• Total峡谷海拔高700英尺沙漠平原管理主要油区

    Total operates its main oil-producing block on a desert plateau about 700 feet above the valley.


  • 研究者们墨西哥海湾密西西峡谷发现了微小甲壳纲动物寄居地毯

    Researchers found a carpet of small crustaceans inhabiting the head of the Mississippi Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 这儿可能一个真正巨大大坝导致峡谷之间的,并且时间黄土沉积物久远吗?

    Could there have been a really large dam that caused a deep lake in both Zharu and the main valleys and is older than the loess deposits?


  • 路易斯波牛奶定期会被检测因为Diablo峡谷原子能位于海岸

    Milk in San Luis Obispo is regularly tested because the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is on the county’s southern coast.


  • 路易斯波牛奶定期会被检测因为Diablo峡谷原子能位于海岸

    Milk in San Luis Obispo is regularly tested because the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is on the county's southern coast.


  • 远处还地方,看起来公园主要峡谷可能湖泊沉积物,公园主要峡谷有。

    Farther afield it seems that there may be lake deposits in the main valleys of the park as well as in the main valley outside the park.


  • 虽然最高海拔只有95(310英尺),但是它的中部明显的边缘地带,些小峡谷切断,因此桑给巴尔显得多山。

    Pemba Island has a central ridge, cut by several small valleys, and appears hillier than Zanzibar Island, although the highest point on Pemba is only 95m (310ft) above sea-level.


  • 对于历史长期记录佤族居住东非峡谷附近西部边缘高纬带雨林,靠猎食羚羊收获蜜糖为生。

    For longer than history records, the Twa inhabited the high-altitude rainforest near the western edge of the Rift Valley, hunting antelopes and harvesting honey.


  • 这些条纹有0.55数百英尺长之前观测到冲击峡谷要小得多

    The streaks range from 0.5 yards to 5 yards wide and stretch hundreds of feet, far smaller than previously detected gullies.


  • 西河静静流水来到维多利亚瀑布峡谷5,578英尺(1700宽)边缘突然328英尺(100)倾泻到底

    When the calm flowing water of the Zambezi River encounters the 5, 578-foot-wide (1, 700-meter-wide) edge of the Victoria Falls gorge, it abruptly plunges 328 feet (100 meters) to the bottom.


  • 峡谷附近纳米境内,

    Quiver tree in Namibia, near Fish River Canyon. By Catherine Pring of Surbiton, surrey.


  • 今年他们可以选择这样一些旅游地点玛莎葡萄园,科罗拉多峡谷埃塞俄意大利维罗纳

    This year they can get to choose among travel to such places as Martha's Vineyard, the Grand Canyon, Ethiopia and Verona, Italy.


  • 非洲某处,深绿色西河水汹涌澎湃地直泻100然后跌落在潮湿玄武岩峡谷

    There is a place in Africa where the deep green lazy water of the peaceful Zambezi River plunges headlong 100 meters down into wet granite gorges.


  • 峡谷主体部分来自非洲延伸红海穿过埃塞俄横跨两岸的肯尼亚坦桑尼亚马拉维莫桑西河流域下游

    The main section of the valley in Africa continues from the Red Sea across Ethiopia and across Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi to the lower Zambezi River valley in Mozambique.


  • 甘尼条77公里峡谷中的海拔落差超过密西西明尼苏达州墨西哥湾这2400公里长度海拔落差。

    The Gunnison River loses more elevation in its 77 kilometer canyon stretch than the Mississippi River does in 2,400 kilometers from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 西河宽度超过2公里,瀑布奔入玄武岩峡谷水雾形成彩虹远隔20公里以外看到

    The Zambezi River, which is more than 2 km wide at this point, plunges noisily down a series of basalt gorges and raises an iridescent mist that can be seen more than 20 km away.


  • 派尤特人来说,布赖斯峡谷这么回事现在名字命名这片峡谷不毛之地拓荒者- - -摩门教徒埃·尼·布赖斯来说,这里只不过是“丢失母牛活地狱”。

    To the Paiutes, Bryce Canyon was one thing. But to Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce, the badlands of the Canyon that now bears his name were simply "a helluva4 place to lose a cow."


  • 派尤特人来说,布赖斯峡谷这么回事现在名字命名这片峡谷不毛之地拓荒者- - -摩门教徒埃·尼·布赖斯来说,这里只不过是“丢失母牛活地狱”。

    To the Paiutes, Bryce Canyon was one thing. But to Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce, the badlands of the Canyon that now bears his name were simply "a helluva4 place to lose a cow."


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