• 来自埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特研究员奥尔伊斯梅尔发现去年圣诞节10个大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • 2013年29日,莎拉·达琳走在街上遇到了一个名叫比利··哈里斯流浪

    On February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris.


  • 别看四处流浪已有六个之久,他似乎暗示,他其实是个流浪上帝可以作证!

    He has been on the road six months but in the sight of God, he seemed to imply, he was not a tramp.


  • 电影制片人媒体每年来到城里颁发名为乞丐”的纪录片奖项,使用的形象是一个用帽子乞讨的流浪

    Filmmakers and media types descend on the town each June to hand out a documentary film award called the Golden Beggar, which depicts a vagrant tipping his hat.


  • 回到伦敦波顿长达六伴侣海伦娜··卡特已怀有身孕这是他们第二个孩子

    Back in London, Burton's partner of six years, Helena Bonham Carter, is seven months pregnant with their second child.


  • 伊丽莎白福去。

    March was to take Elizabeth to Hunsford.


  • 印度储备银行执行主任迪帕克·去年演讲我们发现一些极好的历史观点

    Some excellent historical perspective can be found in this speech made in September last year by Deepak Mohanty, the executive director of the Reserve Bank of India.


  • 透露,,慕名白金参观剑桥公爵夫人结婚礼服人数创下了历史记录。

    It was revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress helped attract a record number of visitors to Buckingham Palace in July and August.


  • 1604年1普顿宫会议上,局势越来越恶化

    The situation deteriorated further at the Hampton Court Conference of January 1604.


  • 王兵兵,衡庭承包砖窑主人,已拘留。

    Wang Bingbing, the owner of the kiln that Mr. Heng leased, was detained in late May.


  • 尼古拉奈杰尔·道森——现在孩子骄傲父母——来自布莱·克内尔,波克夏,就是这样一对夫妇他们11个大的双胞胎女儿米娅娜是西班牙,并当地捐助者的帮助下怀上的。

    One such couple are Nicola and Nigel Dawson from Bracknell, Berkshire, who are now proud parents to 11-month-old twin girls, Mia and Hannah, conceived in Spain thanks to a Spanish egg donor.


  • 公诉人控告邦兹之时,正是打破打破克·阿伦所创造755支本垒打的记录之后

    Prosecutors indicted Bonds three months after he broke Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs.


  • 生日在七,同学走开,我真是很难分身,这时等待得筋疲力尽娜见到我气急败坏的样子。

    But on my birthday in July, there was party for me at the pool, and it was hard to tear myself away from it when they didn't want me to go, and then an exhausted Hanna received me in bad mood.


  • 第一授勋仪式1952年227白金

    The first Investiture of the Queen's reign took place at Buckingham Palace on 27th February 1952.


  • 55爱丁堡公爵白金颁奖

    The award will be presented to him by the Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace on 5 May.


  • 一日,斯·罗斯林在林岛会议进行到最后一天全球健康专家组讨论中说。

    Hans Rosling at a panel discussion on global health on July 1st, the last day of the Lindau meeting.


  • 不错现在8许多华尔街交易员逃离闷热的曼哈顿,前往长岛伯顿享受阳光沙滩

    True, it is August, when plenty of Wall Street players skulk away from muggy Manhattan for their share of sun and sand in the Hamptons.


  • 1991年724日当时印度财长.辛格印度议会提交了一份预算,而这份预算改变国家整个世界。

    ON JULY 24th 1991 Manmohan Singh, then India’s finance minister, presented a budget to India’s parliament that would change his country and the world.


  • 时间到了1949年12突然开始担心为“英国人”去用以改善伙食的六磅重的火腿是不是寄对了地方。

    By early December 1949, Hanff is suddenly worried that the six-pound ham she's sent off to augment British rations will arrive in a kosher office.


  • 二十天后,一封签名“FPD”来信告知芙,赫兹里特罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的书随后,时间1949年1025日

    Twenty days later, on October 25, 1949, a correspondent identified only as FPD let Hanff know that works by Hazlitt and Robert Louis Stevenson would be coming under separate cover.


  • 610日癌症布赖恩·勒尼来说,白费功夫。

    For Brian Lenihan, who died of cancer on June 10th, it was impossibly hard.


  • 424日,英国举行了第27最美丽斗牛犬”比赛,英格兰斗牛犬打败49名竞争对手一举摘得桂冠

    Still, that didn't stop this 2-year old English bulldog from beating out 49 others to claim top prize in the 27th annual "Beautiful Bulldog" contest Monday.


  • 一家欧洲私募公司TerraFirma老板斯先生19纽约法庭作证时状告花旗集团的桩案子比作“太岁头上动土。”

    DURING his testimony in a New York court on October 19th, Guy Hands, the boss of Terra Firma, a European private-equity firm, compared suing Citigroup to “putting a stick into a dragon”.


  • 2008年514日四川省绵竹市所被震塌学校旁边,一名学生从废墟挖出来,孩子的亲戚在旁边痛哭

    Relatives cry next to the recovered body of a student near a school at the earthquake-hit Hanwang Town of Mianzhu County, Sichuan province, May 14, 2008.


  • 萨拉·布赖特曼1960年814日出英格兰伯克·普斯特德。她在13岁时步入了演艺界。

    Born August 14, 1960 in Berkhampstead, England, Sarah Brightman stepped into the world of performing arts at the early age of thirteen.


  • 2007年1027日,韦特海姆利一道帕克夫妇位于长岛房子检查他们那幅油画

    On October 27, 2007, Wertheim went with Hanley to the Parkers' house, on Long Island, to examine their painting.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》925日报道。用餐后埋诺尔·维克丹尼·波特拼命了命才叫到了服务生顿饭让他们受挫,继而俩人研发出一套互动点单系统

    A restaurant meal that ended in frustration as Noel Hunwick and Danny Potter tried desperately to get the attention of the waiter to pay the bill led them to develop an interactive ordering system.


  • 由于上周酒店正式上市携程也入股了庭,因此携程的股票价格一路上涨,截至41市值达到了53.4亿美元。

    Fueled by last week’s China Lodging Group IPO and Ctrip’s investment in the hotel company, Ctrip’s stock price has been rising and its market cap April 1 stood at $5.34 billion.


  • 由于上周酒店正式上市携程也入股了庭,因此携程的股票价格一路上涨,截至41市值达到了53.4亿美元。

    Fueled by last week’s China Lodging Group IPO and Ctrip’s investment in the hotel company, Ctrip’s stock price has been rising and its market cap April 1 stood at $5.34 billion.


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