• 好的汤姆你介绍一位同事·理查德森

    Good. Tom, I'd like to introduce a colleague, Quentin Richardson.


  • 上帝诗篇》作者的话,奥古斯认为对我奥古斯说的,然后奥古斯引用《诗篇》里的话回答上帝。

    What God is saying to the psalmist, Augustine says he was saying to me,personally,Augustine, and then Augustine answers back with the words of the Psalm.


  • 但是对于那些新的建议服用药物建议停止服用他药物的患者结果可能明显差异性

    However, there would be some significant differences in the people treated, including some who would be newly counseled to take statins, and others who would get the opposite advice.


  • 这个研究最著名两种药品就是西,也称为百忧解,以及帕罗西美国的被称为赛乐特。

    The two best-known drugs in the study were fluoxetine, better known as Prozac, and paroxetine, sold in the United States under the name Paxil.


  • 女士发言人马丁·塞尔梅尔,蕾女士未再审文件因而无法给出评论

    Martin Selmayr, a spokesman for Ms. Reding, said she had not yet reviewed the document and could not comment on it.


  • 去年,巴拉拉兰尼学校56位毕业生发表毕业典礼演说其中包括两个堂兄妹布鲁斯·斯普林斯女儿杰西·斯普林斯

    Last year Bharara gave the commencement address at the Ranney School to the graduating class of 56 students, including two of his Cousins and Jessie Springsteen, Bruce's daughter.


  • 读到扯掉衣服”的不仅更多地责怪贾斯布莱克,认为要收取罚金的人数比另外组人多了53%。

    Not only did people who read 'ripped the costume' blame Justin Timberlake more, they also levied a whopping 53% more in fines.


  • 罗伯特不愿过多地透露克里斯之间的感情但是克里斯比较喜欢自己即将上映的新作大象的眼泪》中蓬乱的发型

    Rob wouldn’t gush too much on his relationship with K-Stew but he does say she prefers his hairtousled” as opposed to his clean cut look in his upcoming flick Water For Elephants.


  • 罗伯特过多地透露克里斯之间的感情但是克里斯比较喜欢自己即将上映的新作大象的眼泪》中蓬乱的发型

    Rob wouldn't gush too much on his relationship with K-Stew but he does say she prefers his hair "tousled" as opposed to his clean cut look in his upcoming flick Water For Elephants.


  • 夫人遗嘱执行人感动而且他们也愿意把藏品委托夫人生前就满意工作

    The executors were impressed and happy to offer the consignment to someone whose work had pleased Mrs Marten during her lifetime.


  • 瓦伦家人告诉采访者,瓦伦性格倔强,自己管理自己事情习惯

    Valentim's family told reporters she had a stubborn streak and always made a habit of minding her own business.


  • 贾斯·比从来都不害羞说出自己赛琳娜·戈麦斯感情(很棒)但是赛琳娜还没有准备告诉公众自己对贾斯感觉哦。

    Justin Bieber's never been shy about his feelings for Selena Gomez (he told us she's "amazing") but Selena isn't exactly ready to shout her feelings from the rooftops just yet.


  • 德尔报业业主,已迈入耄耋之年德尔爵士,同样十分重视引人入胜的方式报道地方新闻

    The owner, Sir Ray Tindle, is an octogenarian who places greatemphasis on reporting local news in an engaging way.


  • 主唱歌手罗南·基发言人表示罗南·基完全震惊了”,目前正在美国返回路上

    A spokesman for Boyzone's lead singer, Ronan Keating, said he was "totally devastated" and was on his way back from the US at the moment.


  • 花在试图说服老奶奶一部·塔伦蒂诺导演的电影美元都浪费掉了(昆自己的祖母例外)。

    Every dollar spent trying to persuade a grandmother to see a Quentin Tarantino film is a dollar wasted (Quentin's granny excepted).


