• 猩猩经常拒绝孩子分享食物,因此孩子们从小自己觅食

    Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own food.


  • 这里所有的幼恐惧,熊也总是自己孩子远远的。

    He freaks all of young bears over here and she-bears were always trying to hold their kids far back from him.


  • 贝克发现猩猩自己儿子,和她没任何关系雄猩猩是得不到帮助的。

    Surbeck found that a mother will only help their own sons; unrelated males get no aid.


  • 我们祖先开始模仿之后他们创造出了很多,这些媒又在人类的脑海中它们自己繁衍竞争

    Once our ancestors could imitate they created lots of memes that competed to use their brains for their own propagation.


  • 我们抛弃我们生活方式发现我们自己正是这些地方寻找她们从来就没有找到爱所迷失激情:杜松子酒男人们大学,我们自己以及我们彼此

    In rejecting the lives of our mothers, we found ourselves looking for stray volts of mother-love in the very places they would never be found: gin, men, the college, our own mothers, and one another.


  • 他们自己村庄按着家谱计算,是大卫耳所当这紧要职任的。

    These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their set office.


  • 但是在努力工作追求辈们只能想想生活的时候,她们突然意识自己已经成为男人部分中的一个

    While they are working hard and pursuing lives that their mothers could only dream of, they suddenly realize that they have become part of a group that men may not want to marry.


  • 认为必须通过自己录制带来找到合适声音以此找到角色的感觉。

    He felt he had to find the voice - and thereby the character - by making demo recordings on his own.


  • 请你告诉刚刚成为父/的人,如何自己孩子工作朋友抱有同等的激动心情

    Please tell me, how can a new parent be equally excited about a child and his/her work or friends?


  • 小孩身上一半基因是她,所以自己的孩子,猩猩就可以确信下一代将有最大几率继承她的基因。

    In helping her own young, who share half of her DNA, a bonobo mother can ensure that her own genes have the best chance of being inherited by another generation.


  • 翌日螃蟹突然发现自己新婚老公也其它庸才那样横着走路了,便非常气恼问道:“咋回事儿啊?”

    The next morning she noticed her new husband walking sideways like any ordinary crab! She was very upset and asked, "What happened?"


  • 没有忘记自己上帝承诺断奶后,哈拿把送到伊莱那儿受训

    Hannah didn't forget about her promise. When Samuel was three years old and weaned, she took him to Eli to be trained in God's hand.


  • 耳回拉玛。基比亚,回自己了。

    Then Samuel left for Ramah, but Saul went up to his home in Gibeah of Saul.


  • 蔡美儿坦承自己是个严,她有关威权记述的确让人感到不安甚至震惊

    Chua's reports from the trenches of authoritarian parenthood are indeed disconcerting, even shocking, in their candid admission of maternal ruthlessness.


  • 然后扫罗自己往拉,到了西井,问人说:“大卫哪里呢?”

    Finally, he himself left for Ramah and went to the great cistern at Secu. And he asked, "Where are Samuel and David?"


  • 这样距离应当使恒星引力影响足够微弱以致COROT9b能够保留距离自己几百万公里稳定旋转卫星。

    At that distance the host star's gravitational influence should be sufficiently weak that COROT 9 b could retain stably orbiting moons millions of kilometers from the planet.


  • 巴卡自己非常不是在开玩笑根据衍生宇宙,卡西克特兰多沙处于同一星系。

    When Chewbacca says his home world is very close, he's not kidding. According to the Expanded Universe, Kashyyyk and Trandosha are in the same star system.


  • 拥有毋庸置疑血统并已经回到自己安顿下来球员来说,一个令人沮丧情况

    It is a frustrating situation for a player with unquestioned pedigree, who has settled well to life back at his parent club over the past few weeks.


  • 爱尔兰人进入美国后一方面必须熟悉掌握美国文化一方面自己文化依依不舍。

    This is because the Irish, on the one hand, have to learn and adapt themselves to the new culture, but on the other hand, they are not willing to give up their own culture.


  • 一般来说,能够以不同的身份回归自己效力多年不是件容易的事,不过幸运地做到了一点。

    When you leave a club you don't often have a chance to return, so I am fortunate for being given such a fantastic opportunity.


  • 了拉玛。基比亚,回自己的家去了。

    Then Samuel went to Ramah, and Saul went up to his house in Gibeah of Saul.


  • 星,这个曾经默默无闻剧作家创作了一系列引起轰动成功作品,抓住了全球的想象力,从而打造了自己娱乐帝国

    Once a humble playwright, a series of incendiary hits that captured the imagination of the planet funded what would become an entertainment empire.


  • 不再丫鬟自己一个院子

    Mother no longer when the servant girl, mother with son expensive, there is a small yard in his.


  • 他们自己村庄家谱登记大卫他们忠信, 派定他们职任。

    These were enrolled by genealogy in their villages; David and Samuel the seer appointed them because of their faithfulness.


  • 他们自己村庄家谱登记大卫他们忠信, 派定他们职任。

    These were enrolled by genealogy in their villages; David and Samuel the seer appointed them because of their faithfulness.


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