• 地表水主要来源于降水,降水汛期降雨为主水主要来源于河、沙东干渠。

    Surface water mainly from precipitation and off the water, precipitation, rainfall in the main flood season, water comes mainly from the old passenger Shahe, Song eight Tuan, sand east of the trunk.


  • 马来群岛联邦地域中的纳闽还有捞越组成它占据婆罗洲诸岛的南部,接壤着印度尼西亚和文莱。

    East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.


  • 拼盘巴里烤鸡翅膀,都真的蛮好吃的。

    The platter with Balinese satay, grilled chicken wings and Fried so tong.


  • 采高强力液压支架针对神煤田基岩特定地质条件而研制的一种高性能综采液压支架。

    The high mining height hydraulic support is designed for the special geologic condition of Shendong coalfield, such as shallow buried depth, thin bedrock and thick aeolian sand.


  • 典型义敦岛弧鲁里山岩浆之间弧-弧碰撞模式及其外延到整个特提斯构造域是很普遍的。

    There is a typical example for arc-arc collision between the Yidun island arc andShalulishan magmatic arc, or even throughout eastern Tethys.


  • 工区西两边溪庙组具不同物源沉积,表现长石含量碳酸盐岩屑旋回分布上。

    There are different sediment origins for Saximiao formation on both east and west sides of work area, shown in the distribution of feldspar content, carbonate rock cuttings and sandbody cycle.


  • 综述了国内外海底地貌研究成果技术方法以及中国脊研究中存在的问题

    Some study results and technologies of submarine sand ridges geomorphology are summarized, and several unfathomed issues of sand ridges on the eastern China seas are discussed in this paper.


  • 通过野外试验和调查,查明了垦地区表层是一种低速泥层高速板层的互层结构

    Field study reveals that the near surface structure in Kendong, Shengli Oilfield consists of interbeds of low velocity mud formation and high velocity sands.


  • 三段时期,地区发育濮阳明湖

    Puyang lake and Dongming lake were growing in Dongpu area.


  • 复方烟酸诺氟注射液烟酸诺氟 星80-150份、硫酸安普霉素20-80份、氢溴酸莨菪碱5-30份组成。

    The compound norfloxacin nicotinate injection is composed of 80-150 parts of norfloxacin nicotinate, 20-80 parts of apramycin sulfate and 5-30 parts of scopolamine hydrobromide.


  • 以井点分析为基础利用磁共振测井等资料,对油田埕913岩石进行分类

    Types of reservoir rocks in Sha 3 formation of fault block Cheng 913 in Chengdong oilfield are classified on basis of well point analysis by using data of nuclear magnetic resonance;


  • 地区三中亚段具有重力沉积特征

    The middle formation of s_3 member in Wendong area has features of deposition from gravity flow.


  • 黄浩(个体经营)位于中国广州市番禺大石市场,黄浩(个体经营)一家经营餐具厨具日用商品产品的经销批发个体经营畅销消费者市场

    The company of Huang hao dan is located in the guangzhou panyu district stone shaxi market, it's A tableware kitchen household goods products in the wholesale and consumer markets .


  • 先后完成黄河花园口至坝头河段1988年中水丰洪水“92.8”高含洪水验证试验结果表明,采用本文提出模型相似律进行模型设计,模型水流运动、泥运动及河床演变规律,原型相似。

    The test results of this model for the floods of 1988 and 1992 show that the flow pattern, the sediment movement and the channel deformation all conform very well with the field data of these floods.


  • 前不久,伊利诺伊州莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里,偶遇一个年轻人莫斯,身高足有2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬

    A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.


  • 前不久,伊利诺伊州莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里,偶遇一个年轻人莫斯,身高足有2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬

    A while back, I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois. He was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile.


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