• 由于司法体系极高隐密性,审判总是不对外公开的。

    Due to the high level of secrecy of the Saudi Arabian justice system, trials are invariably held behind closed doors.


  • 大学预告菁英前程似锦收费昂贵大学对于全面提升沙国教育各项标准并无多大用处。

    This augurs well for the Saudi elite, but one fancy new university will do little to lift the overall standard of Saudi education.


  • 乌地阿拉伯报导沙国禁止那些阿拉伯字母转译为拉丁字母后,变成冒犯字眼车牌在黑名单的字母组合包括USA」(美)。

    Saudi Arabia has banned auto licence tags whose Arabic characters spell out offensive words when romanised, with the list of banned combinations including "USA", Al-Watan newspaper reported.


  • 1999年,联合颁布了《全球利文原则》。

    In 1999, the Global Sullivan Principles were issued at the United Nations.


  • 阿联酋另一酋长酋长说:“正常情况下我们知道正在发生什么。”

    "Normally we know what's going on," says one sheikh in Sharjah, another member of the United Arab Emirates.


  • 这家航空公司提供阿拉伯联合酋长飞机坠毁受害者亲属免费前往印度,帕有约20接受邀请

    The airline has offered relatives of crash victims in the United Arab Emirates free passage to India, Pathak said, and about 20 people have accepted the offer.


  • 海南省应战纳的到来,已经召回所有渔船暂停飞机轮渡服务学校停课第17号台风也是今年登陆最强台风。

    The province has also recalled ships, suspended flight and ferry services and closed schools in preparation for Nesat, which is the 17th typhoon to hit China this year as well as the strongest.


  • ,组成阿联酋海湾中的另外,也计划设立巴黎欧洲工商管理学院的分校。

    Sharjah, another of the seven statelets making up the UAE, plans to host an outpost of INSEAD, a Paris business school.


  • 胡迪诺夫哀叹尽管于2002年签署反恐协议形成联合工作组,但除此之外什么都没有发生

    Shaikhutdinov lamented that though the two countries had signed an agreement to fight terror in 2002 and formed a joint working group, nothing much has happened.


  • 费萨尔表示关系中有许多相同的看法和主张。

    Saud bin al-Faisal said the two nations enjoy many common ideas in international relations.


  • 世界最大地热能发电加利福尼亚州旧金山市北部的吉亚斯间歇泉开发是世界上最大规模的地热开发项目。

    The United States is the world's largest producer, and the largest geothermal development in the world is the Geysers north of San Francisco in California.


  • 对于新加坡马拉西亚半岛(捞越、婆罗洲马来西亚除外)发生袭击事件,它们仅仅提供建议。

    They provide merely for the five countries to "consult" in the event of an attack on Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak, the Malaysian states on Borneo, are excluded).


  • 所以耶和华坚定,犹大众人进贡。约法大有资财

    The Lord established the kingdom under his control; and all Judah brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, so that he had great wealth and honor.


  • 说:“集团主要经济论坛达成一致立场的只是讨论2050年目标。”2050年还有长的一段时间,可能几乎没有任何集团的领导人那个时候。

    "What the G-8 and the major economies forum agreed [to] was only to talk about the targets for 2050, which is a long way off and probably hardly any G-8 leaders will be alive at that date," he said.


  • 经合组织的经济学家 伍兹-爱森特,“对于大多数经合组织成员来说经济整体复苏乏力IT业亦如此。”

    Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, an economist at the OECD, says, “For most OECD countries, the prospects are of a very fragile and weak recovery, for the overall economy and thus for IT.”


  • 以利年老病危中仍然效劳。

    Elisha still served the nation at his old age.


  • 主要部分波斯湾沿岸完全酋长包围首府唯一居民点

    The main part in the Persian gulf coast, was completely sachia emirates surrounded, o cure mann capital is the only settlements.


  • 所以耶和华坚定,犹大众人进贡;约法大有资财

    Therefore the LORD established the kingdom in his hand. And all Judah brought tribute to Jehoshaphat, and he had great riches and honor.


  • 中东问题特使乔治·米切尔数千名巴勒斯坦囚犯以色列被俘战士吉拉德·对两和平进程帮助!

    The former US special envoy for the Middle East, senator George Mitchell says the exchange of Palestinian prisoners for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is a positive step in the peace process.


  • 另外个热门人选。哈穆萨,一个特立独行老牌阵人士。名列再林开出名单”,曾公开就本党贪腐现象提出劝诫。

    A wildcard candidate is Razaleigh Hamzah, a veteran UMNO maverick minister, who featured on Mr Zahrain's list of eight, and publicly admonishes his own party for its corrupt ways.


  • 描述孟加拉基拉:热带气旋艾拉引起场海啸迫使人们背井离乡,图为这些难民在等待救济食品

    Caption: Shatkhira, Bangladesh: People displaced from their homes by a tidal wave caused by cyclone Aila, wait for relief food.


  • 描述孟加拉基拉:热带气旋艾拉引起场海啸迫使人们背井离乡,图为这些难民在等待救济食品

    Caption: Shatkhira, Bangladesh: People displaced from their homes by a tidal wave caused by cyclone Aila, wait for relief food.


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