• 用于处理冶金组合物的改进方法,该方法包括使冶金组合硝酸水溶液反应

    Improved methods for treating metallurgical compositions involve reacting a metallurgical composition with an aqueous nitric acid solution.


  • 甲苯胺甲醛水溶液反应合成得到了高纯度3,3 -二甲基-4,4 -二氨基二苯甲烷(MDT),并对其性能进行了表征。

    The polyimide monomer of 3,3 -dimethyl-4,4 -diaminodiphenylmethane(MDT)was synthesized through the reaction between O-methyl aniline and aqueous formaldehyde solution.


  • 他们希望了解二氧化碳水溶液玄武岩产生化学反应形成碳酸钙速度有多

    They hope to learn how quickly the carbon dioxide and water mixture reacts with the basalt rock to form calcium carbonate.


  • 学习基础知识。理解化学它们定义研究平衡概念了解简单的酸,碱,盐(水溶液)如何反应

    Look at basic acids, bases, and salts. Understand the definition for use in chemistry. Explore the concept of equilibrium and how (when aqueous) basic acids, bases, and salts react.


  • 荧光光谱分光光度法研究了水溶液二碘荧光血清白蛋白相互结合反应

    The interaction between diiodofluorescein and bovine serum albumins in aqueous solution was studied by fluorescence and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra.


  • 性状白色粉状结晶溶于水溶液碱性,放出热量,易潮解;发生反应生成

    Character of Sodium carbonate white powder crystal; When it dissolves in water, the liquid will have alkalinity, and emit heat; Sodium carbonate and acid react to salt.


  • 本文应用表面化学理论分析了矿物水溶液中的溶解反应动力学机理

    This paper deals with the mechanism of dissolution reaction kinetics of minerals in aqueous solution based on the theory of surface chemistry.


  • 评价氧剂氧化能力,测定了抗氧剂亚硫酸钠亚硫酸氢钠及焦亚硫酸钠水溶液反应速率常数

    To evaluate the antioxygenic property of the antioxidants, the oxidation reaction rate constants of sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite and sodium pyrosulfite in aqueous solutions were determined.


  • 电化学反应体系中通常水溶液有机溶液熔融用作电解质

    Traditionally, aqueous solution, organic solution and molten salts are used as electrolyte for electrochemical reaction.


  • 硫酸水溶液-锌齐(电极)体系实验研究了液-液界面化学反应形成气体产物气泡生长规律。

    The growth of gas bubbles on liquid-liquid interface is studied experimentally when gas forms through chemical reaction in sulphuric acid solution-zinc amalgam (or mercury electrode) system.


  • 丙烯酸蔗糖代替价格昂贵烯丙基蔗糖作为交联,用过硫酸钾引发剂水溶液反应制取卡波

    Sucrose acrylate is used as a crosslinking agent instead of the expensive sucrose ether, and potassium persulfate is used as a initiator to prepare carbomer in the water solution.


  • 研究了1 -丁酰胺N-衍生物1 -水溶液弱碱性条件下的化学反应

    The reaction of N chloro derivatives of butylamide (BA) with 1 propanol in neutral aqueous solutions were investigated.


  • 产生水力空化条件下对KI水溶液分解反应进行了实验研究

    The hydrodynamic cavitation generated through an orifice plate is used to decompose aqueous solution of KI in this work.


  • 酸性废水中主要发生臭氧与4 -氯分子4 -氯酚离子反应臭氧在水溶液中分解形成的羟基自由基的氧化作用可以忽略。

    The main reactions taking place in the acid aqueous solution were those between ozone and 4-chlorophenol and 4-chlorophenol salt ion.


  • 探讨了如何控制均相条件下以乙酰度的聚糖主要原料,乙酸水溶液- 乙醇-吡啶介质中实现壳聚糖N乙酰化反应的问题;

    By high acetylation of chitosan at N position with acetic anhydride in a homogeneous medium known as acetic solution–alcohol-pyridine system, water-soluble chitosan was prepared.


