• 斯内普自来金笔填写了收据。

    Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen.


  • 马吕斯一杯,一手托着腮帮,支桌子边上坐着,听到“滑铁卢三个字手腕便离开了下巴开始注视在座的人们。

    At this name of Waterloo, Marius, who was leaning his elbows on a table, beside a glass of water, removed his wrist from beneath his chin, and began to gaze fixedly at the audience.


  • 他们孩子救出时不停地喝,他还是死了”,王朝平(音),手里拿着护照般大小的16岁儿子王庭海(音)的照片

    "When they pulled my boy out, he kept begging for water but then he died," said Wang Chaoping, holding a passport-sized photo of his 16-year-old son, Wang Tinghai.


  • 忘了救急毯子和一个急救箱一把手电,电池零食

    Don't forget an emergency blanket, a good knife, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, batteries, snacks, and water.


  • 浴缸里装满了将身上的衣服尽数脱下,整整齐齐地,放在椅子上。

    As the tub filled, I stripped completely, folded my clothes nice and neat on a chair.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,美国宇航局近日公布了火星冬季照片展现了火星表面无数令人惊叹的地貌特征结构其中包括二氧化碳或者形成的

    NASA recently released a stunning image showing the surface of Mars in extraordinary detail, including a myriad of shapes and textures seen as carbon dioxide or water frost, the Daily Mail reported.


  • 一个臭名昭案例中多个厂商购买了有害费弃品堆放附近的地下以生产瓶装

    In one notorious case, water coming from a well located near a hazardous waste site was sold to many bottlers.


  • 世界粮农组织认为,如果用效率加以改观,世界农业需求要增加60%,才足够喂养出的20亿嘴巴。

    The Food and Agriculture Organisation reckons that, without changes in efficiency, the world will need as much as 60% more water for agriculture to feed those 2 billion extra mouths.


  • 需要像足球大小小球;一条浴巾;一办公那样的带滚轮椅子;一块空地一些喜欢的舞曲;一大

    What you'll need: a small ball, about the size of a soccer ball; a bath towel; a chair on wheels, like a desk chair; a furniture-free area; some of your favorite dance music; a tall glass of water!


  • 安娜雅克布的车上留了一可爱的小纸条,上面写着“不要认为我的脑子进了”,之后两个人在咖啡馆畅谈,露心声,原来两人都喜欢保罗·西蒙的歌曲《Graceland》。

    She leaves him a cute note on his car (“please don’t think I’m a nutcase”), and soon after a cafe conversation they’re confessing their mutual appreciation for Paul Simon’s “Graceland.”


  • 知道又是怎么玩耍吗?一桌子就是玩耍的天地,女人桌上了一盘子拇指姑娘把它叫做她的湖。

    And where do you think she played? A table was her playground. On the table the woman placed a plate of water. Little Thumbelina called that her lake.


  • 除了收集那些明显方法外,也上放块布的方法雾气中获得或者在周围拖动毯子,可以收集清晨地面的露珠

    Apart from the obvious ways of collecting rain water, water can be collected from fog by hoisting a cloth over a bucket or as morning dew can be collected of the ground by dragging a blanket around.


  • 于是准备了满满的,一面镜子

    So, I prepared a pot full of water, a large mirror and a piece of paper.


  • 过滤掉继续试验时候,他发现留在过滤纸上的不是羟基磷灰石粉末,而是形成了一薄膜

    While he wanted to filter out the water and continue the experiment, he found that instead of getting hydroxyapatite powder on the filter paper, a film formed on the paper.


  • 然后精美绝伦的壁画,一山一,一草一木,鸟兽样样都眼花缭乱不知漂亮! !

    Then the beautiful murals, the hill, objects, insects, fish, birds and beasts have everything, let me dazzling, don't know which one is good, so beautiful!


  • 老师准备许多道具铁棒块手帕一瓶酒精还有一盆装满

    Teachers prepared a number of props: an iron bar, a handkerchief, a piece of paper and a bottle of alcohol, there is a pot filled with water basin.


  • 吉林大学环境资源学院院长蓝应不能溶解一种危险物质

    Zhang Lanying, director of the Environment and Resources Institute of Jilin University, said that benzene which does not dissolve in water is a dangerous substance.


  • 波士顿长码头透视图设计正在进行中。分析图尤为重要,因为描述出整个设计城市关系

    This first illustration is one of the more important ones because it is describing the entire design and its relationship to the water and the city.


  • 首先,别公车司机那样洗车那样沙皮只有程度区别。如果下过雨或者灰比较厚,也就别用蜡拖或者布掸灰了。干脆洗车吧。

    First, don't wash the car with a bucket of water like a bus driver... So, the difference and get a shar paint only the extent of grinding.


  • 此外边坡裂缝时,滑面的临界倾角裂缝深度和位高度有关。

    In addition, when there are tension crack and water in the slope, the critical inclination has relations with the position of crack and the level of water.


  • 目的探讨食管充盈ct检查食管癌浸润纵隔脏器诊断标准应用价值

    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic standard and clinical value of the ct scan with water-filling method in esophageal carcinoma with mediastinum viscera invasion.


  • 结果:低直肠充盈CT图像清晰显示肠腔肠壁变化

    Results: ct images clearly showed the changes of lumen and the wall after hypotonic water filling of rectum.


  • 需要大约40使间厕所,更不用铃声

    It requires about 40 sheets of paper to make one toilet roll, not to mention tones of water.


  • 牧师听完了麦克的诉说,把一个古旧的小屋,屋子里惟一的桌上放着一杯

    The priest led Mike into an old cabin after Mike finished his last word. In the cabin, there was a table, on which is a glass of water.


  • 牧师听完了麦克的诉说,把一个古旧的小屋,屋子里惟一的桌上放着一杯

    The priest led Mike into an old cabin after Mike finished his last word. In the cabin, there was a table, on which is a glass of water.


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