• 发明涉及一种精炼铸铁水冷以铸件代替焊接件。

    The invention relates to a cast iron type water-cooling furnace cover of a refining furnace, which adopts a casting instead of a welding part.


  • 水冷系统优点设计要点作了详细的叙述,简单介绍了新型喷淋式水冷

    Detailed introduction to the advantages and design gist is presented. New spray type water cooling furnace cover is shortly introduced.


  • 传统钢砖改造为水冷喉钢应用后,避免传统喉钢砖的弱点取得了较好的效果

    The application of water-cooling throat steel-brick instead of traditional one can not only avoid the initial weakness but also obtain remarkable result.


  • 本文是在试验研究基础介绍了双层水冷弯曲原因及其避免方法水冷炉排循环回路的动力特性及其设计时应注意问题

    The paper discovers the causes for the bending of water cooled grate of a double grate furnace based on the experimental results and solutions to this problem are also given.


  • 娘子关发电厂磷酸盐处理存在问题进行分析降低水冷腐蚀结垢提出建设性意见

    It analyzes the problem of phosphate treatment for boiler water in niangziguan power plant, bring up suggestion, in order to reduce the corrosion and scaling of water wall tube.


  • 就我国首例使用陶瓷技术水冷冲天使用维修冲天热能综合利用进行总结和探讨。

    Use and repair of ceramic ball heat exchange technique and water cooled cupola with long service life as well as heat energy comprehensive use have been summarized and explored.


  • 分析了加热水冷外层耐火材料损毁机理,研制新型耐火涂料确定了水冷梁用半干法喷涂料配方

    The damage mechanism of outer refractory in water-Cooling beam of heating furnace is analysed. The new spraying coating is researched and the formulation of spraying coating is confirmed.


  • 沉积物还原钢制底板、大型水冷钢制筒、电源以及电、真空公用设施组成

    Settlings reactor consists of steel baseplate large water-cooled steel furnace cylinder power supply as well as such utilities as electricity air vacuum and water.


  • 本文讨论冲天贯流式水冷风口设计几个主要问题,并且通过具体制作实例详细说明了其加工制作的一系列问题。

    Main design problems of the cupola tuyere cooled by consecutive water have been discussed with detailed explanation of points in manufacturing through a actual example.


  • 通过加热水冷使用条件分析,提出了该类浇注料应具有的特点

    The characteristic of castable refractory was advanced by analyzing the service conditions on Water-cooled Beam of heating furnace in this paper.


  • 介绍长龄水冷冲天结构工作原理,分析风眼漏水和体挂渣原因。

    The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described.


  • 通过根叫作氧水冷管子将氧气原料表面

    Inside the converter oxygen is blow on to the surface of the charge through a water-cool pipe, call a lance.


  • 认为火焰冲刷水冷对流过热器烟温分布不均造成主要原因

    It is found that the main cause of tubes bursting is the flame in the burner washing down watercooled wall and the uneven distributed flue-temperature over the convection superheater.


  • 并且说明了水冷冲天调试使用基本要点

    The fundamental key points of the debugging and using with the water-cooled cupola have been illustrated too.


  • 介绍加热水冷、立柱包扎耐材使用现状几种隔热结构形式。

    The present situation and several heat insulation structures of the water-cooled skid and post lining in the reheating furnace at Baosteel are introduced.


  • 导风水冷大梁寿命制约我国生产主要因素

    The life times of the air-guiding wall and the water-cooling beam are the main factors which effects the shaft furnace production.


  • 循环流化床水冷磨损主要发生区,主要由于水冷表面结构不规则造成的,并据此提出了防止水冷壁磨损的相关措施。

    The water wall wear mainly occurred on the irregular water wall surface in rare phase, the effective measures are promoted in the view above.


  • 介绍熔化水冷发生腐蚀现象,分析了发生腐蚀的原因,提出了水冷制作、安装等方面的改进措施。

    The paper recommends the appearance of the water cooled bushing corroded for mains frenquency induction melting furnace.


  • 水冷围成空间,燃料其内呈现流化状态燃烧

    The fuel burns in the fluidized state in the chamber surrounded by the insulated wall and water wall.


  • 隔热材料,导电臂备件水冷氧枪备件钢包导电臂压紧装置。

    Insulation Material, spare parts for CC-Arms, spare parts for water-cooled Oxy-Lance.


  • 水冷喷枪喷枪机械手取代手动喷枪,喷枪机械手是一种电弧和固体燃料高效经济方法

    Water cooled lance and lance manipulator have both replaced the hand lance. The lance manipulator is an efficient and economical tool to inject oxygen and solid materials into EAF.


  • 本文就固体燃料电弧方法手动喷枪、喷枪机械手底部喷吹和水冷喷枪进行了比较。

    Methods to inject oxygen and solid materials into EAF, i. e. hand lance, lance manipulator, bottom blowing and water cooled lance, are compared.


  • 水冷外壳特别交流电弧应用设计的。当然适用与一些需要灵活性电缆

    The water jacket is designed especially for the toughest application (ac arc furnace), but other models are available, particularly for small cables which require more flexibility.


  • 提出防止水冷壁再次爆漏技术措施。

    Technical counter measures are composed to prevent the cracking in the future.


  • 前言针对冲天,冷风、热风水冷存在问题试制出了“KQDL系列冲天”。

    The KQDL series cupola was trial produced aiming at the problems existing in the cupola, cold blast cupola, hot blast cupola, water cooling cupola.


  • 新型(多喷嘴置)水煤浆气化采用水冷耐火浇铸料组成的复合结构。

    Composite lining made of water-cooling pipe and refractory lining is used in the new type opposed-nozzles-gasifier for coal-water-slurry.


  • 介绍了邯钢技术改造采用的技术:水冷金属热滑轨加热

    The new techniques applied in reformation in NO. 3 Steel Rolling Plant of Handan Iron and Steel Co.


  • 内部镶以上水冷水冷设有进水口出水口

    More than one water-cooling pipe is embedded into the furnace cover, and each water-cooling pipe is provided with a water inlet and a water outlet.


  • 内部镶以上水冷水冷设有进水口出水口

    More than one water-cooling pipe is embedded into the furnace cover, and each water-cooling pipe is provided with a water inlet and a water outlet.


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