• 中国,小学里女老师比中学里更多。

    In China, there are more women teachers in primary schools than in high schools.


  • 一个发现小学提升他们的供应方面中学大的进步

    A further finding is that primary schools are making greater progress than secondary schools in improving their provision.


  • 高等师范院校文学课程教学存有不少弊端教学改革却中学语文教改相对沉寂与滞后。

    There are quite a few weaknesses in literature teaching of normal universities, but it has already laid be hind compared with the Chinese teaching in middle schools .


  • 实际上在以中学高级水平考试结束学校教育最后阶段历史课程比中学普通水平考试教学大纲所要求更为复杂了。

    In the final stage of school education, ending with a level, the curriculum is effectively a more sophisticated version of the GCSE syllabus.


  • 小学生;中学进入篮球场,七年级长成了六英尺的大个子,篮球场上呼风唤雨。关注,注意的;

    Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level.


  • 博物馆其他非正式学习机构可能小学中学适合教授这种技能

    Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools.


  • 雇主早就看到雇佣中学毕业生好处他们往往证明自己本科毕业生责任心忠诚度

    Employers have long seen the advantages of hiring school leavers who often prove themselves to be more committed and loyal employees than graduates.


  • 体育运动美国中学在其他国家扎根更深,很可能真的

    It might well be true that sports are far more rooted in American high schools than in other countries.


  • 罗马天主教小学学生街头事件中学到的枪支知识教育中学的要

    Students in Roman Catholic elementary school are learning more about guns from issues in the street than educational issues.


  • 年制大学学历员工年薪为50900美元,只有员工的31500美元要高62%。

    Worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900, 62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma.


  • 认为旅途获得知识正如生活中所学到的一样,任何一本参考书中学宝贵

    In my opinion, the knowledge acquired from travel, as you will find in your life, is more valuable than that from any influential reference book.


  • 中学到大学,科的故事陪伴着许许多多的中国人,点燃了他们对篮球的热爱。

    From middle school to college, Bryant's stories went along with so many Chinese people and fired up their love for basketball.


  • 2019年3月17日,科·布莱恩特来到深圳一所中学看望学生。

    On March 17th, 2019, Kobe Bryant visited a middle school in Shenzhen to meet students.


  • 尽管中学阶段英语是必修课,但一拿英文测试其他发达国家最差劲的莫过于自己了。

    And despite years of mandatory English-language classes in secondary school, the Japanese score lowest among rich countries on English tests.


  • 论文指出老师男孩女孩期望值这种观念小学一直延续中学

    The paper argues that teachers have lower expectations of boys than of girls and this belief fulfils itself throughout primary and secondary school.


  • 根据自己的经历中学法语中学到的语法知识英语上学到的多。

    In my own experience, learning French at high school taught me so much more about grammar than English class ever did.


  • 喜欢做这样姿态,我们允许熬夜因为我们母亲我们能够激情中学更多学校中一学到的都多。

    She liked me to watch them with her, and we were allowed to stay up, because our mother said we would learn more from Some Like It Hot than from a year of school.


  • 然而家长们他们孩子看到的一切作为不良影响屏蔽而道歉他们强烈否认孩子在校园里在家中学更好社会技能

    But parents make no apology for shielding their children from what they see as bad influences. They hotly deny that children learn better social skills on a school playground than at home.


  • 通常错误到的东西首次成功学得的东西更多

    Usually, I find that I learn more from my mistakes than from what works the first time.


  • 很多国家女孩子完成小学教育、继续到初习的机会仍然男孩子少得多

    In many countries, girls are still given fewer opportunities than boys to complete primary school and enroll in secondary schools.


  • 当前全球系统中学老师得更好

    The students of the global system are now doing better than their teachers.


  • 新学期开始一天,美国印第安纳哈蒙德市莫顿中学教室似乎平时宽敞了一些因为该校128名学生因著装不当送回了

    HAMMOND, Ind. - Classrooms were a little less crowded at Morton High School on the first day of classes: 128 students were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes.


  • 这个城邦国家严格地将学生三六九等分,毫不掩饰其对精英的崇拜:有学校号称世界上其他任意一中学常青籘联盟高校输送的学生

    The city state streams pupils rigorously and is unashamedly elitist: one school claims to send more students to Ivy League universities than any other secondary school in the world.


  • 事实上缺乏积累项目历史的能力却给项目时间表带来了大的风险,这种风险很可能其他许多因素总和还要大。

    In fact, the inability to learn from a cumulative project "history" probably puts a new project's timetable at greater risk than all other factors combined.


  • 南亚妇女受教育年限男子一半女童中学入学率仅有男童的三分之二。

    In South Asia, women have only about half as many years of education as men, and middle school enrollment rates for girls are only two-thirds those of boys.


  • Web参考资料一个优点它们的内容一般书本的内容更新所以可以使用在线阅读补充书本中学到的、有点过时的知识。

    One nice thing about Web resources is that they're generally more up-to-date than books, so you can use online reading to supplement your less current reading.


  • Web参考资料一个优点它们的内容一般书本的内容更新所以可以使用在线阅读补充书本中学到的、有点过时的知识。

    One nice thing about Web resources is that they're generally more up-to-date than books, so you can use online reading to supplement your less current reading.


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