• 浪潮接着演变代表着悲伤孤独死亡音乐

    Then New Wave evolved into Goth Music which portrays sadness, loneliness and Death.


  • 音乐长期以来就是危险行业死亡常常这一流派真实写照。

    Music has long been a risky business, and the deaths often mirror the genre.


  • 黑暗接着音乐渐渐加强:玩家恢复控制他们化身出来碎片看到灾难死亡

    Fade to black. And then fade up: the player recovers control of their avatar, and can crawl out of the debris, only to see devastation, and die.


  • 新力公司签订这项协议押注人们杰克逊音乐兴趣不仅仅的意外死亡之后不间断报道造成的昙花一现

    In striking the deal, Sony is betting that the appetite for Mr. Jackson's music will prove more than just a spike generated by his unexpected death and the ensuing round-the-clock coverage.


  • 伴随着船上管弦乐队为使乘客尽量镇静而演奏舒缓音乐女性儿童护送数量有限救生艇上留下健康年轻男性沉没的船一起沉入死亡之海。

    As the vessel's orchestra played soothing music to calm the passengers, women and children were escorted to the limited supply of lifeboats, leaving healthy young men to go down with the sinking ship.


  • 我们再次看到音乐所传递达情绪生命岌岌可危还有贪得无厌—与之相称便是死亡

    Once again, the mood of the music - living dangerously, then greedily - matches the deaths.


  • 新力公司签订这项协议押注人们杰克逊音乐的兴趣不仅仅的意外死亡之后的不间断报道造成的昙花一现

    In striking the deal, Sony is betting that the appetite for Mr.Jackson's music will prove more than just a spike generated by his unexpected death and the ensuing round-the-clock coverage.


  • 今天德国举行的“的大巡游音乐上,在一个隧道里面恐慌逃窜发生的踩踏至少导致18死亡

    At least 18 people died at the Love Parade music festival in Germany today when they were crushed inside a tunnel during a stampede caused by panic.


  • 受到指控音乐没有任何人死亡,只有极其少数被捕。

    None of the composers he had chargeof was killed; very few were arrested.


  • 德国杜伊斯堡举行音乐上,因恐慌踩踏导致了18死亡100人受伤。

    Crush after panic leaves at least 18 revellers dead and about 100 injured at music festival in duisburg.


  • 达拉斯音乐亲人卡特·阿布·雷彻最近表示,由Chantix引起愤怒,可能导致了这位音乐家的死亡

    Family members of a musician in Dallas, Carter Albrecht, recently said that Chantix might have caused the rage that led to his death.


  • 天分创造力带入另类音乐王国,他那充满活力声音胜任死亡金属嗥叫也能胜任天使般的低吟。

    He brings talent and inventiveness into the realm of alternative music, armed with a dynamic voice capable of bellowing out a death metal growl or a lilting angelic whisper.


  • 该事件通常被称为20世纪60年代死亡一天,阿尔·塔特音乐变成一一场大灾难

    Commonly referred to as the day the '60s died, the Altamont Free Concert turned into one gigantic disaster.


  • 暴风突然袭击比利时摇滚音乐户外庆祝活动导致至少5死亡

    A rock concert in Belgium turned deadly when a violent storm struck the outdoor festival, leaving at least five people dead.


  • 太多个体“带着内在音乐死亡”,一种未实现其潜能悲哀状况

    For too many individuals they "die with their music in them," a sad condition of unrealized potential.


  • 为什么人们了解这点呢我们之所以渴望那种音乐并不是因为充满死亡而是因为它充满生命

    Why do not people understand that if we had need of that music it was not because it was death to us, but life.


  • 碎了,并非因为心疼那几块钱而是因为他目睹了音乐死亡

    He's heartbroken, not because he's out a couple of bucks, but because he watched this piece of music die.


  • 玛格丽特·撒切尔去世后,一首歌曲被视为庆祝死亡而创作的,BBC每周前40音乐榜上将播放这首歌片段,只作为新闻背景

    The BBC says that it will play only an excerpt from a song seen as celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher in its weekly top 40 music show and then only in a news context.


  • 加拿大警方上周六加拿大西部城市埃德蒙顿附近举行一场音乐遭到风暴袭击,引发舞台坍塌造成1死亡15受伤

    One person was killed and 15 were injured at a country music festival near the western Canadian city of Edmonton on Saturday when the main stage collapsed during a severe windstorm, police said.


  • 报纸杂志音乐电视电影——所有传统模式都在死亡趋近死亡,就浑身是血的大人物四处行为生存那般。

    Newspapers, magazines, music, television, movies - all of the traditional models are dead or dying as bloodied moguls everywhere scramble to survive.


  • 眼睛直勾勾地着上方,嘴里胡乱什么动听的音乐啊,美丽的街道啊,穿白色长袍的人啊,微笑着似乎死亡人生乐事

    His eyes were fixed 'way up in the air, and he was using rambling words to himself all about sweet music and beautiful streets and white-robed forms, and he was smiling like dying was a pleasure.


  • 音乐混合中世纪元素,古典民谣强劲有旋律感的死亡金属融为一体。

    Their music is a mixture of medieval music, Classics and Folk, mixed with hard, but melodic Death Metal.


  • 加拿大乡村音乐露天舞台疾风突然发生坍塌,造成1死亡15受伤

    The stage at an open-air country music festival in Canada has collapsed in sudden, high winds, killing one person and injuring 15 others.


  • 加拿大乡村音乐露天舞台疾风突然发生坍塌,造成1死亡15受伤

    The stage at an open-air country music festival in Canada has collapsed in sudden, high winds, killing one person and injuring 15 others.


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