• 彼德-古纳纳-库比劳控告理由是心理伤害精神上压抑以及土著母亲文化氛围分离所带来孤独。

    Mr Gunner and Ms Cubillo sued for psychological trauma, emotional distress and isolation from the cultural lives of their Aboriginal mothers.


  • 第79分钟里前锋·瓦姆巴赫(AbbyWambach)接队友·切尼(Lauren Cheney)开出角球头球破门,为本队取得2:1领先

    Striker Abby Wambach gave her team a two to one lead with a header off Lauren Cheney's corner kick in the seventy-ninth minute.


  • 这个所谓骗局受害者——家族——看来轻率地相信其商业帝国金融分支能够顺利经营,他们加以干预监督

    The victims of this alleged fraud, the Gosaibi family, seemed blithely confident that the financial arm of their business empire would run smoothly without their intervention or oversight.


  • 我们清楚与‘完美女人’之间何关系,这项研究发现腰臀女性身体吸引力有关。” 普

    We don’t know how waist-to-hip ratio represents ‘overall’ attractiveness, only that studies have found it to be related to judgments of female attractiveness, ” Plaut said.


  • 拉夫·”的时装模特“菲利芭·哈密尔顿”确实迷人不过最近的一个广告里,头部还小在生理学上可能吗?

    Ralph Lauren model Filippa Hamilton is glamorous, but is it physiologically possible for her hips to be smaller than her head, as a recent AD showed?


  • 提供很多网上没有菜谱包括名厨埃梅里尔·拉加斯、·弗莱贾达·蒂斯的作品。

    FoodNetwork : Offers users many of the recipes off the network including food by Emeril Lagasse, Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis.


  • 乔治·华盛顿指挥官大卫·a·斯曼上校,“乔治·华盛顿团队上的第5舰载机联队一起加长维护完成这项评估任何人预想的都要快要。”

    "The Airwing 5, George Washington team came together to complete this evaluation better and sooner than anyone expected following our extended maintenance period," said GW Commanding Officer Capt.


  • 恩赫公司强调这些窗口特殊丙烯酸树脂材料制成,厚度达到200毫米,玻璃的强度高200

    Raonhaje says the Windows are made from a "special acrylic" material, 200mm thick and 200 times stronger than glass.


  • 接下来个月时间很有战略性地建立一个粉丝基地

    Braun and Bieber spent the next six months strategically building a fan base.


  • 美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)位于瑞士苏黎世ibm研究实验室亚斯•卡斯(TobiasKraus)同事们提出一种新奇方式将那些有用的微型结构压印出来。

    Tobias Kraus, of IBM's Research Laboratories in Zurich, Switzerland, and his colleagues have come up with a new way to print such structures which could help.


  • 现在你们·米勒为诚实正直善待耶路巴力和全家,这就是酬

    Now if you have acted honorably and in good faith when you made Abimelech king, and if you have been fair to Jerub-Baal and his family, and if you have treated him as he deserves.


  • 现在包括莱斯特、卢顿伯明翰大城市在内,许多城市地区人口中白种英国人的占都不到60%。

    Urban areas with a population less than 60 percent white British now include such major cities as Slough, Leicester, Luton and Birmingham.


  • 当时欧陆正为约翰法国方案表层成功兴奋不已。方案出售项目股权用以开发密西西三角洲缓解君主国法兰西许多债务

    Europe was then agog at the apparent success of John Law's schemes in France, where the sale of shares in a project to develop the Mississippi delta had relieved the monarchy of much of its debt.


  • 因此密西西计划中,通过成立德欧美公司以拓展现已美国地区的商业机会

    Hence the Mississippi scheme, under which Law created the Compagnied 'occident to exploit trade opportunities in what is now the United States.


  • 影响汇流主要控制因素有:汇流、汇流河床高差、、汇流口下游干流弗等。

    All of them are controlled by following factors: discharge ratio, junction Angle, difference in bed height, width to depth ratio and Froude number downstream the confluences.


  • 其他的伤员森德罗斯,迪亚克利希没有归队,但是亨利和范佩西应该可以

    The other ones like Senderos, Diaby, Lauren and Clichy are not back yet but Henry is and Van Persie should be.


  • 萨洛蒙·在临近终场时的失机实在尴尬然而却丝毫及不上约翰·奥·米克尔那个令人笑掉牙的空气打门。

    Salomon Kalou's miss near the end was embarrassing, but nowhere near John Obi Mikel's laughable air shot.


  • 要是熔岩不断喷发而出,且累积速度侵蚀这样火山坡度便会越来越陡峭, 最后势必难以招架这样的坍塌

    The slopes of volcanoes such as Kilauea become steep and vulnerable to this kind of collapse when the lava from repeated eruptions builds them up more rapidly than they can erode away.


  • 也许意味着始于约翰米克尔萨洛蒙之后,可能再次从美国召回夸雷斯马

    It could mean starts for John Obi Mikel and Salomon Kalou and possibly a recall for Ricardo Quaresma.


  • 尽管作为列支敦士登王子文策斯斯,拥有一个几乎自己国家名字长的名字,但这位皇室成员成为许多人心中的钻石王老五。

    Even though Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein has a name that's almost longer than his kingdom, this eligible royal is quite a catch.


  • 这些评估结果回应此前德布鲁因博士课题指导教授进化学生物学家的调查结果。

    These results echo earlier research by Dr DeBruine's thesis adviser, evolutionary biologist Bobbi Low.


  • 不要忘记我们失去了亨利加拉斯迪亚在家养伤。

    Don't forget we had Henry, Gallas, Lauren and Diaby still at home.


  • 在时间还剩下2:14的时候,罗伊全中,还有特里斯·奥特命中一个跳投,把分变成了111107。

    Roy hit a pair of free throws, and Travis Outlaw hit a jumper to make it 111-107 with 2:14 left.


  • 在时间还剩下2:14的时候,罗伊全中,还有特里斯·奥特命中一个跳投,把分变成了111107。

    Roy hit a pair of free throws, and Travis Outlaw hit a jumper to make it 111-107 with 2:14 left.


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