• 这种重新标记的表示通常称为伊特符号

    Such a re-labeled notation is often called Voigt notation.


  • 约克莫克的一所音乐学校8年级的莎拉·帕·斯表示:“我们不住在冰房子里、穿科尔特joik(一种萨米人的唱歌方式,据说欧洲古老的音乐形式)。

    We don’t live in igloos, wear kolts or sing joiks (the old Sami singing style, which is said to be the oldest musical form in Europe).


  • 发现什么证据直到大约个月,也就是九月下旬——白兰市喝酒时,丹尼斯遇见好友席德斯恩斯。

    But he hadn't really found any proof until about three months ago, in late September - after Dennis had met his best buddy, Sid Farnsworth, for drinks in White Plains.


  • 伦·克里斯托弗安德烈。科济列夫作见证人,拉宾阿拉和我则站在后面

    Warren Christopher and Andrei Kozyrev witnessed it while Rabin, Arafat, and I stood behind and to the right.


  • 先生水力压裂其它非传统天然气开采技术排和钻出过程中所泄露的甲烷包含了其计算中。

    Mr. Howarth included methane losses associated with flow-back and drill-out processes in hydraulic fracturing and other unconventional gas drilling techniques.


  • 塞隆纳庞培布拉大学的雅克波·彭蒂塞利汉斯·约阿希姆·最近份文件指出可能是有道理的。

    A recent paper by Jacopo Ponticelli and Hans-Joachim Voth of Barcelona's UniversitatPompeuFabra suggests he may have a point.


  • 洛·恩斯·斯(PhiloFarnsworth)认为:“我们应该忽视这样一个事实重要发明个人创造的,并且几乎总是手段有限个人创造的。”

    Philo Farnsworth: "We must not lose track of the fact that inventions as such, important inventions, are made by individuals and almost invariably by individuals with very limited means."


  • 诺贝尔文学奖获得者尔•索因卡(Wole Soyinka)将此称为尼日利亚式死”。

    Wole Soyinka, winner of the Nobel prize for literature, calls it “the Nigerian way of dying”.


  • 硅谷大腕甲骨文公司(Oracle)拉里.埃里森激将对于SAP老总孔翰宁来说实在没有什么意义,SAP巨型软件公司位于德国尔多夫(Walldorf),是甲骨文的强硬对手。

    TAUNTS from Larry Ellison of Oracle, a big Silicon Valley software firm, cut no ice with Henning Kagermann , the boss of SAP, a rival software giant based in Walldorf, Germany.


  • 3月28日患者前往因贾Tellewoyan医院求诊临床诊断黄热病

    On 28 March, the patient went to the Tellewoyan Hospital in Voinjama City, Lofa County where the clinical diagnosis of yellow fever was made.


  • 继续柯克伊夫维多利亚医院工作

    Coronary care nurse Karen Shand, 40, will carry on working at the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, Fife, despite winning the jackpot on ITV1's The Vault.


  • 酋长球场缺乏攻击天才,他们尔科特暗杀文罗西基,小威胁,布,范佩西,大杀马克可供调遣。

    There is no shortage of attacking talent at the Emirates with Walcott, Arshavin, Rosicky, Wilshere, Fabregas, Van Persie, Bendtner and Chamakh at his disposal.


  • 诺齐克分别是20世纪美国著名哲学家哲学家。

    Nozick and Dworkin are a famous philosopher and a philosopher of law in America in the 20th century respectively.


  • 吉姆·第三部电影,他在影片中扮演深受人们喜爱的欧内斯特·p·莱尔。

    This is Jim Varney's third film as the beloved character Ernest P. Worrell.


  • 近期巴塞罗那庞培布拉大学雅克波·彭蒂·塞利汉斯·约阿希姆·论文里支持了利文斯通的以上观点

    A recent paper by Jacopo Ponticelli and Hans-Joachim Voth of Barcelona's Universitat Pompeu Fabra suggests he may have a point.


  • 餐厅酒吧里,也同样聚集大堆意大利人

    In the bar of the "la Favola" restaurant, a huge crowd of other Italians was enjoying Italian wines and singing as well.


  • 很棒职业球员,同时是一个品德高尚的男人那天下午他答应一起很想见一面的斯蒂诺·博格·就可以看出来。

    He's a great professional, but he's also a great man with noble sentiments and for this reason the other afternoon he accepted to come with me to meet Stefano Borgonovo who wanted to meet him.


  • 与此相反,慕尼黑德国国家队队医穆勒特却认为事情的变化需要再等上时间

    However, Bayern Munich and Germany team doctor Muller-Wohlfahrt said things could take a little longer than that.


  • 这样,便住宅地面提升,使宽阔台阶轻松地逐渐离开地面,好像是悬浮着延伸住宅入口一样。

    The ground floor of the Farnsworth House is thereby elevated, and wide steps slowly transcend almost effortlessly off the ground, as if they were floating up to the entrance.


  • 范佩西回归显然阿森纳进攻增加了一些东西荷兰球星布雷加斯萨谬尔纳斯里以及西奥·科特之间默契已经做到了很多

    The return of Van Persie has certainly added something to Arsenal's attacking play and much has been made of the understanding between the Dutch star, Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott.


  • 布雷加斯(脚科特(脚踝)也不会参加与西布朗比赛,但是他们国际比赛日之后痊愈。

    Cesc Fabregas (hamstring) and Theo Walcott (ankle) won't feature at West Brom either but they could be fit after the international break.


  • 安德鲁·安斯,62岁,住在伦敦南部,他认为戏服只是具有特殊的功能,而不是艺术作品所以完全适用版权

    Andrew Ainsworth, 62, of south London, successfully argued the costumes were functional not artistic works, and so not subject to full copyright laws.


  • 本文研究过程运用了相当的定量分析,包括:财务比较分析比率分析、趋势分析尔分析等。

    The author utilizes many theoretical and quantitative tools in researching the topics, including financial compare analysis . proportion analysis . trend analysis, WALL analysis etc.


  • 尔科特比奥·卡佩罗国家队备战和哈萨克斯坦安道尔的世预赛

    Walcott has been included in Fabio Capello's squad for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Kazakhstan and Andorra.


  • 科特希望可以仿效队友布雷加斯成功布雷加斯2008欧洲杯回到英超得到了热情欢迎

    Walcott is hoping that he can emulate the success of his Arsenal team-mate Cesc Fabregas who received a rousing reception on his return to the Premier League club following Euro 2008.


  • 科特希望可以仿效队友布雷加斯成功布雷加斯2008欧洲杯回到英超得到了热情欢迎

    Walcott is hoping that he can emulate the success of his Arsenal team-mate Cesc Fabregas who received a rousing reception on his return to the Premier League club following Euro 2008.


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