• 造成死亡的,应当赔偿丧葬费死亡赔偿金。

    Where a death is caused, damages for the death and funeral must also be paid.


  • 死亡赔偿案件审判过程中,法官应当重视调解作用

    The death indemnity case places on trial in the process, judge mistakes the function which mediates.


  • 发生安全事故死亡赔偿成为衡量人们生命价值重要指标之一

    The death compensation, as a measure of the value of lif, proved to be one of the important indicators after safety incident.


  • 死亡赔偿三大原则分别公平原则双重赔偿原则、利益平衡原则。

    The three principles of death compensation are the principle of fair, the principle of dual compensation and the principle of balanced benefit.


  • 第十七条因同一侵权行为造成多人死亡可以相同数额确定死亡赔偿金。

    Article 17 Where a single tortious act causes more than one death, the amount of the damages for the deaths may be equal.


  • 去世后,RCP拿到保险条款支付并且全部死亡赔偿金收入囊中。

    RCP would take over payment of the policy premiums and receive the full death benefit when she passed away.


  • 最后,又从现象本质关系入手反过来归纳印证平等人身死亡赔偿现象的平等本质

    Finally, the writer inductively testifies the equal nature of the unequal phenomena of compensations for personal death by analyzing the relationship between phenomena and essence.


  • 死亡赔偿标准不太合理等,导致死亡赔偿金制度本身的公正性合理性受到人们的质疑

    The reason of causing this question is that the existence of dispute about the nature of death indemnity.


  • 死亡赔偿金虽也具有慰抚功能性质主要死者生命价值补偿以及对致害人惩罚

    Although the death indemnity has the function of consoles, it's in nature mainly to compensate the life value of the dead people, and the penalty to the one who injures the death.


  • 赔偿主要项目医疗费、营养费、误工费、护理费、交通费残疾用具死亡赔偿金、丧葬补助费

    The main items are: compensation for medical expenses, nutritional costs, and care services, transportation costs, equipment costs of disability, death, funeral grants.


  • 死亡赔偿性质不同精神损害赔偿利益”,“扶养丧失”和“继承丧失说”存在着弊端。

    The death indemnity is different from the spirit damage compensate and "leisurely loses the benefit" in nature; "the nurture loses said" and "inherits loses said" all have limitation.


  • 摒弃死亡赔偿继承丧失说”,转而死伤损害说”实行死亡赔偿金城乡一体的定型化破解“同命不同价”难题的理论路径。

    The doctrine of "damage of death and injury" is opposed to "loss of inheritance" and other theories that admit that different sort of people should be compensated differently.


  • 鉴于利益为中心死亡损害赔偿导致生命价值”的巨大差异学说上强力主张死亡赔偿定额化与定型化,并裁判实务发生了重大影响。

    Since the idea based on the obtainable interest lead value of life too much different, some Japanese theories, which has greatly influenced judicial practice, persist in that victim compensation sho…


  • 相比之下,不到一个世纪1979年,一对三岁孩子的父母纽约起诉意外死亡损害赢得了75万美元的赔偿

    In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three-year-old sued in New York for accidental-death damages and won an award of $750,000.


  • 西班牙针对未经证实、但造成其经济损失指控提出赔偿要求,这些指控称,该国黄瓜导致德国瑞典16死亡一种致命细菌感染的感染

    Spain has demanded compensation for unfounded and financially damaging accusations that its cucumbers were the source of a deadly bacterial infection that has killed 16 people in Germany and Sweden.


  • 甘肃省偏远地区的一家人接受了29000美元的补偿金,这笔钱是赔偿饮用三聚氰胺 灌装牛奶而导致他们孩子死亡

    One family in the remote Gangsu province have just accepted $29, 000 in compensation for the death of their baby son who died after drinking milk tainted with melamine.


  • 同样所有酒类广告应当禁止,对于那些因喝酒导致生病,最终死亡的人应当赔偿

    Similarly all advertising of alcohol should be banned and compensation paid to families of alcoholics who die of the liver disease.


  • 由于乙方疏忽过失所导致甲方人员伤害死亡产生赔偿责任

    The compensation liabilities arising from the damage or death to any personnel of Party a due to the fault or neglect of Party b.


  • 内塔尼亚胡导致人员死亡不当行为道歉同意进行赔偿

    Netanyahu apologized for operational errors that led to loss of life and agreed to work on paying compensation.


  • 比如一个酒后驾车导致他人死亡面临国家刑事检察官的起诉面向尚存者的民事损害赔偿诉讼

    For instance, a person whose drunken driving causes the death of another may force both a criminal prosecution by the state and a civil suit for damages by the survivors of the victim.


  • 死亡损害赔偿并非生命权本身救济而是侵害生命权所引起的各种现实利益损失补偿

    Death damage compensation is not a kind of relief measure to life rights itself, but the compensation to the loses of actual benefits because of the life rights violation.


  • 日本依旧不断拒绝至少造成两千三百万中国人死亡的暴行中国进行赔偿

    Japancontinues to refuse to pay compensation to China for its brutal occupation, which at least 23million Chinese died.


  • 一部分主要论述死亡损害赔偿基本问题

    The first part mainly discusses the basic problem of wrongful death compensation.


  • 工厂发生工安事件工人受了甚至死亡,做老板除了赔偿巨额伤亡补偿金外,还要背负法律责任。

    Accident happens in a factory and workers wound or even die. The boss must answer for it in law besides large sum of compensation.


  • 部分篇文章基础,目的在于对死亡损害赔偿一个整体的、正确认识

    This part is the basis for entire paper, and this part is due to get a whole and correct understanding of wrongful death compensation.


  • 假使有人借用牲口,牲口断了腿死亡原主在场,就赔偿

    When a man borrows an animal from his neighbor, if it is maimed or dies while the owner is not present, the man must make restitution.


  • 第三旅客航空器上下航空器过程死亡受伤承运人应当承担赔偿责任。

    Article 3 the carrier shall be liable for compensation in the event of death or injury sustained by a passenger on board an aircraft or in the course of embarkation or disembarkation.


  • 第三旅客航空器上下航空器过程死亡受伤承运人应当承担赔偿责任。

    Article 3 the carrier shall be liable for compensation in the event of death or injury sustained by a passenger on board an aircraft or in the course of embarkation or disembarkation.


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