• 世界最长河流——尼罗河亚马逊相比,这些水道显得黯然失色。

    These waterways seem mute in comparison to the world's two longest riversthe Nile and the Amazon.


  • 黑海进行研究工作科研人员发现了在海床上奔涌的水流,它们的流量是泰晤士河350如同陆地上河流一样冲刷蚀刻水道

    Researchers working in the Black sea have found currents of water 350 times greater than the river Thames flowing along the sea bed, carving out channels much like a river on the land.


  • 另外,2009年,那个一度河流延伸出去的圈圈缩水成了半圆水体一条狭窄水道连接着母

    And in 2009, the loop that once extended from the river has been reduced to a semicircular water body connected to the river only by a narrow channel.


  • 使得来自地中海密度较大河流一样在海床上流淌,冲刷蚀刻大概115英尺0.6英里水道河岸

    This causes the dense water from the Mediterranean to flow like a river along the sea bed, carving a channel with Banks around 115 feet deep and 0.6 of a mile wide.


  • 其中最大一个水道位于巴西沿海亚马逊河流太平洋的地方。

    Among the largest of these channels is off the coast of Brazil where the Amazon enters the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 来自利兹大学科学家第一次利用机器人潜水艇去研究海床下发现的深槽水道,结果他们发现了盐水河流流淌黑海海底的深槽水道中,并制造陆地河流非常相似河岸和漫滩。

    They found a river of highly salty water flowing along the deep channel at the bottom of the Black Sea, creating river banks and flood plains much like a river found on land.


  • 做出警告英国伯明翰华威大学科学家认为冲入下水道河流消毒剂其他产品引发抗药性微生物增长

    The warning has been made by Birmingham and Warwick university scientists, who say disinfectants and other products washed into sewers and rivers are triggering the growth of drug-resistant microbes.


  • 每天大量这种化学物质住宅工厂中冲入水道河流

    Every day, huge volumes of these chemicals are flushed from homes and factories into sewers and rivers.


  • 这样我们水道河流出现抗药性细菌创建一个理想环境

    In this way, we have created an ideal environment for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in our drains and sewers.


  • 这些城市雨水生活污水相同排水系统排放,意味着水道水量过大未经处理的污水会直接涌向河流和溪流。

    These cities collect stormwater and sewage in the same pipes, which means that when sewers are overwhelmed, raw sewage floods directly into rivers and streams.


  • 来自利兹大学科学家第一利用机器人潜水艇研究海床下发现深槽水道,结果他们发现了一条高含盐水河流流淌黑海海底的深槽水道中,并制造出和陆地上的河流非常相似的河岸和漫滩。

    The scientists, based at the University of Leeds, used a robotic submarine to study for the first time a deep channel that had been found on the sea bed.


  • 这里你们注意条像河流似的水道

    Over here you will notice what seems to be a river.


  • 伐木工石油公司开凿水道侵蚀岛上很多土地,几十年防洪工程阻断了曾经通畅河流,让湿地的沉积层得不到更新。

    Channels cut by loggers and oil companies eroded much of the island, and decades of flood control efforts have kept once free-flowing rivers from replenishing the wetlands' sediments.


  • 海狸常常河流溪流边构建水坝协助水流向森林或流水道允许生命可在周围茂盛生长

    Often Beaver builds DAMS in rivers or streams to assist in moving the water into the forest or into underground waterways to allow life to thrive all around.


  • 圣罗伦斯其他细小河流提供运输水道给经商者来往大湖及大西洋

    Lawrence river and other small rivers between the Great Lakea and the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 如果发现是在大陆上科学家们估计按照流过水量计算,这条如此宽广无名水道被认为是世界第六河流

    If found on land, scientists estimate the so-far unnamed waterway would be the world's sixth largest river in terms of the amount of water flowing through it.


  • 村民们将河流改道使进入水道

    The villagers diverted the river from its course to a new channel.


  • 伊拉克东南部河流水道流程193公里(120英里),底格里斯河幼发拉底河汇合而成向东南注入波斯湾

    A river channel, about 193 km (120 mi) long, of southeast Iraq formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and flowing southeast to the Persian Gulf.


  • 西江中国南方最大天然河流径流量内河中仅次于长江素有黄金水道美誉

    Xijiang's runoff is second to Yangtze river which is the largest natural river in the south of China and known as the "Golden Waterway" reputation.


  • 陆地河流那样,这种潜艇式的水道能开拓一些渠道支流,冲积平原险滩甚至瀑布

    Like those on land, the submarine waterways carve out channels, tributaries, flood plains, rapids and even waterfalls.


  • 支流汇集芝加哥河流总流程55公里(34英里)。伊利诺斯水道重要枢纽。

    A river formed at Chicago by the junction of northern and southern branches that total about 55 km (34 mi) in length. It is an important link in the Illinois Waterway.


  • 一些地区粗粒沉积物充填切入沉积物岩石的溪流河流水道内。

    In some areas, coarse sediments can fill channels of streams or rivers that cut through finer grained sediments or rocks.


  • 其次,夏季风带来充沛降水,致使河流湖泊以及洪水水道正在以惊人速度迅速膨胀

    The summer monsoon reliably delivers an intense abundance of water, swelling rivers, lakes and flooding water-courses incredibly fast.


  • 数百年来,河流湖泊自然水道筑坝、改道引水、拓展和工业污染等原因遭到了破坏。

    The natural course of rivers, streams, and lakes has been compromised by centuries of damming, diversion , sprawl, and industrial pollution.


  • 河流水道

    The old river drain?


  • 然而不像发达城市,由于缺少高级水处理设备这里河流实际变成了下水道

    Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers.


  • 传热介质(氟利昂)吸收热量品位来源(环境空气河流水道等等),以及蒸汽空气进入14

    This heat-transfer medium (Freon) absorbs heat from a low grade source (that is environment: air, river, drain, etc), steams off and goes into air pump 14.


  • 传热介质(氟利昂)吸收热量品位来源(环境空气河流水道等等),以及蒸汽空气进入14

    This heat-transfer medium (Freon) absorbs heat from a low grade source (that is environment: air, river, drain, etc), steams off and goes into air pump 14.


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