  • 身体锻炼:有人发现罗伯特和克里斯鲁日(路易斯安那州首府)一起骑车贾斯和塞丽娜一起享受完美味的薄烤饼之后可能健身房

    Physical Fitness: Rob &Kristen have been spotted riding bikes in Baton Rouge, while Justin &Selena probably have to hit the gym after eating at pancake joints!


  • 自称是同性恋者的Dani因为长相酷似贾斯·比伯,无论走到哪都以为贾斯·比伯,但是自己却澄清自己有自己的风格。

    Dani, who describes herself as' a lesbian who looks like Justin Bieber, but is uniquely different in her own ways, 'says:' I am stopped everywhere I go because people think I am Justin Bieber.


  • 这部名叫“天宝·葛兰”的电影根据葛兰回忆——浮现图像思考——改编的。

    The film "Temle Grandin" is based upon Grandin's memories, "Emergence" and "Thinking in pictures."


  • 这个想法导致赵恩•断言,“油轮一个冰河时代。”赵恩•马位于加利福尼亚的陆海洋实验室领导

    It was this thought that caused John Martin, once head of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in California, to declare, "give me half a tanker of iron, and I'll give you an ice age."


  • 同样,这种自杀行为风险差异未表现在SSRIs药物之间:西酞普兰、氟伏沙明帕罗西舍曲林氟西

    Nor were there significant differences in the risk of suicidal ACTS within the SSRI drug class in the comparisons among citalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine.


  • 贾斯·布莱克艾尔·格林合作演唱了《我们一起》,Jay-z与“玩”主唱克里斯·联袂另类演绎重新混音的热门单曲《迷失》。

    Justin Timberlake performed "Let's Stay Together" with Al Green. Jay-Z performed an otherwise underwhelming verse on the remix to "Lost" with Chris Martin of Coldplay.


  • 2011年8月28日北卡州马头镇(Nags head),比利•史生(BillyStinson)坐在自家别墅的台阶安慰女儿艾琳•史生(Erin Stinson)。

    Billy Stinson comforts his daughter Erin Stinson as they sit on the steps where their cottage once stood on August 28, 2011 in Nags Head, n.c..


  • 美术馆馆长大卫·凯斯:“宝宝首次排泄固体大便的铜像对这个家庭而言意味深长纪念品。” 凯斯补充道希望这件作品可以拍卖出2.5万3万美元的价格。

    "A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family, " gallery director David Kesting said, adding that he hoped the work would attract bids of up to 25 or 30, 000 dollars.


  • “这个仪式让人印象非常深刻,”参加了仪式的安德鲁·费斯(AndrewFesting)。他父亲弗朗西斯·费斯(Francis Festing)是陆军元帅,曾担任同盟国缅甸战役中的指挥官。

    "It was a very impressive performance," said Andrew Festing, son of Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, a commander in the Allies' Burma campaign, who attended the ceremony.


  • 配音麦克·梅尔斯,艾迪·墨菲卡梅隆·迪亚茨,安东尼奥·班德拉斯朱丽·安德鲁斯贾斯·布莱克,乔·汉姆,保罗·卡特尼,艾米·塞达里斯,玛雅·鲁道夫

    Starring (voices): Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, Justin Timberlake, Jon Hamm, Paul McCartney, Amy Sedaris and Maya Rudolph


  • 贾斯坠入爱河还是只是普通朋友”?贾斯历险

    Is Justin in love? Or is it "just friends"? Justin's Adventures.


  • 综合住院急诊就诊率,应用他类药物患者30%,而应用他类药物患者为20%,且总体发病率下降30%。

    For hospitalizations and emergency-department visits combined, the incidence was nearly 30% without statins and 20% with statins, for an overall reduction in incidence of 30%.


  • 综合住院急诊就诊率,应用他类药物患者30%,而应用他类药物患者为20%,且总体发病率下降30%。

    For hospitalizations and emergency-department visits combined, the incidence was nearly 30% without statins and 20% with statins, for an overall reduction in incidence of 30%.


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