admits he will have to forget about Aaron Ramsey as he looks to prepare for Euro 2012 qualifying.


  • 附加回合又将博托尼与这场欧锦预选同一天进行。

    The Under-21s play the return leg of their play-off in Botosani on the same day.


  • 打算去看看珠江上面精彩龙舟。 虽然我知道规模最大的龙舟会在番禺区举行,我情愿我家附近的二岛南岸观看

    I will watch the fabulous dragon boat race on the Pearl River. I know that the best and biggest race is in Panyu, but I will watch it from close to where I live just south of the Ersha Dao.


  • 科比自己深知一切,这都源于之前不合造成的,那个大家伙夏天就知道然后到了常规嚷着要减肥,科比是不会那样这种把戏的。

    This was the root of his rift with Shaq: the big guy thought the summer was for eating and the regular season was for getting in shape, and Bryant just couldn't play second fiddle to a guy like that.


  • 更多龙舟内容,以及《福尔表演剧坊》龙舟节精彩表演参阅柯贤世的专文。

    Also, Formosa Performing Art Theater (organized by Cecilia Chang) had an excellent performance at the Dragon Festival. Please read John Ko's article for more about the event.


  • 高效交通运输网络,完全可以满足亚交通需求

    Efficient transportation network will satisfy the traffic needs of ABG.


  • 指着以色列人喊着说以色列得救不过剩下的余数。

    Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved."


  • 来自中国20岁球手在不让对手有任何反击之力情况下持续得到495分,刚好打破约翰金斯2005年大奖对阵利文创造的494分的原纪录

    The 20-year-old from China racked up 495 without reply - just beating the previous record of 494 set by John Higgins in the 2005 Grand Prix final against Ronnie O'Sullivan.


  • 罗尼-利文绰号:“火箭作为具有天赋斯诺克球手,奥利文15时候就获得世界青年锦标冠军,打出147满分杆;

    Ronnie - O'Sullivan nickname: "rocket" as the most talented snooker player, O'Sullivan was 15 years old when World Youth Championship, and played 147 points out of shot;


  • 罗尼-利文绰号:“火箭作为具有天赋斯诺克球手,奥利文15时候就获得世界青年锦标冠军,打出147满分杆;

    Ronnie - O'Sullivan nickname: "rocket" as the most talented snooker player, O'Sullivan was 15 years old when World Youth Championship, and played 147 points out of shot;


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