• 大厅里还有两位没有喝醉男人他们的气势汹汹太太

    The hall was at present occupied by two sober men and their indignant wives.


  • 气势汹汹阿瑞斯是战神。媚人阿芙罗狄蒂是爱

    The frightening Ares was the god of war, and the charming Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.


  • 气势汹汹的对手比起来当时的布什看起来颇为和蔼可亲。

    He came across as an affable chap, particularly when compared with his uptight rival.


  • 农庄主人们一个接发表一段放连珠炮似的气势汹汹讲话

    One rancher after another delivered himself of a torrent of furious words.


  • 气势汹汹律师要求一个证人回答问题要么说“”,要么说“否”。

    A browbeating lawyer was demanding that a witness answer a certain question either in the negative or affirmative.


  • 欧盟比还要复杂——总有一向权倾朝野、气势汹汹的欧洲议会巨大水晶宫盘踞的尽头。

    It also involves the ever-more powerful, and stroppy, European Parliament, in its own gigantic crystal palace down the road.


  • 法国博客圈充斥尖刻反萨科奇评论劳力士表的品味气势汹汹的保镖犯罪上的强硬政策

    The French blogosphere, too, is filled with caustic anti-Sarkozy commentary, mocking everything from his taste for Rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime.


  • 恰恰是因为那个原因这个竞标会有助于这个难以接受气势汹汹主权财富世界开创一个有趣有用先例

    For precisely that reason, such a bid would also help to establish an interesting and useful precedent for a world coming to terms with aggressive sovereign wealth.


  • 刚开始还挣扎的这支队伍,正好从那个时候开始气势汹汹反攻

    The team, who struggled early, came on like gangbusters at precisely the right time.


  • 夏天最后日子了,树木尘埃,萎不振,花朵已经开始结子昆虫则因为来日无长变得气势汹汹

    It was the last, the very last days of summer, with dusty, drooping trees, and flowers going to seed, and flying insects fierce in their final throes.


  • 去年希腊救助方案并未解决问题如今气势汹汹卷土重来

    Last year's Greek bailout didn't solve the problem and now it's back with a vengeance.


  • 突然气势汹汹跳起来扑,随即其他几条也攻向我屋子每个阴暗角落蹿出嗥叫的恶似乎杀了我的架势。

    Suddenly one of them jumped angrily up at me, and in a moment all the others were attacking me.from every shadowy corner in the great room appeared a growling animal, ready to kill me, it seemed.


  • 德国DeutscheBahn高速铁路,全球货运以及物流业务帮助下,汉莎航空招募的大量经理,以及引进航空业技术气势汹汹

    In Germany, where Deutsche Bahn is roaring ahead with its express trains and its global freight and logistics business, many managers came from Lufthansa, bringing airline techniques.


  • 哈丽·达尔蓦然上升,一连串湮灭光弹气势汹汹穿过片刻之前所在的位置。

    Halidarre rose abruptly just as a line of annihilation disks shrilled through the spot where she had been a moment before.


  • 而且,也许作为对普京的微妙讽刺,梅氏表示俄罗斯关注的是取得国外资金技术理念不是“气势汹汹”地其他国家进行威胁

    And in what may have been a subtle dig at Putin, he suggested that Russia focus on accessing foreign capital, technology, and ideas, rather than "puffing out its cheeks" to threaten others.


  • 气势汹汹咒骂那个犯错误倒霉

    He hurled curses AT the unfortunATe man who had made the mistake.


  • 如果有人过往经历刺激(比如2008年记者蒂姆?鲁赛特对她的采访),经常会打断对方气势汹汹恼怒

    When battered with questions on her record (for instance, her 2008 interview with journalist Tim Russert) she often interrupted and appeared aggressive and angry.


  • 突然气势汹汹跳起来扑向,随即其他几条也都攻向我。屋子每个阴暗角落蹿出嗥叫的恶兽,似乎杀了我的架势。

    Suddenly one of them jumped angrily up at me, and in a moment all the others were attacking me. From every shadowy corner in the great room appeared a growling animal, ready to kill me, it seemed.


  • 伊梅儿达的女婿气势汹汹克扣工资老板算帐时,冷眼瞪着:“小鱼得了大鱼吗?”

    And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, " Little fish does not eat big fish."


  • 因此位十分生气的顾客气势汹汹来到我办工桌前,语气平和地问道:“是什么问题?。

    So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?"


  • 夫人: ” 任何个锅可以个一个合适的盖子。”女婿气势汹汹地表示要报复那个薪水老板时。伊梅尔达把他稳住,并冷冷地说了一句”小鱼吃不了大鱼

    And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with his boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, " Little fish does not eat big fish ."


  • 夫人: ” 任何个锅可以个一个合适的盖子。 ”女婿气势汹汹地表示要报复那个薪水老板时。 伊梅尔达把他稳住,并冷冷地说了一句”小鱼吃不了大鱼

    And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with his boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, " Little fish does not eat big fish ."


  • 夫人: ” 任何个锅可以个一个合适的盖子。 ”女婿气势汹汹地表示要报复那个薪水老板时。 伊梅尔达把他稳住,并冷冷地说了一句”小鱼吃不了大鱼

    And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with his boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, " Little fish does not eat big fish ."


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