• 马尔开头部分加入奏鸣曲然后加上几个小节贝多芬作品,然后回到巴赫的作品。

    Malcolm wanted to mix the beginning of a sonata, then add Beethoven for a few measures, then go back to Bach.


  • 然后点击斯来收看另一对话然后探索这间屋子。

    Afterward, click on Tychus for another dialogue exchange and then explore the room.


  • 米兰——布莱恩特NBA停摆期间有可能意大利打球,而且意大利对他来说味道,因为童年在那里渡过了一时间。

    MILAN -- Kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 下面·菲尔谈论爵士乐随着时间变化而变化录音

    Here is a recording of Conover talking about the way jazz music changes over time.


  • 电影导演路易·马勒(百)曾曾在很长一时间里,梦想这部小说翻拍电影。

    "Louis Malle, the film director, has said he has long dreamed of turning the novel into a movie."


  • 米兰——·布莱恩特NBA停摆期间效力意大利有可能的”而且这个国家比来说一样,因为小时候在那里时间。

    MILAN -kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 不要安妮·莉亚的想象力不满戴安娜总是没有童话世界度过岁月孩子感到遗憾

    Don't grudge Anne Cordelia her fancies, Diana. I'm always sorry for children who don't spend a few years in fairyland.


  • 胜利触发过场影片回到酒吧第二,泰斯·芬利带着一个友好的生意提议到来。

    Your victory triggers a cut-scene: back in Joeyray's the next day, Tychus Findlay arrives with a friendly business proposition for his old war buddy.


  • 帕内尔·拉斯出发,瓦多旅客们要去往著名纪念碑,可以通过乘坐火车来完成这一路程。

    At Paineiras, visitors to Corcovado would board a train to continue the rest of the way up to the famous monument.


  • 这位洛杉机整容皮肤医生对400名澳大利亚同行们说,人们这种带有点异国情调的长相的青睐持续一时间。

    The Los Angeles-based cosmetic dermatologist told a gathering of 400 fellow Australian specialists that demand for this brand of exotic look is here to stay.


  • 多尔夫斯基2003年克里姆林宫决裂后一直监狱服刑,有观察家预测霍多尔斯基面临又一漫长牢狱生活。

    Observers predicted that Mr Khodorkovsky, who has been in jail ever since falling out with the Kremlin in 2003, could receive another lengthy jail sentence.


  • 现年54岁此前有过婚姻,并生育三个孩子出生意大利的名模布吕尼现年41岁前夫生育有一个儿子

    Mr Sarkozy, 54, has three children from two previous marriages, while his Italian-born former supermodel wife, 41, has one son from a previous relationship.


  • 义德卫报透露了一来自贝琳达日子摘录日记显示出了汗一家人在贝琳达出发当天既兴奋恐惧的心情。

    Extracts from Belinda's journal that Saeed showed to the Guardian reveal excitement and trepidation as the day of departure approached.


  • 目前每天约可搭载九百观光客少于正常人数三分之一,而且这些观光客库斯搭乘接驳车来此,最后搭乘火车。

    For the moment just 900 passengers a day-less than a third of the normal number-can be carried, and they are bused from Cusco, travelling only the last stretch by train.


  • 也使得湖人队教练菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)记者分享早期对话与当时的多伦多前锋文斯·卡特(Vince Carter)的一场对决之后的一对话。

    That prompted Lakers Coach Phil Jackson to share with the press corps a conversation he and Bryant had earlier in his career a night after a one-on-one matchup with then-Toronto forward Vince Carter.


  • 假定时间打算对新斯舍省啤酒消费者进行另一次Web民意测验

    Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed.


  • 最近齐还Facebook上放了一带着条爱犬拜访妻子卡拉·布吕尼的视频

    He recently posted on Facebook a video of himself and two dogs dropping in on Carla Bruni, his wife.


  • 电站项目第一发电量目前位于德克萨斯州具有世界第一称号罗斯(Roscoe)风电场发电量的12

    This is the first stage of a massive wind power complex, which will produce 12 times the amount of power of the world's current No. 1 — the Roscoe Wind Farm in Texas.


  • 视频一小录像420长度女儿-一位澳洲艺术家制成

    The video she is referring to is a short film, four minutes and 20 seconds long, that Kohn's daughter Jane Korman, an Australian artist, produced.


  • 凡是通过微软Live搜索引擎进行的搜索,结果都会自动将Wiki全书中与之相关的内容放在第一

    The Microsoft Live search engine automatically pulls up the first paragraph of any relevant Wikipedia entry in its search results.


  • 然而,从2030年龄开始,来自蜥蜴脑(译注:蜥蜴脑人脑中掌管理性思考无关的部分,也学研究证实是掌握本能的古老部分。 [百度百])的子女的内在冲动正面对一个残酷现实在这仅存的生育期里,女人怀孕变得越来越

    However, after the mid-20s, the lizard-brain impulse to have more kids faces a stark reality: it's harder and harder to get pregnant as a woman's remaining eggs age.


  • 动物涌入导致犬动物数量在时间大幅下降

    The influx of cats prompted a period of dramatic decline among the dog clan.


  • 是在报道”栏目中我看过最好报告所以万分感谢罗娜多·夸特雷特对于这个星期五精彩介绍

    That was seriously one of the best I-report segments I've ever seen, so a big thanks to the Coronado Quartet for an awesome introduction on this Friday.


  • 第三叙述一个叫做贾斯特·梅里尔的道恩星球帮工守护者,因被指控背叛而选择面具隐匿身份。

    A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason.


  • 大多数作品略微正派尽管情节在后半很快变得愤世嫉俗所塑造角色梦想破碎而被击垮。

    There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams.


  • 除了金洲尤它战时间内,德里克费舍尔整个职业生涯一起在湖人作战,他们就是兄弟

    Apart from brief stints at Golden State and Utah, Derek Fisher has played his whole career with Kobe Bryant at the Los Angeles Lakers. They are like brothers.


  • 那么中纳博哪里呢?认为他所,存在一个地方,纳博夫正在沉思这个问题

    So, where is Nabokov in here? I think that's one of the places where Nabokov is. It's Nabokov meditating on this problem.


  • 正如学家所言,极限。——第三表明观点。

    As a scientist said, technology knows no bound.


  • 正如学家所言,极限。——第三表明观点。

    As a scientist said, technology knows no bound.


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