• Technicopia公司称,Gwabbit的气泡会过秒钟显现出来,给留下足够的时间阅读邮件

    The Gwabbit bubble takes a few seconds to appear, which Technicopia says allows enough time for you to read an email.


  • 时间绝对因素:如果时间变化会过大,产生气泡

    Timing is everything: if the treatment lasts too long, the silicon changes too much and blistering occurs.


  • 更大挑战在于,确保气泡存在时间尽可能地长。

    The larger challenge to large-scale deployment, he says, would be ensuring that the bubbles last as long as possible.


  • 可能,这种气泡病人争取时间这样即使是那些气道封闭很轻松地呼吸

    The foam may someday buy time for human patients. So that even someone with a closed airway can breathe easy.


  • 了解到气泡岩浆一致性芝加哥大学安德森研究同仁,便利用显微镜来研究气泡大小估计岩浆的渗出多少时间

    Aware of this correspondence, Alfred Anderson of the University of Chicago and his colleagues studied the size of the bubbles under a microscope to estimate how long it took the magma to leak out.


  • 由于假设具有不同状态,求解得出了气泡半径径向速度时间变化规律

    The results reveal different rules about bubble radius versus time and radial speed versus time because of different hypothesis in water state.


  • 这样量级时间通过测量粒子气泡中径长度直接得到的。

    Times of this order are deduced directly by measuring the length of the particle track in a bubble chamber.


  • 时间研究气泡聚并行为过程中的一个重要参数

    Bubble coalescence time is an important parameter in the study of coalescence behavior.


  • 对水下气泡运动受力分析任意时间剖面气泡运动特性研究基础上,建立了水下气泡群运动数学模型

    Based on the force analysis of single bubble movement and movement characteristic research of many bubbles in random time section, the mathematics modeling of many bubbles movement was built up.


  • 根据气泡尺寸划分,采用时间平均法建立描述垂直管道内层流泡状运动的流体模型

    A more detailed multi fluid model was developed with the gas phase divided into several groups according to bubble size to describe bubbly flow in a vertical pipe.


  • 气泡脱离喷嘴时间承受随进气压力螺杆转速的升高而减小

    The time that is taken for gas separating from nozzle decreases with the gas pressure and screw rotational speed.


  • 如此可解不同时间气体固体浓度分布气泡乳化相中的转化率

    Concentration distribution in gas and solid as well as conversions were found in the bubble phase and emulsion phase at different time stages.


  • 影响气泡脱氢效果主要因素旋转喷枪转速、供气量、喷枪枪头结构处理时间

    The main factors which affect the efficiency of de hydrogenation of molten steel are as follows:rotating speed of lance, gas flow, treating time and structure of lance head etc.


  • 随着气体流量增加,产生气泡时间间隔变短,气泡间聚并的位置逐渐向前推移,气泡脱离时间减小增大

    With the gas flow flux increase, the time interval of bubble formation decreases, the bubble coalescence site moves forward, the detaching time decreases first and then increases.


  • 脉冲加入时间、脉冲幅度宽度影响气泡最大半径气泡崩溃速率

    Numerical simulations reveal that different inserted time, amplitude and width of pulse signal will influence maximum radius and collapse velocity of bubble.


  • 通过理论计算研究分析了气泡直径气量和吹气时间精炼时夹杂影响

    The effect of gas bubble size, injection rate and blowing time on removal of hydrogen and inclusion in liquid steel during refining has been studied and analyzed by theory calculation.


  • 研究气泡直径随操作压力取样时间变化规律以及气泡大小处理效果的影响。

    The rule of changes of the diameters of air bubbles with pressure and sampling time, as well as the effect of the sizes of air bubbles on the result of air floatation treatment were studied.


  • 最好利用煮沸因为去离子水已经静待时间减轻产生细微气泡机会

    It is best to use water that is boiled, because deionized water that has been sitting for a time to degas water and lessen the chance of fine air bubbles.


  • 过度萃取浓缩咖啡不是出现大型气泡所形成白色泡沫,不然就是杯子中间出现一个白点; 前者由于温度太高,后者则是萃取的时间

    An overextracted espresso exhibits either a white froth with large bubbles if the water was too hot or just a white spot in the center of the cup if the brewing time was too long.


  • 动力学模型得到整个反应时间气泡水合物外层半径气泡半径时间关系

    The shrinkage bubble dynamics model can gain the relations of the bubble internal pressure, the outer radius of the hydrate and the bubble radius with the time during the whole reaction time.


  • 完美的时间差,击破神奇气泡不容一分一秒的犹豫!

    Break the magic bubble just in time, without any hesitation!


  • 蛋白质气泡流体中的动力学特性直接影响气泡流体中的存活时间分布均匀性以及整个流体稳定性

    Further, the dynamic performance of bubble will affect the survival time and the uniformity of bubble in fluid, and also affect the stability of system composed of fluid and protein bubbles.


  • 通过时间气泡含量气孔结构研究分析了温度搅拌时间铝粉对料浆发气膨胀影响

    Based on the research of aerated time, pore content, aerated structure, the influence of slurry temperature, mixing time and aluminum powder on paste expansion is analyzed.


  • 气压直接影响气泡速度(气泡速度影响熔体厚度),气体注射时间影响固化形成

    The gas pressure directly influences bubble velocity (which affects the molten layer thickness), and the gas timing affects the formation of the solidified layer.


  • 因此,能够时间成本制作借助于通用产品制作含纳米气泡液体装置

    Therefore, an apparatus for producing a nanobubble-containing liquid with use of general-purpose products can be manufactured at low cost and in a short period of time.


  • 最后螺纹状的瓶塞密封瓶口,不让任何气泡然后放入冰箱冷藏不要长于这个时间

    And then finally, seal the bottle with a screw top so none of the bubbles can get out, and then stick it in the fridge for 4 days, but no longer.


  • 最后螺纹状的瓶塞密封瓶口,不让任何气泡然后放入冰箱冷藏不要长于这个时间

    And then finally, seal the bottle with a screw top so none of the bubbles can get out, and then stick it in the fridge for 4 days, but no longer.


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