• 毕格获胜一章是不是该有趣结局

    And is there an entertaining end to the story of Bigelow's victory?


  • 萧娜带了那只吉娃娃毕格斯,不过太小了,完整条路

    Shawna brought Biggles, her little Chihuahua puppy, but he was too small to walk the whole way.


  • 发言人表示,凯瑟琳·毕格拒绝电影计划发表任何评论

    Bigelow declined to comment about the project, according to Susan Ciccone, a spokeswoman for the director.


  • 幅示意图中最后一个生活舱正在靠近毕格空间站对接

    In this illustration, the final habitat closes in on docking with the Bigelow space station.


  • 报道司法大臣施仲宏同意批准假释后,毕格今天获知这一决定。

    Biggs will be told of his release today after the justice secretary, Jack Straw, agreed to grant him parole, according to some reports.


  • 颇具讽刺意味的是毕格电影之旅并未过多地偏离那些男性导演前辈们轨迹

    Ironically Bigelow's cinematic journey could not have strayed farther from the path of female directors before her.


  • 而《阿达》导演詹姆斯卡梅隆正是毕格罗的前夫也使得此次胜利更加令人喜出望外。

    This was sweetened by the fact Avatar's director, James Cameron, is her ex-husband.


  • 毕格表示雇佣一些拥有相关经验专业技能认为空间站旅馆本质上没什么差异

    Bigelow said that he would hire people with the needed experience and skills, and that space stations were not all that different from hotels.


  • 目前这个价对于我们来说是再合适不过了,”毕格拒绝细节问题作进一步讨论

    We're very comfortable with our numbers,” he said, although he declined to discuss the details.


  • 国外媒体报道美国旅馆业大亨毕格罗运营的航空科技公司正积极建设首座民营太空旅馆

    The solar system's first private space station is under construction by a space technology company run by US hotel industry entrepreneur Robert T. Bigelow, according to media reports.


  • DiStefano表示毕格最早74日,即服刑满刑期三分之一时,获得释放

    Di Stefano said that 4 July, when Biggs will have served a third of his sentence, was the earliest date for his release.


  • 今年夏天为止,毕格服刑满刑期三分之一因此有权申请假释。施仲宏将作最后定夺。

    Biggs had been entitled to apply for release because he will have served a third of his sentence by this summer.


  • 身为拉斯维加斯本地人罗伯特·毕格罗是靠经营“美国廉价套间连锁旅馆这样的传统实业发家。

    Robert T. Bigelow, a native of Las Vegas, made his fortune in real estate including the Budget Suites of America hotel chain.


  • 身为拉斯维加斯本地人罗伯特·毕格罗是靠经营“美国廉价套间连锁旅馆这样的传统实业发家。

    Robert T.Bigelow, a native of Las Vegas, made his fortune in real estate including the Budget Suites of America hotel chain.


  • 预计英国火车大劫案关键人物毕格茨将在未来几天内重自由,而这一日子恰逢80岁生辰

    Ronnie Biggs, the man at the centre of Britain's great train robbery, is expected to be freed within days, in time for his 80th birthday.


  • 好莱坞一个胶片天花板”终于打破,凯瑟琳•毕格成为历史上首位奥斯卡最佳导演

    One of Hollywood's "celluloid ceilings" has been smashed now that Kathryn Bigelow has become the first female ever to win a Best Director Oscar.


  • 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校美国文学教授黄运特出生中国美国作家毕格斯的笔下认识了查理

    Huang, an English professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, was born in China and discovered Charlie Chan through books by American author Earl Derr Biggers, who created the character.


  • 人们都在凯瑟琳·毕格获得最佳导演奥斯卡奖正是合时机了,因为当时各地庆祝国际妇女节

    People were saying that Kathryn Bigelow winning the Oscar for Best Director was a timely victory because of the International Women's Day being celebrated around the same time.


  • AmericanClassic品牌只能在本地销售,可毕格先生希望能够把销售范围扩大遍及整个罗南纳。

    Its American Classic brand is sold only locally, though Mr. Bigelow hopes to extend distribution throughout the South.


  • 听证会74重启后,假释委员会作出决定。 鉴于毕格茨再次犯罪可能性很低,朋友家人毕格茨获释满怀期待

    His friends and family had been hopful that the parole board would recommend his release when it reconvenes on 4 July on the grounds that he is unlikely to reoffend.


  • 根据《泰晤士报》报道,施仲宏签署这位79老人假释文件,根据该文件,毕格茨将获释,随后一家养老院照顾其衣食起居。

    Straw is to sign the 79-year-old's parole papers, allowing him to be released into the care of a nursing home, the Times reported.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应,而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们能搞

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise.Mr.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应,而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们能搞

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise. Mr.


  • 毕格罗航空航天公司梦想的已经不仅仅眼前的空间站了,他们想得更远。图中的这个模型显示充气式结构如何运用月球定居点上

    The company is also dreaming larger, more distant space dreams. This model shows how inflatable structures could be used for a lunar settlement.


  • 位导演目前势均力敌,毕格罗稍占上风。于周六获得美国导演公会(Directors Guild of America)大奖

    The filmmakers are on friendly terms; the momentum is currently behind Bigelow, who won the top award from the Directors Guild of America Saturday night.


  • 局外人来说这种商业模式是否可靠还是未知之数,被问及是否已经其他国家公司作出出租太空站空间承诺时,毕格罗也拒绝提供答案。

    The soundness of the business case is unknown to outsiders. Mr. Bigelow declines to say if he has firm commitments from any countries or companies to rent space on his space stations.


  • 毕格先生已经不同以往了,而且在往好的方向改变,”DiStefano辩称道,“是自愿回到英国的,是一种愿意承担责任的表现。”

    "Mr Biggs has changed and changed for the better, " Di Stefano said, arguing that Biggs had voluntarily returned to Britain "to face the music".


  • 毕格轨道空间站合成模型拉斯维加斯专程送来。 模型是伦敦巴德(Theobald's Road)的太空中心制造而成的,装一个巨大橙色航空护箱中

    The model Bigelow Orbital Space Complex arrives from Las Vegas at the Theobald's Road Space Centre, London, in a giant orange flight case.


  • 毕格轨道空间站合成模型拉斯维加斯专程送来。 模型是伦敦巴德(Theobald's Road)的太空中心制造而成的,装一个巨大橙色航空护箱中

    The model Bigelow Orbital Space Complex arrives from Las Vegas at the Theobald's Road Space Centre, London, in a giant orange flight case.


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