• 由于美国无法阻止武器偷运进墨西哥,墨西哥的罪犯得到了武装造成警方人员、军人平民死亡

    Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of police officers, soldiers and civilians.


  • 目击者证实屋顶街道中的枪手使用自动武器甚至防空向人群射击,已经造成死亡

    Witnesses reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun.


  • 兵士们都格外畏惧化学气体攻击因为它们可以致盲引起水泡痛苦的慢性死亡如今大部分国家签署了禁止化学武器国际公约。

    Soldiers particularly feared chemical gas attacks because they could cause blindness, blistering and a slow, painful death. The weapons are now outlawed by international agreement in most countries.


  • 他们展示最好新式武器,威风凛凛,闪闪发光,专门死亡制造的。

    They were showing the finest new weapons, grand, shining, and built perfectly for death.


  • 随着时间的推移,这种武器可能认为赋予抵抗死亡腐烂从而缓解了其他装饰材料使用这些墓葬首选

    Over time, such weapons may have been thought to confer resistance to death and decay, and thus preferred over those with decoration in other materials for use in burials.


  • 来说,丈夫已经不存在了,独自一人他们展示最好新式武器,威风凛凛,闪闪发光专门死亡而制造的。

    Her husband was lost to her. She was alone. They were showing the finest new weapons, grand, shining, and built perfectly for death.


  • 如果起诉使用大规模杀伤性武器并造成死亡,他可能会面临死刑的判罚。

    If he is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill people, he could face the death penalty.


  • 他们提出,最近Pittsburgh警察以及Alabama乡村死亡有权携带隐匿武器的人犯下的案子。

    They argued the recent killings of three police officers in Pittsburgh and 10 people in rural Alabama were committed by people who had permits to carry concealed weapons.


  • 巴黎近郊楠泰尔市政厅名男子自动武器,于每周例会结束开火造成死亡二十受伤

    Eight people were killed, twenty others wounded when a man opened fire with an automatic weapon at the end of a routine weekly meeting at a town hall in the suburb of Paris called Nanterre.


  • 呀!武器武器死亡暴风雨房间严阵以待!

    To arms! To arms, o man! Death storms your house in battle array!


  • 叙利亚反对派活动分子宣称大马士革郊区化学武器攻击数十死亡

    Chemical weapons attacks have killed dozens on the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists claim.


  • 武器商人威克特·布特号称死亡商人”,一位美国法官判处25监禁

    Arms dealer Viktor Bout, dubbed the "merchant of death", has been sentenced to 25 years in jail by a US judge.


  • 当然终极家庭不测死亡强有力借口——不时间限制,不受技术影响的终极武器

    The ultimate family emergency is, of course, death, and this is the most robust excuse of them all - timeless, final, and untouched by technology.


  • 德拉毁灭很多年,拥有近乎无尽力量的巫妖创造了一种新的死亡骑士邪恶的,使用符文武器天灾战士

    Years after the destruction of Draenor, the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge.


  • 专家们虽然不如大多数目前使用的另外病种疫苗那样令人印象深刻,但疫苗是有助于显著地减少疟疾引起大量死亡武器

    Although not nearly as impressive as most vaccines currently in use, experts say the vaccine could help curtail malaria's massive death toll significantly.


  • 那只是自己预备死亡武器,为自己制造矢。

    And in it he hath prepared the instruments of death, he hath made ready his arrows for them that burn.


  • 相比著铠甲而言,死亡骑士最与众不同地方就是我们不是握著盾牌,而是拿双手武器或者持单手武器

    Next to our plate wearing counterparts we are distinguished by the feature that rather than using shields, we tank with a 2-handed weapon, or a pair of 1-handed weapons.


  • 死亡骑士通常认为是能够使用双手大型武器或者双持两把单手武器的职业。

    The death knight was always conceived as using both large two-handed weapons and dual-wielding one-handed weapons.


  • 战利品玩家死亡服用少量黄金所有武器应该放弃

    Loot bags are dropped when a player dies, taking a small amount of their gold, and all weapons should be dropped.


  • 我们之所以要给死亡骑士提供特殊魔,部分原因由于死亡骑士们无法携带盾牌远程武器或者常用的坦克类武器,因而令他们无法达到坦克所要求防御能力。

    We added that sigil and enchant because death knights had difficulty reaching the defense "cap" in part because they don't have shields, ranged weapons or often tanking weapons.


  • 违法使用武器、警械造成公民身体伤害或者死亡滴。

    The bodily injury to or decease of a citizen caused by unlawful use of weapon or police apparatus.


  • 一场激烈的多人在线死亡竞赛游戏必须通过挖掘地面挖掘武器敌人战斗

    The first of it's kind! A first for VR! An intense online multiplayer deathmatch game where you must dig through the earth and excavate weapons to battle your enemies!


  • 一场激烈的多人在线死亡竞赛游戏必须通过挖掘地面挖掘武器敌人战斗

    The first of it's kind! A first for VR! An intense online multiplayer deathmatch game where you must dig through the earth and excavate weapons to battle your enemies!


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