• 卡斯希望管道一端建造太阳放大镜,将热量收集充满的管道上。

    Casselman wants to build an array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line to collect and focus heat onto water filled tubes.


  • 卡斯尔管道一端建造太阳能放大镜收集热量把热量集中充满管道上。

    Castleman wants to build an array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line to collect and focus heat onto water-filled tubes.


  • 根多尔河(以前是村民的源)迅速干涸时,赛迪意识到土地需要一些

    Sadiman realized that the land was in need of some water when the Gendol River—previously the source of water for villagers—was quickly drying up.


  • 总理,我亲爱的朋友,”宁特里说,“我给你的药只是一瓶蒸馏。”

    "My dear friend and Prime Minister," Manningtree said, "the medicine I gave you was just a bottle of distilled water."


  • 说,只要他身体健康,他就会继续种树,为村民提供干净的

    Sadiman said as long as he's healthy, he'll continue to plant trees to help provide clean water for his villagers.


  • 该项调查进行了扩充,收录进了其新书《重度干渴》中。该书研究免费自然资源未来。菲什写道我们不能漠然视之了。

    He expands his investigation of the water industry in the new book the Big Thirst, which examines the future of a natural resource that, Fishman says, we can no longer take for granted.


  • 说,只有自来公司技术得以改进这种情况才改变

    This, says Fishman, will change — but only if technology at water utility companies starts to improve.


  • 这里除了缺乏厕所医药之外,流离失所人们抱怨说,允许他们尼克农场里自由活动

    In addition to shortages of water and toilets and adequate medical care, the displaced also complain there is no freedom of movement at Manik Farm.


  • 布希长久居住沙漠地区——他们认为存在古老人类——在干旱的季节几乎没有很难找到

    In the desert regions that the Bushmen have long inhabited - they are thought to be the oldest strain of humanity still existing - water is scarce and difficult to find in the dry season.


  • 多尔先生38岁,妻子赫尔森女士35岁他们使用自然清洁产品,“一直碧然德中的所以不用一次性

    Mr. Dorfman, 38, and Ms. Holzen, 35, use natural cleaning products, and areconstantlydrinking out of their Brita pitcher, so there is no need for disposable water bottles.


  • 莱特注意到海滩漫步者公园并不清澈干净并且丰富的海鲜

    The water at Beachwalker Park is not clear, Leatherman noted, but it's clean and contains excellent seafood.


  • 迈克·弗兰克,是生活泰国40岁加拿大,他年轻曾经温哥华瓶装行业工作。

    Mike Flancman, a 40-year-old Canadian living in Thailand, worked as a young man in the bottled-water industry in Vancouver.


  • 快速公司》杂志发表于2007年的一则封面报道中,菲瓶装企业如何曾经免费自然资源变成了一项价值达数十亿美元的生意进行了调查

    In a Fast Company cover story published in 2007, Fishman examined how the bottled water industry turned what was once a free natural resource into a multibillion-dollar business.


  • 9月末印度河沿岸已经开始渐渐退去尽管印度河西部大量还未退去聚集成一个洪湖,但是最终洪悉数注入查尔湖。

    Floodwaters had begun to recede along the Indus river by late September, although high waters remained in a massive floodwater lake west of the Indus, terminating in Manchhar lake.


  • 在线广告业内人士认为阿姆斯特朗科尔关系就像”。

    But the personage inside online advertising thinks, the relation of Armstrong and Colman resembles " oil and water ".


  • 动人心魄海滩绚丽落日潜也好、也罢,安达群岛独有世界绝对你留下深刻印象。

    From the breathtaking beaches to the gorgeous sunsets, the islands of Andaman hold an exclusive water world which is absolutely stunning to explore through snorkelling and diving.


  • 主要斜坡六角网格其他侵蚀结构灵活适应性优势基础

    The main water embankment, slope Angle of six mesh gabion mesh pad and other anti erosion structure of Hayman, flexible, adaptive advantage foundation.


  • 品种坚韧适应土库斯坦土地马匹必须生活没有太多食物严厉性

    The breed is tough and resilient, having adapted to the harshness of Turkmenistan lands, where horses must live without much food or water.


  • 一种相似装置内旋转发现了这一点

    Mann found that by rotating his bottles in the water with a device similar to a paddle wheel.


  • 对所得到光谱进行了计算机卷积处理,并由此计算了不同溶液中四面体结构百分数

    Computer deconvolutions of the Raman spectra allow the percent of tetrahedral hydrogen bonded structure of water to be determined.


  • 配合使用若诗护肤养颜霜护肤抗皱霜效果更

    It will act better when used with Resmax water moist skin-care face essence or water moist skin care anti-wrinkle cream.


  • 研究了在盐酸中硫分子表面增强散射

    We have studied the surface enhanced Raman scattering of thiourea adsorbed on plated silver surface in HCl aqueous solution.


  • 多尔先生38岁,妻子赫尔森女士35岁他们使用自然清洁产品,“一直碧然德中的所以不用一次性

    Mr. Dorfman, 38, and Ms. Holzen, 35, use natural cleaning products, and are "constantly" drinking out of their Brita pitcher , so there is no need for disposable water bottles.


  • 美国约瑟夫·弗莱·,选《布雷姆的动物生命》第一维也纳,1920。

    American water turtles, Joseph Fleischmann, from Brehms Tierleben (Brehm's animal life) vol. 1, Vienna, 1920.


  • 查看上市帝克而现场总线能力

    View a listing of Numatics valves that are Fieldbus capable.


  • 光谱极性物质极其敏感食品质量安全检测方面具有良好应用前景

    Raman spectroscopy has good application prospect in food quality and safety determination, for its spectra are not extremely sensitive to polar materials such as water.


  • 我们最后莫希干人,”道格拉斯·艾丽房地产公司(DouglasEllimanReal Estate)的销售员查尔斯·布鲁道(Charles Bludeau)表示。 他代理着宾塞庄园套489500美元(约合人民币3165107元)的滨两室共管公寓。

    "We're the last of the Mohicans, " said Charles Bludeau, a salesman with Douglas Elliman Real Estate who represents a two-bedroom condo on the water in Spencer Estates for $489,500.


  • 安格先生说,缺乏国家人口增长率要高于世界其余地域的人口增长率。

    Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that abridgement water is gcanoeing faster than in other locations of the apple.


  • 安格先生说,缺乏国家人口增长率要高于世界其余地域的人口增长率。

    Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that abridgement water is gcanoeing faster than in other locations of the apple.


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