• 测试结果表明,大部分测点残余应力均得到了较好的消除最后一道焊缝一些测点焊接残余应力消除效果较差。

    The results of measurement show that, the residual stress was eliminated well in near all of the measured points. and that it did not eliminate well in some points of the last welded joint.


  • 目前工厂一般采用回火时效振动时效法(VSR)对焊接构架中的残余应力进行消除

    At present, temper aging and vibration aging (VSR) are commonly applied to remove residual stress in welded frames in factories.


  • 利用非线性动力有限元爆炸处理消除焊接接头残余应力全过程进行了数值模拟。

    The whole process of the relief of the welding residual stress through an explosive treatment is simulated by using the nonlinear dynamic finite element method.


  • 并对采用上述两种方法消除焊接残余应力结果进行了比较。

    The results from the two methods of removing welded residual stress are compared.


  • 采用小孔测定了不同热处理方法消除焊接残余应力效果

    Effects of relieving residual welding stress with different heat treatment methods were studied by the method of drilling little holes.


  • 研究发现X70焊接残余应力相当管线腐蚀环境运行是相当危险的,需要消除

    The welding residual stress is very high in X70 steel, it is dangerous for the pipeline performance under corrosion condition, and necessary to be eliminated.


  • 焊接件等结构件制造过程产生残余应力,影响尺寸稳定性使用寿命,因此必须消除

    The residual stress will produce in weldments and other construction parts during the manufacturing process and will harm their dimension stability and service life, and therefore must be relieved.


  • 实验指出,使用F系列银复合钎料消除上述材料焊缝残余应力效果明显。

    The results showed that the F-series composited brazed materials can be used efficiently to remove the residual stress within brazing join of hard alloy and steel.


  • 指出等离子辅助沉积工艺有利于长波红外滤光片膜显微结构改善残余应力消除

    It is pointed out that the plasma assistant deposition technology is more favorable to the improvement of microstructure and the elimination of residual stress for long wavelength infrared filters.


  • 我们发现消除残余应力存在一个最佳退火温度温度低于通常的退火温度

    It is discovered that there is a most favored temperature for annealing crystals in removal of residual stress This temperature is Below the one in the sense of ordinary heat processing.


  • 合理热处理工艺消除残余应力提高了机加工精度

    The rational heat treatment diminishes the residue stress and improves the precision of machining.


  • 文中阐述残余应力材料设备使用过程中的不良影响详细介绍了目前消除残余应力若干方法

    The paper discusses the harmful effects of residual stress on the material or the equipment in its service process, and introduces several methods to eliminate residual stress at present.


  • 一方面,热处理工艺不当使得铸造应力机加工的残余应力无法彻底消除,这样加剧了裂纹产生扩展

    On the other hand, the improper heat treatment operation can not completely relieve the casting stress and remnant stress, and further enhances generation and expansion of cracks.


  • 发明特点在于:脉冲处理材料保持所需微结构同时部分乃至完全消除了材料中的残余应力

    The method is characterized in that: simultaneously maintaining the needed micro-structure, part of the material after pulse processing still fully eliminates the residual stress in the material;


  • 针对304L不锈钢底板的残余应力采用振动时效(V SR)的方法进行消除

    The vibratory stress relief (VSR) Process is used to reduce the residual stress in welded 304l stainless steel.


  • 消除铝合金拉伸板中的残余应力采用弹塑性有限元振动时效消除残余应力进行数值模拟

    To eliminate the residual stress of aluminum alloy pre-stretching board, an elastic-plastic finite element model was developed to simulate the vibratory stress relief (VSR) process.


  • 采用钻孔_电LY 12铝合金垂直焊缝方向的焊接残余应力及其分布规律、产生的原因进行了分析,探讨了残余应力消除措施。

    In this paper, welding residual stress vertical to welding seam in LY12 armour aluminum alloy was measured by hole-drilling and electrical-measurement method.


  • 三峡工程引水压力钢管应用爆炸方法消除焊缝残余应力,对其它类似工程可起借鉴作用。

    The application of penstock blasting method for relieving the residual welding stress in TGP might provide reference for other similar projects.


  • 利用非线性动力有限元法爆炸处理消除焊接接头残余应力全过程进行了数值模拟。

    The successful application of explosion treatment on relieving welding residual stress in S belt of hot-blast stove in WIS(G)CO is introduced.


  • 将ANAND塑性本构关系引入热处理消除残余应力有限元计算

    ANAND viscoplastic constitutive equation was introduced into the FE model for calculation of the reduction of welding residual stresses during the post weld heat treatment.


  • 获得淬火残余应力基础上,模拟了不同预拉伸量毛坯的淬火残余应力消除

    With FEA based quenched stress, different stress distributions were obtained under different conditions of pre-stretching.


  • 为了消除超大不锈钢焊接底板残余应力研究了采用振动时效(V SR)方法消除焊接残余应力

    The process of vibratory stress relief(VSR) is discussed to reduce the residual stresses after welding of stainless steel plate.


  • 提出了沉积技术中的两个难点,即电解液配制镀层残余应力消除

    Two problems in electrodeposition of noble metal Rh were proposed. They were of how to prepare the electrolyte and of how to remove the residual stress in electrodeposited Rh coat.


  • 结果表明爆炸处理不仅显著消除试板表面拉伸残余应力而且能使残余应力沿厚度方向分布均匀且显著降低

    Not only significant reduction of the surface welding tensile residual stresses but also even distribution of stresses through the thickness are achieved due to the explosion treatment.


  • 此外振动时效处理消除残余应力利弊进行了分析,提出了亟待解决振动时效处理消除残余应力的质量问题

    It also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of doing away with the remaining strain by way of VSR. The quality problem of the method is put forward.


  • 消除部分应力相变应力残余应力有所降低

    The part of thermal stress is relieved and the residual stress of phase changing is descend.


  • 消除部分应力相变应力残余应力有所降低

    The part of thermal stress is relieved and the residual stress of phase changing is descend.


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