• 整场比赛时间结束,双方比分88平,这样比赛进入加时赛

    At the end of regulation time, the game was tied 88-88, sending the match into overtime.


  • 比赛时间结束平手,则举行5分钟赛,掷铜板决定开球方。

    If draw, we will go for 5 more minutes sudden death, coin for kick-off.


  • “换话说,裁判急于主队进球后,吹响比赛结束哨子这样就客队更少时间作出反击”。

    "In other words, referees are more speedy in blowing the whistle for the end of the game if the home team scores, thus giving the visitors less time to respond".


  • 时间获得了美国女子职业高尔夫巡回赛的参赛资格职业生涯的第三个赛季刚刚结束——当时为止是成绩最好的一次,完成比赛次获得前

    It took me three years to qualify for the LPGA Tour, but I just finished my third season-my best yet, with six top-ten finishes.


  • 加时(overtime):两队比赛结束时仍然不分胜负比赛会延长分钟时间

    Overtime: A five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters.


  • 兰帕德情况,他正全身心投入周三的大战中,比赛结束需要时间家人在一起,因为母亲去世后还没有真正他们。

    The situation is that Frank has got a massive match on Wednesday, after which he needs to spend time with his family, because he has not had a real opportunity to do that since his mother died.


  • 训练比赛时间期望开始结束时间以及球员们期望的时间

    Training and game schedules. How you feel about starting and ending on time, what your attendance expectations are etc.


  • 时间有限的。40分钟我们不得不宣布比赛结束

    But time was limited. 40 minutes later, we had to declare game over.


  • 上半场比赛结束21客队本来还有足够时间败局。

    The score is 2 to 1 at the end of first half, the visiting team had enough time to come back.


  • 青年队比赛结束之后,他们作为选拔的球员在未来时间内继续留在队伍当中。

    After the youth candidates have played their evaluation match against your current youth team, they will stay on with your youth team as trialists for the following few weeks.


  • 德约科维奇已是筋疲力尽,比赛周一凌晨2:26 才结束,他“没有足够的时间恢复”。

    Djokovic said he was cramping and sore, and "didn't really have time to recover" from his previous match, which ended at 2:26 a. m. Monday.


  • 比赛最后一刻,重重地打伤约翰没有更多时间结束战斗

    Befitting of his frustration, Juarez had John badly hurt in the final seconds of their fight but didn't have enough time to finish the job.


  • 看了一下时钟,已经过了比赛结束时间

    I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over.


  • 也是如此文件必须之前进行的72小时一定时间如果错过了一个比赛结束你的技能能力开始

    Also the case files must be done before a certain time in the 72 hour period your there, if you miss one it's game over, but you start with all you skills and abilities.


  • 昨晚没有时间结束所有比赛因此有些比赛只得推迟下周进行。

    There wasn't time to finish all the games last night and so some have had to be carried over until next week.


  • 周二战胜莫斯科那场冠军联赛比赛出场大部分时间球员一系列力量训练作为结束

    The players who played most of Tuesday's Champions League win in Moscow finished off with a series of strength-building exercises.


  • 赛季第三周六午餐时间比赛结束曼联的对手是利物浦

    Manchester United participated in only their third Saturday lunchtime kick-off of the season against Liverpool at Old Trafford.


  • 按照规则2 - 4比赛结束之前任何时间,球员都可以认输比赛之后可以。

    Under Rule 2-4, a side may concede a match at any time prior to conclusion of the match, but not thereafter.


  • 看着时间比赛结束滴答滴答地走过,尽管几个进球,但你仍然感觉非常紧张看到时钟到达85分钟的时候,我才开始感到轻松

    I was watching the minutes tick away towards the end and even though you're a few goals up you still feel very nervous. When I saw the clock reach 85 minutes I started to get a good feeling.


  • 比赛还有时间才会结束我们特里赢得这个冠军。即使他的受伤对我们一个很大打击但是我们决心击败对手。

    There was still a lot of minutes to play and we wanted to do it for JT as well because it is always a big blow when you see an injury like this but we were determined to win the cup.


  • 注意参赛者在限定比赛时间没有到达终点,请立即结束比赛退出主路

    NOTE: Runners who have not reached the finish area by the race cut-off time should immediately stop running and exit the main road.


  • 比赛结束疲劳但是24小时时间评估他的情况。

    He finished quite tired but I have 24 hours to assess that.


  • 教练时间不长,所以每场比赛看重到赛季结束评价我们年的表现吧。

    I've been a coach for a short time, so I consider each game very important, only in the end we will evaluate what we have done this season.


  • 当然也有些比赛时间长,但是有不少人对此比较支持。譬如一天结束晚上坐在一起交流船技等。

    Surely some people thinks two days are too much but it highly supports the racing community on the lake, when you also spend the evening together .


  • 当然也有些比赛时间长,但是有不少人对此比较支持。譬如一天结束晚上坐在一起交流船技等。

    Surely some people thinks two days are too much but it highly supports the racing community on the lake, when you also spend the evening together .


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