• 可悲的是,那些富裕债权国比如德国很少

    Lamentably, rich creditor countries, such as Germany, are doing much less.


  • 公司有些担心某些特定国际市场经济状况,比如德国英国

    The company has some concerns about the economies of certain international markets, such as Germany and the United Kingdom.


  • 透过这些玻璃罩我们可以看到各个时期,各个国家(比如德国,等等)武器

    Through the glass of the numerous Windows you can see the arm samples of different times, German and other foreign arms.


  • 主要资本商品制造者均从中受惠,比如德国出口第三季度上涨了3.3%。

    This has pulled along leading producers of capital goods, like Germany, whose exports grew by a healthy 3.3% in the three months to September.


  • 对于出口驱动的国家比如德国日本美国置之一边,不再是生死攸关的消费国

    The United States is also being shoved aside as the make-or-break customer for export-driven nations like Germany and Japan.


  • 目前法国市场已经落后其他一些欧洲国家比如德国英国芬兰荷兰等。

    The market in France has already been lagging in comparison to the other countries in Europe, such as Germany, the UK, Finland or the Netherlands.


  • 外国人往往立刻就反驳论调,他们指出比如德国疲软服务业就是一个潜在增长领域

    Foreigners are often quick to dismiss this argument.They point, for instance, to the German economy's weak service sector as an area of potential growth.


  • 外国人往往立刻就反驳一论调他们指出比如德国疲软服务业就是潜在增长领域

    Foreigners are often quick to dismiss this argument. They point, for instance, to the German economy's weak service sector as an area of potential growth.


  • 由于使用EMP设备有着很多益处,很多公司比如德国大众赞助了这个研发项目

    Firms such as Germany's giant carmaker Volkswagen are sponsoring the project because forming steel components with an EMP device provides a number of advantages.


  • 另外一些社会—比如德国—因起步受益,因为它们越过英国经历的漫长过程

    Others, like Germany, benefited from starting late, leapfrogging the long-drawn-out process that Britain went through.


  • 这项提议拯救面临债务危机国家负担比如德国这样富有欧盟成员国转移给债券持有者

    The proposal would shift the burden of rescuing countries that face a sovereign-debt crisis away from richer EU members, such as Germany, and towards bondholders.


  • 问题欧洲央行拒绝出手而且一些成员国比如德国也不想押上自己的资产负债表支持EFSF

    Trouble is, the ECB has refused to help, and countries, like Germany, do not want them to lend their balance sheet out to back up the EFSF.


  • 富国采取相似措施实现增长贸易顺差国家比如德国日本刺激内需提高生产力

    Similar growth tonics need to be applied in much of the rich world, both to boost domestic spending in surplus economies, such as Germany and Japan, and to raise productivity.


  • 太阳能项目方面,意大利一直是欧洲地区相对亮点因为其他国家比如德国减少太阳能项目的补贴

    Italy has been a relative bright spot in Europe for solar projects as other countries, most notably Germany, reduce their subsidies for solar projects.


  • 当然不是所有人都同意这种储蓄过剩论尤其是那些大量现金、有压力采取行动国家比如德国

    Not everyone subscribes to the savings glut theory, of course, especially not those nations that are sitting atop these piles of cash and facing pressure to take action, as Germany is.


  • 比如德国允诺说,货币联盟不但不可能上升财政调度者,而且创造一种至少德国马克一样稳定货币

    The Germans were promised that monetary union would not give rise to fiscal transfers, and would create a currency at least as stable as the Deutschmark.


  • 一些别的银行比如德国银行摩根大通、苏格兰皇家银行,也有着庞大交易服务部门但是一半收益来源于本土市场

    Some other banks, including Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase and Royal Bank of Scotland, have big transaction-services divisions, but about half of their revenue comes from their home markets.


  • (相比之下,美国外债仅占其GDP总量17%)这些债务中的多数,来自当地银行贷款或是债权国比如德国出售债券

    (by comparison, America's net foreign liabilities are 17% of GDP.) Much of their debt is being financed by local bank borrowing or bonds sold to investors in creditor countries, such as Germany.


  • 来自于经济优势国家(比如德国)欧盟共同债券直接性财政转移看起来排除了,这样剩下一个敷衍了事选项欧洲央行。

    Direct fiscal transfers from stronger countries (such as Germany) and common EU bonds seem to be ruled out, so only one muddle-through option remains: the ECB.


  • 但是欧元对外平衡却掩盖了一些国家与国家之间巨大内部差距。比如德国拥有多余储蓄,而西班牙希腊却负担着庞大经常项目赤字。

    Yet the euro's external balance concealed a huge internal divide between places like Germany, with excess savings, and countries such as Spain and Greece, with huge current-account deficits.


  • Callow强调上个月意大利债券利息激增通过蔓延已经威胁到了欧洲核心国家比如德国法国引发投资者他们的债券进行抛售

    Callow said, noting that it was a surge in yields on Italian bonds last month that threatened core countries in Europe like Germany and France with contagion, prompting investors to dump their bonds.


  • 另一到了科学家们的个人奋斗比如爱因斯坦纳粹德国逃跑

    Another group read about the scientists' personal struggles, like Einstein's running away from Nazi Germany.


  • 黛安·奥特·惠利希望保护具有历史意义植物品种比如曾祖父100多年德国带到美国种子

    In the state of Iowa, Diane Ott Whealy wanted to protect historic plant varieties, like the seeds her great-grandfather brought to the U.S. from Germany more than a hundred years ago.


  • 们还送给他一些来自不同国家的东西,比如一把中国的丝绸扇子,一个德国的小汽车模型和一个澳大利亚的小轮船模型。

    People also gave him things from different countries, such as a silk fan from China, a little model car from Germany and a small model ship from Australia.


  • 欧盟的经济刺激方案考虑各国自己的经济的计划,比如英国意大利德国已经宣布那些方案。

    The stimulus plan takes into account national packages to boost the economy, like those already announced by Britain, Italy and Germany.


  • “权力过渡理论角度看,踌躇满志的崛起势力——比如战后德国日本——是不会去挑战世界秩序的。

    The insight ofpower-transition theory” is that satisfied powers, such as post-war Germany and Japan, do not challenge the world order when they rise.


  • 比如,德国看到那个按推测应该是魔手引孩子出走地方,看上去之前想象的并非完全一致

    When I saw, for example, the spot in Germany where the Pied Piper supposedly led the children away, it didn’t look exactly the same as I had imagined.


  • 一些如今流行方案——比如德国那样,给雇主,让他们裁剪工时不是工作——试图使劳动力维持原有状态。

    Some of the most popular of today's schemes-such as paying employers to cut hours rather than jobs, as in germany-try to preserve the Labour force in aspic.


  • 一些如今流行方案——比如德国那样,给雇主,让他们裁剪工时不是工作——试图使劳动力维持原有状态。

    Some of the most popular of today's schemes-such as paying employers to cut hours rather than jobs, as in germany-try to preserve the Labour force in aspic.


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