  • 采用氢双丙酸为原料,甲醇-水溶液中,碱性条件下,加入适量抗氧化剂,经部分醇解脱酰化反应合成氢醌单丙酸酯。

    Hydroquinone monopropionate was synthesized by partially alcoholysized and deacylated of hydroquinone bipropionate in methanol-water solution and alkaline condition with appropriate antioxidant.


  • 然而许多情况下这些理想给出可能的反应一个相当好的主意水溶液中,特别是如果反应驱动力

    However, in many cases these ideal diagrams give a quite good idea of the possible reactions in aqueous solutions, especially if the driving force of the reactions is high.


  • 醋酸水溶液作为钙剂,环烷酸作为模型有机钙化合物,研究了反应条件以及原油组分存在脱钙的影响

    The influences of reaction conditions and petroleum fractions on the removal of calcium by dilute aqueous acetic acid were investigated using calcium naphthenate as model compound.


  • 该甘氨酸硫酸或者硫酸镍结晶水合物氨酸水溶液混合进行反应得到

    The nickel glycinate is obtained after nickel sulfate or a crystalline hydrate of the nickel sulfate is mixed with a glycine aqueous solution to react.


  • 水溶液中,聚糖香草发生希夫反应,生成改性壳聚糖vcg

    Chitosan react with vanillin aldehyde by Schiff's base reaction in water, a polymer product-VCG can be prepared.


  • 硫化原料水溶液氧化铜反应,生成氢氧化钡

    The barium hydroxide was produced by the reaction of raw material barium sulfide with the copper oxide in water.


  • 利用激光闪光光解技术进行了有氧无氧条件下氯化三苯基锡亚硝酸水溶液紫外光解反应研究。

    The reaction of triphenyltin with nitrous acid in aqueous phase in the presence and absence of O2 was studied by a laser flash photolysis technique.


  • 次氯酸钠水溶液分解反应为准一级反应浓度温度不同程度影响次氯酸钠水溶液稳定性

    The decomposition of sodium hypochlorite liquor is a quasi first-class reaction, and the concentration and temperature affect the stability of sodium hypochlorite liquor in different levels.


  • 煤炭氧化程度随温度H2O2水溶液浓度增加而加快反应温度的影响尤其显著。

    The coal oxidation became faster with higher reaction temperature and higher concentration of H2O2.


  • 本文研究硫酸钡溶液EDTA反应条件提出EDTA滴定法测定三硝基间苯二酚中的硫酸

    This Paper studies the reaction conditions of the Barium Sulphate and EDTA in ammonia water solution and proposes to use EDTA titration to determine sulphuric acid in Trinitro-resorcinol.


  • N_2保护敞开体系两类不同反应环境中,分别研究了溶液聚糖水溶液乙二醇水溶液胆红素晶体的成核生长情况。

    The crystal growth of calcium bilirubinate was studied in pure water, dextran and polyethylene glycol aqueous solutions with the protection of N2 or in the open system.


  • 考察蔗糖水溶液浓度反应温度蔗糖水解反应影响

    In this paper the effect of sucrose concentration and reaction temperature on the sucrose hydrolysis were studied.


  • 龙胆氢氧化钠水溶液中的反应,不仅有氧化还有取代反应,氧化之后紧接着进行取代反应,本文给予了解释。

    The ESR spectra of chemical reactions of gentisic acid in sodium alkoxide-alcohol were different from those in sodium hydroxide aqueous solution.


  • 复鞣剂Z - 1活性单体水溶液通过自由基共聚合而得到,中间活性大分子单体主要反应单体。

    Z-1 was synthesized in water solution through radical polymerization. Intermediate isomer is one of the most important isomers.


  • 复鞣剂Z - 1活性单体水溶液通过自由基共聚合而得到,中间活性大分子单体主要反应单体。

    Z-1 was synthesized in water solution through radical polymerization. Intermediate isomer is one of the most important isomers.


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