• 物种大灭绝后,都一次突然进化爆发因为会有物种出现填补灭绝创造生态

    Following each mass extinction, there is a sudden evolutionary burst as new species develop to fill the ecological niches opened by the event.


  • 一次直觉都是死路一条,每一次假设都是死胡同

    Every hunch led to a blind alley and every hypothesis to a dead end.


  • 你第一次考试前12周,把每一次考试的日期和时间记录在你的计划或日记本上,并拷贝一份贴在家里的墙上。

    About 12 weeks before your first exam, record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.


  • 如果我们移动移动都一次拒绝

    If we are moving, then each turn is a turn away.


  • 告诉他我都会去看望,“妈妈在一起的时间非常宝贵因为我知道都可能最后一次。”

    I Shared how I visited her each month. "My time with mother is so precious, because I know that each time may be the last."


  • 我们需要留意最后一次,或每一的变化。

    We need to care about the first time, the last time, that one time, and every time.


  • 每一这种邮箱地址邮件,你错过了公司宣传机会

    Every time you send an email like this you're missing a branding opportunity for your company.


  • 能够听见外面一次大风呼啸,每一次狗吠每一次人行道穿过街道脚步声

    I could hear every gust of wind outside, every dog barking, every footstep on the sidewalk across the street.


  • 每一恢复初始位置计算俯卧撑最大可能进行最多次数的俯卧撑,直到需要休息为止。

    Count each time you return to the starting position as one push-up. Do as many push-ups as you can until you need to stop for rest.


  • 概括地说,RUP中,一次迭代要检验一次增加质量

    To summarize, in the RUP, the quality of the latest increment is verified in every iteration.


  • 我们必须更改或者添加功能性时,或者每一次我们必须适应开发团队加入的新人时,我们设计兴趣会更大。

    The interest that we pay on design debt is additional cost every time we have to change or add functionality, and every time we must acclimate somebody new to the development team.


  • 另一些系统上,时间可能1020毫秒一次因此精度都可能变化。

    On other systems the time may only change at intervals of 10 or 20 milliseconds, and the accuracy may vary from one change to the next.


  • 重返人世生活旅程漫长痛苦进入电梯每一次黑夜中步行自己,都需要鼓起极大的勇气

    The slow and painful journey back into the world, when just riding an elevator, or walking at night to her car, was an act of sheer courage.


  • 尝试每一成功找到乐趣那么改变本身就会成为最好的回报

    Find joy in every attempt, in every victory, in every failure, and the change will be a reward in itself.


  • 一次到这儿参观像是般的令人激动。

    Every visit here is as wonderful as my first one.


  • 手动测试可以自动化每一次手动的测试可以应该转化为自动化的步骤,显然不现实的。

    Every manual test can be automated: It is a myth to think every manual test can and should be converted into automated steps.


  • 尽管每一镜头里面全是模糊不清闪光灯球迷,但他还是一次地心潮澎湃

    And each time, even though the details exist only in a blur of camera flashes and fans, the flood of emotion comes rushing back.


  • 每一经济总会恢复一次热,和现在中国的情况很相似。

    Each time, the economy recovered and went on to grow again at a blistering pace.So too might China's.


  • 特别是孩子内做的任何事情-一个声音一个动作每一感情回应 - 都是他的天才大脑的又一次体现。

    Practically everything your child does in his first two years -- every sound, every movement, every mental connection that he makes -- places his brain capacity at genius operating level.


  • 迭代中,我们通过深入钻研具体功能领域()来创建需求深度视角因而迭代建立一个SRS

    During each iteration after the first, we create the depth view of requirements by doing deep dives into specific functional areas (use cases), thus building an SRS for each iteration.


  • 一次更换题目大概淘30%40%题,并且补充相应数量题,每一题完成之后,题库就相对的比较的稳定直到下一次的换题时间。

    There are 30% to 40% old questions each change and there are some amounts of makeup. After each change, it will be the new time of change.


  • 随着游戏的人数以及玩家平均年龄渐长,收入丰,每一周期一次要长。

    Each cycle is bigger than the last as gaming becomes more popular and the average gamer becomes older and richer.


  • 将会感受到冲击粗鲁的打倒后都面目扭曲,一次赢得比赛后都欢呼庆祝,就最后一次玩ea这款神奇拳击游戏

    You'll feel every punch, grimace at every brutal knock-down and celebrate every win as if it were your last in EA's fantastic boxing video game.


  • 一次思想禁锢表情之下,每一次我必要把它释放行为之中。

    Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by my deeds.


  • 每一这样的努力,都会一次赢得一点信任自由空间

    Every time you do this you will build a bit more trust and the freedom to do more the next time.


  • 一次成功背后总是有着一连串失败每一次的失败使你离成功更近一步

    Every success has a trail of failures behind it, and every failure is leading towards success.


  • 不要放过机会,因为如果错过,你就有可能错过第二次、第三次,结果你将一事无成。

    Try not to miss a single time if possible, because once you miss once, you'll be tempted to miss another time, and then a third, and then you've got nothing.


  • 不要放过机会,因为如果错过,你就有可能错过第二次、第三次,结果你将一事无成。

    Try not to miss a single time if possible, because once you miss once, you'll be tempted to miss another time, and then a third, and then you've got nothing.


- 来自原声例句

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