• 安德鲁·卡内基慷慨大度几乎感染了每一个美国人

    Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie's generosity.


  • 因为现在看起来美国拥有一个昂。

    For now it sometimes seems that all America is one big orgone box.


  • 希望能够打动每一个美国人桥梁

    It was her bridge to every American that she had any hope of reaching.


  • 为了每一个美国人金融安全国会必须行动起来

    For the financial security of every American, Congress must act.


  • 保险触及几乎每一个美国人住所、家庭职业生意

    Insurance deal with domicile, family, professionals or business of almost American.


  • 那种认为巴马不应该获奖荒谬的,并且是一个美国人的侮辱。

    The notion that Obama's prize is undeserved is absurd and an insult to every American.


  • 一个美国人会得到他们医疗选择有关品质费用的全面的信息

    Every American should have access to a full range of information about the quality and cost of their health care options.


  • 一个美国人应该知道退伍军具天赋,最有能力一批

    But every American should know that our veterans are some of the most talented, capable people in the world.


  • 我们认为真正的机会是让一个美国人获得良好教育训练,找到收入不错工作

    We agree that real opportunity requires every American to get the education and training they need to land a good-paying job.


  • 这个假期呼吁美国人你们社区寻求一份挑战站出来施予援助手。

    This holiday season, I ask every American to look for a challenge in your own community, and step forward to lend a hand.


  • 美国贯穿美国历史,最能体现美国人生活方式和国民精神理想影响每一个美国

    It passes through the history of U. S. a and represents the lifestyle of Americans and the ideal of national spirit which influence each American.


  • 改善我们住房的性能到为我们的社区植树一个美国人,不分老幼,可以通过无数方式参与其事。

    From weatherizing our homes to planting trees in our communities, there are countless ways for every American, young and old, to get involved.


  • 一个美国不会忘记今天我们奋力向前、 捍卫自由、捍卫世界上一切美好正义的事物。

    None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.


  • :军事统治主要借口美国人所熟知-反恐战争(永远介意勇士们自己实施的恐怖)。

    And this is striking: the main excuse for his martial law is one that is all too familiar to Americans - the war on terror (and never mind the terror dispensed by the warriors themselves).


  • 虽然还不能一口食物经过遗传工程改造,但是几乎美国人吃过通过遗传工程改造过的食物。

    While it can't yet be said that every mouthful of food has been changed through genetic engineering it is likely that almost every American has had a mouthful of engineered food.


  • 我们这一代使命-生命自由追求幸福这些字眼、这些权利、这些价值-真正成为每一个美国人现实。

    That is our generation's task - to make these words, these rights, these values - of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - real for every American.


  • 我们这一代使命-生命自由追求幸福这些字眼、这些权利、这些价值-真正成为每一个美国人现实。

    That is our generation's task - to make these words, these rights, these values - of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happine - real for every American.


  • 一个美国人应享有最清新空气最安全的饮水未受污染土地而且都可以采取措施保护这些宝贵的资源

    Every American deserves the cleanest air, the safest water, and unpolluted land, and each person can take steps to protect those precious resources.


  • 同时普遍认为,一个美国不管出身如何,都必须学会上一口清晰流畅英语,必须适应美国生活方式

    At the same time it is agreed that all Americans, whatever their origins, must learn to speak English clearly and fluently, and they must learn to adapt themselves to the American way of life.


  • 一个美国人一样马伦上将在所有这些成果中发挥作用心怀感激,这些成果未来几十年中加强我国安全保障

    And every American can be grateful to Admiral Mullenas am Ifor his critical role in each of these achievements, which will enhance our national security for decades to come.


  • 根据美国疾病预防中心所提出计划自愿检测艾滋病病毒的知道原则可以适用13到64的年龄段的每一个美国

    The guidelines for voluntary testing would apply to every American ages 13 to 64, according to the proposed plan by the U. S. Centers for Disease control and Prevention.


  • 过去时间里,我们努力许许多多来自全国各地的汇集在一起,发出共同的声音我们相信美国伟大足以适合一个美国人

    We spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone.


  • 去年四月跟随旅游团埃及亚历山大旅游。导游劝告团里美国大家在一起,出行时要乘坐一辆装甲车护送特别美国人安排大巴

    Last April, in Alexandria, Egypt, our group, all Americans, was told to stay together, to travel only in the specially arranged bus, the one with the armored car escort.


  • 去年四月跟随旅游团埃及亚历山大旅游。导游劝告团里美国大家在一起,出行时要乘坐一辆装甲车护送特别美国人安排大巴

    Last April, in Alexandria, Egypt, our group, all Americans, was told to stay together, to travel only in the specially arranged bus, the one with the armored car escort.


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