• 比尔曾就此问题我们孩子在餐桌上共同讨论

    Bill and I talk about this with our own kids around the dinner table.


  • ·盖茨计划在亚利桑那州沙漠中部建造一座新的智慧城市,两年前他在凤凰城附近购买了25000英亩的土地。

    Bill Gates had a plan to build a new smart city in the middle of the Arizona Desert, and he bought 25,000 acres of land near Phoenix two years ago.


  • 信仰上帝一位二次机会之神”,比尔·克林顿宣称

    "The god I believe in is a god of second chances," Bill Clinton professed.


  • 作为比尔梅林达•盖茨基金会高级医学顾问

    He also served as Senior Medical Advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


  • 1996年,试图说服微软总裁(MSFT)比尔·盖茨先生一次独家收集素材机会,以此来为盖茨当选为年度人物铺垫。

    In 1996 he persuaded Microsoft's (MSFT) Bill Gates to give him access for what Isaacson pitched as a shot at making Gates Time's Person of the Year.


  • 暗示比尔盖茨年轻时候如果抛掉身上的寒酸气又或者走出来去嬉皮士聚居之地,他将成就大。

    Bill Gates, he suggested, would be “a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger”.


  • 微软共同创始人亿万富翁保罗·艾伦回忆录中痛斥比尔·盖茨不仅背叛了疾病缠身生意伙伴,还企图剥夺公司股份

    Bill Gates betrayed his ailing business partner and tried to deprive him of his share of the Microsoft fortune, according to a scathing memoir from Paul Allen, the company's billionaire co-founder.


  • 很久以来,人们13视为一个不吉利数字,巧合的是,连续13占据全球富豪榜首席的比尔·盖茨,今年也从从世界首富的宝座上滑落下来。

    The number 13 has long been considered unlucky by superstitious people around the globe. How fitting, then, that Bill Gates' reign as the world's richest person ends after his 13th year at the top.


  • 建议比尔·克林顿接受晚期堕胎禁令作为折中妥协

    She once advised Bill Clinton to accept a ban on late-term abortions as part of a compromise.


  • 新角色杰奎琳(夏洛特·兰普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎琳开门见山是不是“直男”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 美国宇航局科学家比尔·库克:“它们极其罕见现象。”比尔此前发现了存在阿拉巴马州摄像机里面极光照片它们发布马歇尔航天飞行中心博客上面

    "They are very rare events," said NASA scientist Bill Cooke, who found the aurora photos in the Alabama camera's archive and posted them on the Marshall Space Flight Center's blog.


  • 2002年,帕卡德结盟比尔·休利特(BillHewlett)——共同创始人沃特·休利特(Walter Hewlett)的儿子——试图扼杀菲奥里购并康柏(Compaq)的计划。

    In 2002, Packard teamed with Bill Hewlett -son of co-founder Walter Hewlett -in an attempt to kill Fiorina's planned merger with Compaq.


  • 2002年,帕卡德结盟比尔·休利特(BillHewlett)——共同创始人特·休利特(Walter Hewlett)儿子——试图扼杀菲奥里购并康柏(Compaq)的计划。

    In 2002, Packard teamed with Bill Hewlett - son of co-founder Walter Hewlett - in an attempt to kill Fiorina's planned merger with Compaq.


  • 比尔·盖茨也就是过去上司探索消灭疟疾方法2007年的一次头脑风暴构想者Wood博士建议激光对付蚊子。

    His old boss, Mr. Gates, had asked him to explore new ways of combating malaria. At a brainstorming session in 2007, Dr. Wood, the Star Wars architect, suggested using lasers on mosquitoes.


  • 九十年代比尔·克林顿企图通过项目预算否决权国会那里接管财政,反对,并分别14个小时演讲全部脱稿拖延议程

    Bill Clinton’s bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches, learned by heart, to slow up debate.


  • 1919世纪的时候比尔医生帮助他们同行通过抗击死病,同时一个比尔学习古巴留学生棒球运动带到了古巴。

    In the 19th century Mobilian doctors helped their Cuban peers fight yellow fever by destroying mosquitoes and a Cuban student who studied in Mobile returned home with a baseball and bat.


  • SergeiMagnitsky就职隐士资本管理公司公司一把手比尔布劳普京的忠实拥护者,但2005年因为长期克里姆林宫亲近的公司结怨而被逐出了俄罗斯

    Sergei Magnitsky worked for Hermitage Capital, an investment fund run by Bill Browder, once a loyal Putinist who was barred from Russia in 2005 after feuding with firms close to the Kremlin.


  • 早些时候,导师,也就是体育用品公司耐克(Nike)的合伙创始人,泰斗级人物比尔•鲍尔曼,鼓励项”,也就是跑3英里赛(5公里而不是1英里赛。

    Early on, his coach and Nike co-founder, the amazing Bill Bowerman, encouraged him to "change the game" by running the 3 mile (5k) instead of the mile.


  • 也许巴马上任之初时候,比尔克林顿遭受过猛烈抨击学习得有些过了。

    Maybe he over-learned the lesson of the clobbering Bill Clinton got when he barged into this area right at the start of his presidency.


  • 车库走出的大公司还包括亚马逊谷歌美泰惠普微软——创业之初,比尔盖茨和保罗•艾伦墨西哥州一家非常寒的汽车旅馆开发软件

    Other garage-founded titans include Amazon, Google, Mattel, Hewlett Packard, and Microsoft— which Bill Gates and Paul Allen also developed at the sketchy Sundowner Motel in New Mexico.


  • 比尔·盖茨近日自曝所有员工车牌号都熟记下来,以此来监视员工的上下班时间。

    Bill Gates has revealed how he used to keep tabs on his employees by memorising all of their number plates to see when they were arriving and leaving the office.


  • 过去二十有些已经改变了离开过,比尔父亲先后去世,那分别1981和1993年,比尔父亲的葬礼上我还讲

    Some things have changed in the twenty years I was away Joe's daddy is gone, and Bill's father with him. 1981 and 1993, respectively I spoke the words over Bill's father at the graveyard.


  • 比尔·盖茨认识乐观。您认为自己是乐观的人吗

    Bill Gates once said you are the most optimistic person he has ever known. Do you think you are optimistic, and why?


  • 比尔盖茨认识乐观认为自己是乐观的人吗?乐观与生俱来还是后天培养的?

    Q3:Bill Gates once said you are the most optimistic person he has everknown. Do you think you are optimistic, and why? Is it born with or learnedlater?


  • 比尔母亲早年我们做礼拜教堂接受父母效能训练

    Bill's mother and I, early on, were involved in parent effectiveness training, an activity at the church we went to.


  • 比尔·盖茨自己在牌桌上学得商业战略要比教室里学到的还要。不过近几年明显对比较高雅的桥牌感兴趣。

    Bill Gates once said he learned more about business strategy at the baize than in classrooms-though these days he apparently prefers the more stately game of bridge.


  • 比尔盖茨认识乐观

    3Q:Bill Gates once said you are the most optimistic person he has ever known.


  • 比尔盖茨认识乐观

    3Q:Bill Gates once said you are the most optimistic person he has ever known.


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