• 就意味着利用那些恃强凌弱的牧师们展示不稳定气候是如何影响农业交通,再到21世纪战争的方方面面。

    That means using the bully clergymen to show how a more volatile climate affects everything from agriculture to transportation to 21st-century warfare.


  • 这个星球气候持续恶化正在发展为至关重要战争,不论哪种标准衡量美国都在输掉这场战争

    The steady deterioration of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.


  • 以下章节中,我们实证数据大陆全球范围内验证验证我们假说评价气候变化对于战争爆发人口下降影响作用

    In the following sections, we verify our hypothesis and evaluate the role of climate change on war outbreak and population decline with empirical data at global and continental scales.


  • 然而最新发表研究中,作者分析历史上战争气候联系,进而对温度上升造成社会动乱这假设提出质疑

    Yet a newly published study analysing the historical connection between war and climate throws into question the assumption that rising temperatures and violence go hand in hand.


  • 鉴于我们稳定气候所需的已有知识计划闯入了一场毫无准备战争即便手头已有可用的信息。

    Given our knowledge about what needs to be done to stabilize climate, this plan is like barging into a war without having a plan for how it should be conducted, even though information is available.


  • 欧洲非洲大量寒冷地区沙漠荒原对于气候更加敏感我们发现这些地区战争对于气候变冷较高相关系数。

    Europe and Africa have either large cold areas or desert areas relatively vulnerable to cooling, and we find that warfare there is highly correlated with the temperature anomalies.


  • 武装冲突而言所有气候变冷时期,任何有效社会机制不能减少战争数量也不能无限期地延缓战争爆发时间

    For armed conflict, the positive social mechanisms could neither reduce the number of wars nor indefinitely postpone The Times of war outbreak in any cooling periods.


  • 气候变化战争发生频率以及人口下降全球大陆尺度上有着非常相关性,对此,我们已经通过不同量化方式加以论证

    The very significant correlations between temperature change, war frequencies, and population declines at the global and continental scales have been verified by different quantitative methods.


  • 然而WMO这些风险始终有清醒的意识。 1986年,WMO出版了第99号技术文件,题为《重大战争可能带来的气候后果》,该文件子孙后代将是一份具有历史意义参考文献

    WMO was however always aware of the risks and the 1986 WMO Technical Document No 99 - Possible Climatic Consequences of a Major Nuclear War - shall remain a historic reference for future generations.


  • 奥曼他的同事使用宇航局台计算机模拟器提出了地区性战争引发的冲天大火、漫天烟尘,这时气候会有反应的模型

    Using a NASA computer simulation, Oman and colleagues model the climate's response to the smoke from fires brought about by regional nuclear war.


  • 据章典介绍,他们发现这样的“推测准确的。研究显示气候社会影响不仅涉及到战争人口增减,而是涉及到整个社会的各个方面。”

    They found that thosepredictionswere correct, Zhang says, showing that climate impacts “not only war, not only population, but all of society.”


  • 在国外长驱直入乔治·布什过去受阻领域——中东和平问题、美关系气候棉花问题、伊朗核计划以及阿富汗战争

    Abroad, he charged into areas where George Bush had become bogged down-peace in the Middle East, relations with Russia, climate change, Iran's nuclear programme and war in Afghanistan.


  • 第一来自马丁·路德·。这1967年越南战争结束的评论,但是看上去非常适合用来评论今天气候危机

    The first quote is from Martin Luther King. When he spoke on ending the war in Vietnam in 1967, his message seems so fitting for today's climate crisis.


  • 通过气候变迁以及中国战争叠加研究,发现战争发生气候变迁存在很大的关联

    After studying the climate changes as well as the Chinese war history, relationships between the occurrence of war and climate change were discussed and concluded.


  • 全球挑战基金会2月一份报道中,将人工智能极端气候变化战争生态灾难并列为威胁人类文明风险因素”。

    February report from the Global Challenges Foundation listed AI, alongside extreme climate change, nuclear war and ecological catastrophe, as "risks that threaten human civilization".


  • 目前大规模地区战争概率肯定远远低于气候变化确实以及温室气体罪魁祸首的概率。

    Currently, the probability of local wars occurring in many areas is significantly lower than the probability that climate change exists and greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change.


  • 目前大规模地区战争概率肯定远远低于气候变化确实以及温室气体罪魁祸首的概率。

    Currently, the probability of local wars occurring in many areas is significantly lower than the probability that climate change exists and greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change.


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