• 今,美国人平均每年要吃掉超过10公斤的比萨饼,而世界上最大的比萨饼不是在意大利烤出来的,而是在古巴烤出来的。

    Today the average American eats over ten kilograms of pizza a year, and the world's biggest pizza was baked out not in Italy, but in Cuba!


  • 1889年,他应邀为来访的意大利国王和王后烤制一种特殊的比萨饼,因此第一个玛格丽塔比萨饼被发明出来了,并以王后的名字命名。

    He was asked to bake a special pizza for a visit by the Italian King and Queen in 1889, and so the first pizza Margarita was invented, named after the Queen.


  • 饼成为意大利人最喜欢的一道菜,但在第二次世界大战后,当成千上万的美国士兵从欧洲回国后,比萨饼真正成为了一道国际菜肴。

    Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy, but pizza really became an international dish after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe.


  • “双比萨团队”,就是说让团队保持两个比萨让队员吃小规模

    "Two-pizza teams" is the concept of keeping the team small enough that it can be fed with two pizzas.


  • 金发女郎走进一家比萨要一个比萨店员希望比萨还是十二块。

    A blonde went into a pizza parlor. When she said that she'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve.


  • 我们常常一起(这些照片两个不同比萨夜拍的),比萨最喜欢周五晚上活动之一。

    We do it quite often (these picture are from two different pizza making evenings) and it is one of our favorite Friday night activities.


  • 当地人那不勒斯密度有点一般,这能保证品尝比萨世界上其他任何地方的比萨都不同。

    Locals say there's something in the water density in Naples that guarantees you will never have a pizza like it anywhere else in the world.


  • 美乐比萨营养图表显示他们每份火腿比萨鸡肉比萨甚至510卡路里热量,具体取决于哪种比萨

    The nutritional chart for Domino’s Pizza shows their ham to have five to ten less calories per serving than even the chicken, depending upon which pizza is ordered.


  • 怀疑,我是不是曾经打算成为比萨,我也不会远见事前就订购比萨

    I doubt I am ever going to become a pizza, and I'll never have the foresight to order one beforehand.


  • 比萨这个字向来被认为蛋糕意思而且它是意大利文,光是这一点也许就暗示比萨起源

    The word pizza has always been known to mean pie or cake, and is an Italian word. This fact alone might suggest pizza's origins.


  • 记得以前说过比萨喜爱事实就是——我喜欢的两种食物喜欢比萨饼,好吃,喜欢巧克力,好吃。

    I don't recall having Shared my love of pizza with you before, but there it istwo favorite things I love — love pizza, delicious, love chocolate, delicious.


  • 恢复自由后的第一挑选了一家休闲比萨餐馆因为这些年来他和家人一起共同分享的就是比萨饼。

    He picked a casual pizza restaurant for his first meal as a free man because pizza was something his family could share.


  • 比萨色拉通常能够减少你食用比萨的量,因此不管从哪方面来说,加了低脂色拉的色拉都是一种健康的选择

    Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten, thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case.


  • 左半个比萨整个比萨右半比萨浇头布置分别为 -10 1。

    The topping placement will be -1, 0, or 1 for left half, whole pizza, and right half, respectively.


  • 研究员杰弗里·摩尔说:“我们之所以选择比萨作为研究对象,主要是因为比萨一种十分流行食品不仅美国如此,在世界各地都很流行。”

    "The reason that we chose pizza is just because it is a very popular food product, not only in the U.S. but worldwide," researcher Jeffrey Moore added.


  • 书店老板借给时尚杂志电影院免费她电影票,比萨她免费品尝比萨饼。

    The bookstore owners lent her fashion magazines, the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her have free slices.


  • 典型的数据库标准建议需要先创建一张比萨然后再创建一张将比萨id浇头id关联起来的多对多表。

    Classic database normalization would say to create a pizza table, and then a many-to-many table relating pizza IDs to topping IDs.


  • 可能起来很多星期比萨饼中增加一茶匙脂肪,这今年不会一整比萨含的脂肪还要多。

    That may not sound like a lot, but multiply it by a slice a week, and that's more than a whole cup of fat you won't eat or wear this year.


  • RSS比萨快递员,会把新鲜出炉比萨上门

    RSS is your pizza guy, bringing fresh-baked data right to your door.


  • 全麦比萨加了菲达奶酪夏威夷比萨,再加一份配菜沙拉,就是一健康的饮食。

    In this case, ordering a Hawaiian pizza with feta cheese on a whole wheat thin crust, with a side salad, could make a healthy meal.


  • 每个志愿者午餐上领到了一个标准比萨,但波利维博士同事让她们相信她们领到的比萨不是比标准的比萨饼大三分之一就是小三分之一。

    And the lunches were, indeed, identical in size-a standard slice of pizza-but the women were encouraged to believe that they were not.


  • 清单2index.php)所示应用程序使用Pizza(清单3创建比萨订单计算每个比萨价格

    The application shown in Listing 2, index.php, creates pizza orders using the Pizza class (shown in Listing 3) to calculate the price of each pizza.


  • 然而现行速度来计算,大本钟需要经过4000才能达到比萨斜塔倾斜度比萨斜塔的倾斜度4,较垂直时偏离12英尺(3.66米)。

    However at current rates, it would take 4, 000 years before the tower is as slanted as the Leaning tower of Pisa which leans by four degrees and is around 12ft off the vertical.


  • 名声响彻整个纽约所谓西西里比萨就是DiFara的“方形比萨饼”,美味无比。

    What are called "Sicilian" pizzas throughout New York are "Square Pies" at DiFara, and they're delicious.


  • 卡夫发布了一种DiGiornoUltimate比萨,这是为了冷冻比萨牌子DiGiorno进入被称作“超值”品牌行列

    Kraft has launched a new pizza called DiGiorno Ultimate, in an effort to lift its DiGiorno brand of frozen pizzas into what it calls the "super premium" category.


  • 1812年,土耳其比萨比亚Bugeac都被俄国吞并叫做比萨拉比亚。

    It was annexed by Russia in 1812, together with Ottoman Bessarabia or Bugeac, and was called Bessarabia.


  • 那时候才知道比萨没有比萨

    I knew then that is was Pisa and no pizza.


  • 今天世界各地人们比萨,都比萨

    Today, people all over the world make and love pizza.


  • 今天世界各地人们比萨,都比萨

    Today, people all over the world make and love pizza.


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