• 水力机械运转保证测试为基础

    Hydraulic and mechanical performance guarantees shall be based on water testing.


  • 本文函数方程,统计分析橡胶树萌动种植材料不同水力的关系

    The power function equation was used to analyse the relation between different bud lengths and water-retaining capacity of Hevea planting materials with young sprouts.


  • 由于风力太阳能水力充分利用奥地利80%的能量是可再生资源产生的。

    Thanks to the wide use of wind -, solar - and hydropower Austria produces around 80% of its energy from renewable resources.


  • 研究不同电击方式猪肉色泽、系水力影响及其P SE发生率之间的关系。

    Effect of different electrical stunning (es) methods on muscle color, WHC and their co-relation with the incidence of PSE were investigated.


  • 介绍利用土壤水分土壤力的内在关系控制土壤吸水力标准进行水稻控制灌溉

    This paper introduces inner relations between utilizing soil moist and soil absorbing water. The rice control irrigation is engaged in controlling soil absorbing water standard.


  • 海岸某些地方击打岩石峭壁但是单凭水力的冲击造成的剥蚀,水中夹带着沙石对峭壁的剥蚀相比就显得多了。

    On some parts of the coast the waves beat against the rocky cliffs, but this damage is small compared with that caused by the stones and sand which the water throws against them.


  • 由于水力挤压作用增加煤层瓦斯放散的速度,瓦斯得到充分释放减小了工作面瓦斯超限的威胁,安全生产显著的作用。

    Extruding of water power increases the speed of gas scattering, which makes gas fully release, reduce the gas pressure goes beyond the limit and have remarkable effect to safety production.


  • 采用蛋白酶淀粉酶结合水解制备玉米膳食纤维研究确立了玉米皮膳食纤维双酶法制备工艺,进一步探讨食品体系对玉米皮膳食纤维持水力的影响。

    Proteinase and amylase were employed to produce the corn bran dietary fiber. The optimum technic was established and the character of dietary fiber in food system was discussed.


  • 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河幼发拉底河水来建造大型水力发电工程

    Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects.


  • 随后,蒸汽动力登上了历史舞台整个水力发电前景一度遭到了怀疑

    Then steam power entered the scene, putting the whole future of waterpower in doubt.


  • 由于蒸汽机燃煤来驱动的,因此一些大型棉纺织厂就不再像那些使用水力驱动机器的工厂一样,必须

    Since the steam engine was fired by coal, the large mills did not need to be located by rivers, as had mills that used water-driven machines.


  • 溪水流向听从大自然的计划,不管有没有其他原因支持这个选址水力驱动的工厂必须设在河岸

    Streams flowed where nature intended them to, and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons.


  • 即使是可靠水力也会随着季节变化,也会因干旱消失

    Even the most reliable waterpower varied with the seasons and disappeared in a drought.


  • 接下来几个世纪里,在整个罗马帝国以及在中东北欧边界以外的地方建造了越来越复杂的水力发电厂。

    In the following centuries, increasingly sophisticated waterpower mills were built throughout the Roman Empire and beyond its boundaries in the Middle East and northern Europe.


  • 不到时间里,单个发电站的发电能力千瓦上升到了兆瓦其中许多水力发电站

    The capacity of individual power stations, many of them hydro plants, rose from a few kilowatts to over a megawatt in less than a decade.


  • 一个世纪情况完全不同了:这时世界已经有了电力工业其四分之一的发电量水力驱动的。

    A century later the picture was completely different: by then, the world had an electric industry, and a quarter of its generating capacity was water powered.


  • 气球”宇宙飞船使用水力向太空推进,成本大约是普通宇宙飞船的三十分之一。

    The "Balloon" spaceship uses water to push it through space and costs about one-thirtieth of a normal spaceship.


  • 水力发动机可以利用太阳能板将水加热至高温从而产生的蒸汽。

    The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板) that heat water to a high temperature.


  • 但是,沿河居住的当地人表示他们从未征询关于水力发电的计画。

    But local people along the river say they have not been consulted about the hydroelectric schemes.


  • 水力发电核能发电的成本差不多相同的。

    Hydro power and nuclear power cost about the same amount.


  • 在移动电刷供电水力吗?

    Was she moving the hydraulic hose that powered the brush?


  • 碎裂——对于现有化石燃料储存水力压裂一个颇有争议的开采方法

    Fracking - Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial method for extracting fossil fuels from hitherto unreachable deposits.


  • 随着钻井技术特别是充满争议水力压裂法(又破裂法)的广泛采用。已探明的天然气储量不断增加。

    Thanks to new drilling technology, and in particular a controversial process called hydraulic fracturing or "fracking," the size of the proven reserves is growing.


  • 在美国天然气核能以及水力发电平均电价一度电11美分

    U.S. residential customers pay an average of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for power from a mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydroelectric sources, but renewables are far pricier.


  • 现在发达国家水力发电效率基本上达到极限了,意味着如果没有新的水力能源形式利用,未来不会任何水力发电站需求

    Most hydro systems in the western world have been exploited to their full potential, which means that future demand will not be satisfied by hydro unless new hydro energy forms become available.


  • 现在发达国家水力发电效率基本上达到极限了,意味着如果没有新的水力能源形式利用,未来不会任何水力发电站需求

    Most hydro systems in the western world have been exploited to their full potential, which means that future demand will not be satisfied by hydro unless new hydro energy forms become available.


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