• 根据动力模型预测位降深在近期趋于稳定

    The flow model indicates that the reservoir pressure will reach near steady state condition early in the prediction period.


  • 最后基于模型建立了日本川上河上包含两个桥墩河段三维水动力模型

    Finally, a 3-d hydrodynamic model for the river-section of Kawakami river in Japan, that contains two piers, is established based on this model.


  • 结果表明暴雨径流数值模拟可以河网水动力模型提供可靠准确流量边界

    The results showed that the storm runoff simulation could provide reliable and accurate discharge for the river-network HD model.


  • 进一步建立动力模型模型耦合,使可以应用感潮河环境模拟

    Further, a coupling model of hydrodynamic model and water quality model was developed and it can be applied to simulate the water environment of a tidal river network controlled by gates.


  • 本文使用非结构化网格有限体积三维水动力模型,分析研究河流近岸环境影响

    In the paper, three-dimensional finite volume hydrodynamic model with unstructured grid are adopted to study the impacts of rivers on the coastal water environment.


  • 防汛会商决策系统建设3S技术为依托,配合相应水动力模型建立了12个子系统。

    The establishment of consultation decision-support system for flood control of Zhangze Reservoir is based on 3S technology. It builds 12 sub-systems combining with relevant hydrodynamic models.


  • 通用土壤流失方程(usle)动力土壤侵蚀研究领域应用广泛经验模型

    Universal soil Loss Equation (USLE) is an empirical model widely used in the domain of soil erosion by water.


  • 计算结果均表明本文动力模型较好地模拟河道的过特征改善漫滩河道演进模拟预测能力

    Calculation results show that this model can simulate the characteristics of water flow in a floodplain river and can improve the capacity of flood routing simulating and predicting.


  • 模型包括了两个模型,即动力学子模型生态系统动力学子模型

    This model includes two sub-models: one is hydrodynamic model and the other is ecosystem dynamic model.


  • 根据拉格朗日动力方程克雷洛夫-勃拉哥维辛斯理论,首次建立了“船舶-减摇鳍-被动式减摇综合减摇系统数学模型

    According to Lagrange dynamical equation and Kriloff theory, the mathematical model of integrated anti-roll system "ship -fin stabilizer-passive anti-roll tank" is built up.


  • 考虑到AUV运动模型特点本文提出全局最小二乘法(TLS)辨识AUV动力参数

    In the paper, with the characteristics of AUV dynamic model is concerned, total least squares (TLS) is chosen to identify the hydrodynamic parameters of AUV.


  • 针对横剖面方型圆型陷落式模型,在来为均匀流作用条件下,开展水动力实验研究,测量腔体壁面的流体压力变化。

    Different cross sections of the model have been tested, such as square and circle, and the constant pressure of the fluid acted on the inside wall of the cavity is measured.


  • 通过三不同碰撞模型对比,研究了动力短程粒子浓度不同时主导作用

    Two new models are compared with the simple repulsive force model, and the dominant role of long-range hydrodynamic force and short-range interactions are established in different cases.


  • 提出一种新型拖曳系统三维水动力数学模型

    A new three-dimensional hydrodynamic model to simulate the hydrodynamic behavior of an underwater towed system is proposed.


  • 建立了湛江二维全流动力模型模拟了湛江湾宝满码头填海工程水动力

    The present paper established a two-dimensional depth-integrated hydrodynamic model in the Zhanjiang Bay, and simulated the tidal current fields before and after reclamation engineering in the bay.


  • 模型试验方法研究了不同充气方式充气量螺旋桨水动力和辐射噪声影响

    The effects of different jet mode and air amount on propeller's hydrodynamics and radial noise are also studied by model tests.


  • 地下模型问题动力弥散问题耦合而成

    Groundwater quality model is composed of problems of groundwater flow and dynamic dispersion.


  • 本文最终建立船舶4自由度响应型数学模型传统船舶水动力数学模型更为简捷方便,精度基本满足要求

    The 4 degrees responding mathematical model for ships established in the paper is simpler than those conventional ship hydrodynamic mathematical models. And the precision also meets the requirements.


  • 建立贴体曲线网格水动力数学模型模拟长江太仓段潮流特性。

    A mathematical model for flow in body fitted curvilinear system was established to simulate flow detail in Taicang reach of Yangtze River.


  • 本文通过岩溶特征分析模拟试验研究探索了岩溶形成演化环境地球化学和水动力蚀变模型

    Through the analysis of karst characters and study of simulated tests, the paper explores environment of formation and evolution of karst and hydrogeochemistry and hydrodynamic alteration model.


  • 针对动力体系复杂特点,讨论模型条件模型进行了数值求解

    In view of the hydrodynamic complexity of the wellbore, the definite condition of the model has been discussed, and the numerical solution has been presented.


  • 模型水动力方程泥沙扩散方程均采用函数方案有限体积离散

    In the model, the finite volume method discrete of power function is adopted for the hydrodynamic and silt diffusion equations.


  • 该法是以动力为油气运移模型,采用LSQR迭代多重网格的加速计算方法

    The effective method involves water drive hydrocarbon migration model, multigrid and LSQR iteration.


  • 模型同时考虑了电化学动力动力多组分传递

    The model accounts simultaneously for electrochemical kinetics, hydrodynamics, and multicomponent transport.


  • 流体介质,建立了旋流喷嘴计算流体动力模型

    The computational fluid dynamics model of a swirl nozzle is established with the water as the working fluid of atomization.


  • 动力模型需要大量田间实测资料主要应用于农田氮素循环、定量评价资源利用率、优化管理措施等方面。

    The DPM method needs lot of field data, mainly to study nitrogen cycle in field, assess water and nitrogen usage efficiency and optimize management soil water and nitrogen fertilizer.


  • 通过模型试验测量大深度载人低速角运动时受到的非线性动力

    The nonlinear hydrodynamic forces on a deep manned submersible at a low forward speed and large drift angles are determined by a model test.


  • 上述模型很好地反映舰船动力特性原始波浪力矩吻合由此证明了模型正确性

    The above models can reflect water kinetics performance of warship and tally with the original wave force and moment, as a result, the correctness of constructed models is proved.


  • 上述模型很好地反映舰船动力特性原始波浪力矩吻合由此证明了模型正确性

    The above models can reflect water kinetics performance of warship and tally with the original wave force and moment, as a result, the correctness of constructed models is proved.


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