• 勒索·迈尔斯里斯·研究人员已经表明事情变化得有快。

    What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing.


  • 我们以前也过,斯图亚特皮尔斯加雷斯索斯盖特以及里斯·德尔那些曾罚点球,受到国家责备的人。

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate, and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 里斯·莫尔德常任秘书

    The Permanent Secretary is Chris Wormald.


  • 相信,我贝琪·赖特迪克·里斯、戴维·特金斯有能力应付可能发生的一切但是担心切尔西其他人爸爸坏话有何反应

    I felt confident that Betsey Wright, Dick Morris, David Watkins, and I could deal with whatever came up, but I was concerned about how Chelsea would react to people saying bad things about her father.


  • 有些粉丝开始推测那个问题女孩可能格温·斯西,漫画书中蜘蛛另一位女朋友蜘蛛3》中出现过,里斯·达拉斯·哈饰演

    Some fans have begun speculating that the gal in question might be Gwen Stacy, another of Spidey's girlfriends from the comics, who was played by Bryce Dallas Howard in "Spider-Man 3."


  • 郎维经济咨询公司里斯·特林指出商品市场股票市场之间似乎相关的。

    Chris Watling of Longview Economics, a consultancy, points out that commodity and equity markets seem to be negatively correlated.


  • 伦·里斯托弗安德烈。科济列夫作见证人,拉宾阿拉法特和我则站在后面

    Warren Christopher and Andrei Kozyrev witnessed it while Rabin, Arafat, and I stood behind and to the right.


  • 我们以前也过,斯图亚特·皮尔斯,加雷斯·斯·盖特以及里斯·德尔,那么曾罚点球,受到国家责备

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 你们可能从来没有看过这部电影猎鹿获得了1978年奥斯卡最佳画面奖,雷德诺里斯扮演剧中的男主角。 这部戏讲述的不是什么轻松愉快的故事。

    There is probably not one of you graduates who has ever seen this film but the “Deer Hunter” it won best picture in 1978 Robert De Niro, Chris Walken, not funny at all.


  • 里斯托弗·凯利星报电影批评家

    Christopher Kelly is a film critic for The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.


  • 世行东非南非地区首席卫生专家里斯·厄立特里亚应对疟疾经验非常突出

    Chris Walker, the Bank's Lead Health Specialist in East and Southern Africa describes the Eritrean experience in dealing with malaria as outstanding.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森里斯托弗·尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 里斯学院斯科特·勒今年20岁,参与这次快闪活动,录制了一个视频文件

    City of Bristol College student Scott Waller, 20, was involved in the project and made a documentary about the event for his media course.


  • 正如长景经济顾问公司里斯·特林指出的那样,黄金上一次牛市1970年代当时实际利率也为负值

    As Chris Watling of Longview Economics points out, gold's last great bull run was in the 1970s, when real yields were negative.


  • 另一名美术作品拍卖人保罗普罗斯特是里斯拍卖行信托财产估价总监。他认为,“所有权纠纷极少发生”。

    Paul Provost, director of trusts, estates and appraisals at Christie's, another fine-art auctioneer, reckons thattitle disputes occur very rarely”.


  • ·坦森兰迪·休斯推出第一个公共拨号公告板系统

    Ward Christensen and Randy Suess launch the first public dialup bulletin board system.


  • 发射名宇航员执行亚特兰蒂斯号的此次历史性任务指挥官里斯-弗格森驾驶员道格-赫利,宇航专家桑迪-马格纳斯瑞克斯-尔海姆。

    Whenever it launches, four astronauts will make the historic ride to orbit in Atlantis: commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • ·坦森兰迪·休斯推出第一个公共拨号公告板系统

    Ward Christensen and RandySuess launch the first public dialup bulletin board system.


  • 34岁的本•索思豪尔上任做的第一件事是在澳大利亚里斯机场候机大厅发布了视频博客在那里了一段自己女友布丽娜•肯斯的视频。

    Ben Southall, 34, started by sending a video blog from Brisbane airport departure lounge where he filmed himself alongside his girlfriend, Breanna Watkins.


  • 影星克里斯海姆斯斯说,“他正设计周围世界关系,而这恰巧也是责任。”

    ''He's working out his relationship with the rest of the world, as well as what his responsibility is to it.''


  • 作者加拿大西大学兰色姆·迈尔里斯·说:“我们分析表明全球海洋失去90%以上的大型食肉鱼类。”

    "Our analysis", said the authors, Ransom Myers and Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Canada, "suggests that the global ocean has lost more than 90% of large predatory fishes."


  • 乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院(Georgetown ' sMcDonoughbusinessschool)兼职教授里斯·认为自己一派正经的领导者往往一种居高临下的感觉。

    Leaders who think they're coming across as no-nonsense often come off as condescending, says Chris Voss, an adjunct professor at Georgetown's McDonough business school.


  • ·德波尔作讲话当天,英国能源气候变化大臣里斯·休恩(ChrisHuhne)表示,下周开始气候变化大会会谈上能否达成具有法律约束力协议不抱太大希望。

    His comments came on the same day that the UK's energy and climate secretary, Chris Huhne, played down the prospects of a legally binding agreement at the talks, which open on Monday.


  • 律师国务卿伦·里斯托弗3月18日辞世享年85岁。

    Warren Christopher, lawyer and secretary of state, died on March 18th, aged 85.


  • 作者伊利莎.里斯尔德美国基金会高级研究员,《The Tenth Parellel》作者。

    Griswold is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, and author of The Tenth Parallel.


  • 星期六的比赛灯光结束的,世界第二的里斯特尔斯Kim Clijsters)仅用时59分钟就击败了世界排名第七薇拉·娜列娃(Vera Zvonareva),两局比分6-26-1。

    Saturday's action concluded under the lights, with No. 2-seeded Kim Clijsters easily beating No. 7 Vera Zvonareva 6-2, 6-1 in 59 minutes for her third U.S.


  • 因为这项纪录仍被来自威斯康辛州里士满里斯·史蒂文斯保持今年明尼苏达州斯蒂尔·特市的收获上,凭借1810重的南瓜创造新的记录。

    That record actually belongs to Chris Stevens of new Richmond, Wis., who set a new bar with his 1, 810-pound pumpkin at this year's Harvest Fest in Stillwater, Minn.


  • 因为这项纪录仍被来自威斯康辛州里士满里斯·史蒂文斯保持今年明尼苏达州斯蒂尔·特市的收获上,凭借1810重的南瓜创造新的记录。

    That record actually belongs to Chris Stevens of new Richmond, Wis., who set a new bar with his 1, 810-pound pumpkin at this year's Harvest Fest in Stillwater, Minn.


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