• 汉语称谓亲属称谓基点

    Chinese language appellation system takes the relatives appellation terms as the base.


  • 如果直接汉语移植英语中,往往引起意想不到文化困惑甚至震惊

    The direct transformation of Chinese personal appellations into English will more often than not invite unexpected feeling of cultural confusion and even shock.


  • 汉语称谓来源构成形式多种多样,不同称谓可以表现不同态度感情

    Chinese appellations vary in their origin and formation with different attitudes and feelings they express.


  • 汉语丰富繁杂、分类精细、指称具体英语称谓语宽泛笼统、分类单一、语义模糊。

    Chinese kinship-term-system is well formed and each term is of a specific referential meaning, while English one is relatively general in meaning.


  • 一部分,主要对称谓研究历史现状进行整体梳理,汉语”进行界说和分类。

    The first part: giving a general view of historic and present conditions on study of address terms, and giving the definition of Chinese address terms.


  • 现代汉语称谓方式中,夫妻双方中的方在其他亲属对话时,通常是以听话者称谓视点指称自己配偶

    In modem Chinese appellation ways, one of the spouses talking with other relatives, usually refers to their spouses from the listener 'appellation viewpoint.


  • 本文四个方面总结汉语称谓特征,从文化传播用含义语篇意义对等角度来探讨汉语称谓英译的可行性

    The paper Outlines four points about its characteristics and studies the feasibility of their Chinese-English translation. in the light of culture transfer, pragmatic and textual equivalence.


  • 比如英语口语中称谓正式随便很多方式如果汉语那样错误的。

    Such as in the oral English appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call name, like Chinese is wrong.


  • 借词语言接触必然结果蒙古语亲属称谓中的汉语借词反映蒙、两个民族在婚姻家庭层面上的影响特点

    Loanword is the inevitable result of language contact. Mongolian Kinsfolk appellation words of Chinese loanword reflect the characteristics of marriage influence between Mongolian and Han.


  • 妈妈”一现代汉语方言中有着广泛内涵方言称谓张力体现

    The term "mamma" is richly connotative in the dialects of contemporary Han language (Chinese), which shows the tension of appellation term in dialects.


  • 这种自我调节的力量和机制,使得汉语夫妻称谓系统完成平衡一种平衡的一次次过渡。

    This kind of regulative system makes Chinese couple' s appellations change from one kind of balance to the other kind.


  • 第三部分论述形成汉语亲属称谓两个显著特征社会历史文化背景

    The last section discusses the social, historical and cultural background, which gives rise to two characteristics of Chinese relative appellation.


  • 英语汉语称谓差别大了

    English and Chinese are so different in the addressing terms.


  • 现代汉语中,称谓名词、兼量词名词可以重叠外,还有一定数量的名词可以重叠使用

    In modern Chinese language, in addition to title word, and belonging to the word of the quantity phrase and canning lap over, still there is the word of the certain quantity can lap over the usage.


  • 文章选择了”“弟”“姊”“”四称谓词,指出辞书编纂、汉语研究古籍整理方面存在的问题。

    The article takes "Xiong", "Di", "Zi", "Mei" as an example to make a comprehensive study on compiling dictionaries, researching Chinese language history and keeping ancient books.


  • 不同语种各自民族文化相互影响,相互制约汉语韩语都具有各自的特点。

    The appellation in different languages with their own national culture influenced and constraints each other, Chinese and Korean have their own characteristics.


  • 汉语形式多样称谓并用现象这种现象的产生既有社会原因,也有历史心理的原因。

    There are various sets of reference terms in contemporary Chinese, which has social, historical and psychological reasons.


  • 社交用失误主要表现评论招呼使用称谓招呼语使用不符合汉语习惯

    Social Pragmatic Failure mainly perform that comments greeting do not use usually, the title-based greeting does not meet the Chinese habit;


  • 语言民族文化载体汉语言各自独特的亲属称谓体系,显示出两种不同文化特征

    Language is the carrier of national cultures. The kinship address systems of the English and Chinese languages have different cultural features.


  • 本文将搜集到一些汉语校园头衔的翻译进行对比发现校园头衔称谓翻译混乱

    Some C-E translations of university title appellation terms were compared and the chaotic situation of present translation was found out.


  • 汉语亲属称谓姓名通用称谓、职衔职业称谓使用情况入手,讨论其文化内涵

    This thesis makes an analysis of the culture connotation in the respective use of family appellation, name, common appellation, rank and occupation appellation in Chinese context.


  • 第二部分通过现代汉语普通话各地方言亲属称谓比较论证汉语亲属称谓的第二个显著特征

    The second section demonstrates the second characteristic of Mandarin relative appellation by making a comparison between relative appellation of modern Mandarin and several dialects.


  • 汉语中的 单音节亲属称谓语“爷”“婆”“哥”“嫂”“姐”“妹”“弟”等像后缀一样构成新词,多用于指称从事行业具有某一特征

    Some monosyllabic Chinese kin terms can be used to form neologisms referring to people of a profession or with special characteristics.


  • 该文详细介绍现代汉语称谓体系英语国家的称谓习俗,总结了英汉称谓语的相同点不同点,英汉称呼语的翻译进行了比较和归纳。

    Meanwhile, it sums up the similarities and differences of English and Chinese forms of address and compares their translation. It will be helpful to English learners.


  • 方言调查发现,汉语方言中普遍存在亲属称谓现象。

    There exists commonly the varying reading of the words to call relatives in dialect.


  • 希望透过汉语亲属称谓差异层面,我们可以窥见两种语言背后的民族文化的个性特征。

    Another is to help Thai people, who learn Chinese to have a better understanding in the relative words as well as Chinese cultural.


  • 汉语亲属称谓纷繁复杂英语虽然也拟亲属称谓,但并不多见,就给汉英翻译带来了困难

    Chinese has a relatively large number of complex fictive kinship terms, while there is no such an address system in English, which sets up a barrier in the CE translation.


  • 汉语亲属称谓纷繁复杂英语虽然也拟亲属称谓,但并不多见,就给汉英翻译带来了困难

    Chinese has a relatively large number of complex fictive kinship terms, while there is no such an address system in English, which sets up a barrier in the CE translation.


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