• 很多人发现禁止个人选择死亡权利没有道理的。

    Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.


  • 但是如果残疾人享有生命权的话,那么他们应当享有死亡权利啊?

    But if disabled people have a right to life then do they also have a right to death?


  • 安乐死合法化权利论证安乐死合法化的关键在于是否拥有选择死亡权利自由

    The fourth part is a demonstration of the right of euthanasia. The key point of the legalization of euthanasia lies in whether a person ought to have the right and freedom to die.


  • 参与死亡赛车中,拥有阻断对手权利冲撞的赛车,从后面任何公路上允许的事。

    Participation in a deadly car race gives you the right to cut off your rival, ram his car, hit it in the rear and do anything that is not allowed on the road.


  • 一种死亡是悲剧——不管死因什么——但是我们并没有与我们共存地球其它生物更大权利利用地球上的一切。

    Every death is a tragedyregardless of the cause—but we have no greater claim to use this earth than any of the other creatures that we share it with.


  • 很多死亡包括中风心脏衰竭劳工权利团体归结过度劳动压力所致。

    Many deaths involved strokes or heart failure that worker rights groups attribute to the strain of excessive labor.


  • 参与一场死亡赛车中,拥有可以对手权利冲撞的赛车,从后面撞翻你可以任何公路上允许的事。

    Participation in a death car race gives you the right to cut off your rival, ram his car, hit it in the rear and do anything that is not allowed on the road.


  • 一种死亡是悲剧——不管死因什么——但是我们没有我们共存于地球其它生物更大权利利用地球上的一切

    Every death is a tragedy - regardless of the cause - but we have no greater claim to use of this earth than any of the other creatures [we] share it with.


  • 他们由于换起了公众逐步明白这样一项权利攸关生命死亡人类尊严的而得到了补偿。

    Their deaths were redeemed by an aroused citizenry that had come to realize that such a right was a matter of life and death and of human dignity.


  • 于是埃及后克利奥帕特拉星座-“铭刻永恒死亡之时,准确地说,获得了权利

    So Cleopatra had the Zodiac created to "inscribe for eternity" the moment of his death, or to be more precise, her own rise to power.


  • 即使死亡威胁,马来拉也致力于妇女教育权利

    Malala worked toward women's education right, even after she got death rights to stop.


  • 如果人们选择死亡话,他们选择他们死亡基本权利那些反对安乐死意思那些垂死的人没有这个权利

    People have the fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die, what those people who opposed euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right.


  • 传统民事权利能力理论认为,自然人民事权利能力始于出生,终于死亡

    Under customary theory of capacity for civil rights, capacity for civil rights of a natural person begins with birth and ends with death.


  • 关心所作所为正确还是错误的,我只是要知道只有权利作出决定因为是彭格列斯基,唯有死亡能否定它

    I don't care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.


  • 原告死亡没有继承人或者继承人放弃诉讼权利

    The plaintiff dies without a successor, or the heir waives his right of litigation;


  • 为什么要赋予利害关系人申请撤销死亡宣告权利呢?

    Why is an interested person given the right to apply for revoking the declaration?


  • 我们一个人来到这个世界上,都不是自己选择,我们无权选择我们出生,当然也无权选择我们的死亡上帝把这个权利留给自己。我们能就是选择怎样活着

    We all come to this world, not their own choice, we have no right to choose our birth, of course, no right to choose our death. God, this right was left to his own. We can do is choose how alive.


  • 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件权利死亡

    Where the winning party in a case claiming alimony or costs of support or upbringing dies.


  • 以色列公众先行指导问题上争议只是近年来才出现,争议主要是由围绕知情同意自愿死亡权利问题的争端所引发的。

    The Israeli debate on advance directives has only emerged in recent years as a result of arguments over informed consent and right-to-die issues.


  • 关心所作所为不错的照旧纰缪的,我只是知道只有权利作出决定因为我是教父,唯有死亡可否定它。

    I don't care what you did is right or wrong, I would like you know only me have the right to make decision, cause Iam the godfather until my death.


  • 美国加拿大死亡权利运动正在积蓄力量观察家们正在等待多米诺骨牌产生的效应。

    In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.


  • 第十八条配偶死亡方送养未成年子女死亡一方父母优先抚养权利

    Article 18 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.


  • 权利游戏:冰与火之歌》第一第六集中Robert国王打猎时候野猪所伤最后死亡——他死也是大国开战的导火线。

    King Robert was killed by a wild boar while hunting in the sixth episode of Season 1 — a loss that eventually led to the War of the Five Kings.


  • 第十八条配偶死亡方送养未成年子女死亡一方父母优先抚养权利

    Article 17 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.


  • 第十八条配偶死亡方送养未成年子女死亡一方父母优先抚养权利

    Article 17 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.


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