• 是有记录以来严重的水灾

    It was the worst flood since records began.


  • 警方已经发布了内华达水灾警告

    Police have issued flood warnings for Nevada.


  • 暴风雨引发了萨沃纳的山崩水灾

    The storm caused landslides and flooding in Savona.


  • 大坝决堤引发水灾吞噬了七十多人的生命。

    More than 70 people were killed in the floods, caused when a dam burst.


  • 发生地震水灾世界上一些影响幸运地方慷慨地帮助受灾人群。这次危机不同。

    This is not the kind of crisis, like an earthquake or a flood, where some fortunate, unaffected parts of the world can generously assist those who are suffering.


  • 洛杉矶附近发生泥石流水灾降雨量通常干燥区域超过公分破了几十年纪录

    There have been mudslides and flooding near Los Angeles. Rainfall totals were above five centimeters in the normally dry region, shattering decades-old records.


  • 似乎证实巴基斯坦灾难性水灾俄罗斯森林大火有关,帮助解释去年下半年食品价格大幅上涨。

    That seems to have been linked to the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and huge forest fires in Russia which help explain the big food-price rises in the second half of last year.


  • 陆军工兵师团同时负责维护河堤使新奥尔良不受类似3年前卡特里娜飓风那样水灾侵袭。

    The Corps of Engineers also maintains the levees that protect the city from being flooded by a surge from a hurricane, such as happened nearly three years ago when Hurricane Katrina passed through.


  • 旱灾水灾全球变自然后果干旱是因为气温更热,洪水则是因为变海洋释放出了更多的水蒸汽

    And both droughts and floods are natural consequences of a warming world: droughts because it's hotter, floods because warm oceans release more water vapor.


  • 完美的世界里任务关键数据库不会遇到硬件网络软件故障等问题也不会遇到火灾水灾自然灾害

    In a perfect world, mission-critical databases would never be subjected to issues like hardware, network, or software malfunctions, nor would they be exposed to natural disasters like fire and flood.


  • 冬季即将来临,这些山丘周围村庄具有毁灭性威胁因为大雨不仅冲走土壤而且还会引起严重的水灾

    Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.


  • 人类文明重点将移两极因为那里足够凉快适宜农作物生长,而且会有持续降雨(尽管这会带来严重水灾)。

    The focus of civilisation moves towards the poles, where temperatures remain cool enough for crops, and rainfall - albeit with severe floods - persists.


  • 一些气候学家相信这种恶性循环加剧亚洲降雨量导致孟加拉国缅甸这些地方暴风雨难的频发。

    Some climatologists believe this warming feedback loop could intensify the Asian monsoon, triggering more violent storms and flooding in places such as Bangladesh and Myanmar.


  • 营养不良人数以及腹泻死亡人数增加更多风暴水灾造成多人死伤霍乱疫情的暴发频率将越来越

    Malnutrition will increase, as will the number of deaths from diarrhoeal disease. More storms and floods will cause more deaths and injuries, and cholera outbreaks will occur with greater frequency.


  • 地球变暖过程缓慢的,极端天气事件影响更多暴风雨水灾旱灾热浪,将是突发性的和明显的。

    The warming of the planet will be gradual, but the effects of extreme weather events - more storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves - will be abrupt and acutely felt.


  • 地球变暖过程缓慢的,极端天气事件影响更多暴风雨水灾旱灾热浪,将是突发性的和明显的。

    The warming of the planet will be gradual, but the effects of extreme weather eventsmore storms, floods, droughts and heat waves — will be abrupt and acutely felt.


  • 荷兰共有3500处堤围泽地,几乎所有这些地区需要不断积水,以免附近住宅建筑物遭到害。

    There are almost 3500 polders in the Netherlands, and almost all of them are continually pumped dry to keep flood waters from destroying nearby homes and buildings.


  • 泰国水灾照片美国宇航局的泰拉号航天器于10月23号拍摄植被显示红色水灾地区黑色深蓝色

    This photo, taken October 23rd from NASA's TERRA spacecraft, shows Thailand mid-flood. Vegetation is shown in red, while flooded areas are in black and dark blue.


  • 希吉拉特、组织150万水灾灾民提供熟食治疗超过30万病人并且8万5千户人家提供口粮

    Khan says his group has provided cooked meals to one and a half million flood victims, treated more than 300 thousand patients and has given rations to 85,000 families.


  • 地球逐渐暖,剧烈风暴热浪干旱水灾极端气候事件日益频繁严重,令人措手不及,造成极为严重的影响。

    The warming of the planet will be gradual, but the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, like intense storms, heat waves, droughts, and floods, will be abrupt and acutely felt.


  • 巴西东南部水灾山体滑坡导致70余死亡其中30人死位于里约热内卢的格兰德岛上的一家埋没的旅馆

    Floods and landslides killed more than 70 people in south-eastern Brazil, almost 30 of them when a hotel in Ilha Grande, in Rio DE Janeiro state, was buried.


  • 正如菲律宾最近台风灾害表明的那样,虽然强风地震往往占据新闻头条,但频繁带来破坏性后果的则水灾

    While high winds and earthquakes tend to grab the headlines, it is flooding that most frequently devastates, as has been demonstrated by the recent typhoon in the Philippines.


  • 这个案件牵涉到480个记者另外一些假装成记者的人,他们要求封口一起矿井水灾逃离公众视线

    Ma said the case involved 480 reporters and others pretending to be reporters who asked for "shut-up fees" to keep news of a mine flood out of the public eye.


  • 虽然在市区某些地方时间可能持续一个以上,社区工作人员他们担心的,还是水灾经济发生长期影响

    While the flood waters could last for a month or longer in some parts of the city, community organizers say they are worried about the longer term economic impact.


  • 虽然在市区某些地方时间可能持续一个以上,社区工作人员他们担心的,还是水灾经济发生长期影响

    While the flood waters could last for a month or longer in some parts of the city, community organizers say they are worried about the longer term economic impact.


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