• 研究了武汉地区压缩性黏土塑性本模型。

    The elastoplastic constitutive relation of high compressibility clay in Wuhan was investigated.


  • 目的探讨武汉地区应用状况市场趋势

    Objective: To investigate the administration and market trend of antihyperlipidemic drugs in Wuhan.


  • 目的探讨武汉地区糖尿病药物应用情况发展趋势

    OBJECTIVE: To study applicational condition and development tendency of antidiabetic drugs in Wuhan area.


  • 通过自编问卷,对武汉地区幼儿教育入学机会进行实证调查

    The pre-school education opportunity in Wuhan city was empirically investigated by self questionnaires.


  • 不同水分大米武汉地区安全度夏技术措施提出建议

    Besides, we have given some advice of technical measures on how to keep rice with different moisture content safely through summer in the city of Wuhan.


  • 方法武汉地区5所医学院校954名大学生进行问卷调查。

    Methods a questionnaire survey was conducted among 954 medical college students in Wuhan.


  • 成为演员之前刘亦菲也是武汉地区小有名气摄影模特

    Before becoming an actor, Liu Yifei is somewhat famous in Wuhan photographic model.


  • 目的研究武汉地区类区生态环境改变蚊类区系影响

    Objective to study on the mosquitoes fauna in Wuhan and effect of ecologic environment change on mosquitoes fauna.


  • 这个设计作为武汉迈入一线城市标志,成为武汉地区地标

    This design will be a new landmark for the city of Wuhan, also marking the city's stepping into the league of first tier cities.


  • 论述武汉地区各类粘土的岩性特征成因分布以及工程地质特征。

    This paper discussed the rocky features, causes of formation, distribution and engineering geological features of the clays in Wuhan Region.


  • 武汉地区电力负荷预测算例说明证明了该模型有效性可行性

    Take power load prediction by month in Wuhan for example to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this model. 3 it researched the theory of load management thoroughly.


  • 武汉地区丰富特色文化资源研究背景以既有的广泛研究成果为基础。

    It has Wuhan's rich and special cultural resources as it background and extensive research achievement as its foundation.


  • 抽取武汉地区660名日本旭川地区558名3岁儿童母亲进行调查

    With cluster sampling, 660 mothers having 3-year-old child were investigated in Wuhan and 558 mothers in Japan with uniformed questionnaire.


  • 支护结构作为新型基坑支护结构形式,近几年开始在武汉地区运用

    In recent years support structure with double-row piles as a new type of support structure for deep foundation pit has been applied in Wuhan.


  • 本文采用模糊综合评价的方法,对武汉地区医院住院病人的满意度进行了评价

    In-patient satisfaction in one hospital in Wuhan city is appraised with fuzzy synthetical judgment.


  • 目的探讨武汉地区汉族人HLA -DQA1基因十二指肠溃疡遗传关联。

    Objective to study the genetic susceptibility of HLA DQA1 alleles to duodenal ulcer in Chinese Hans from Wuhan and its nearby regions.


  • 其次对于武汉地区大学生就业指数系统理论基础建立方法进行了全面的介绍

    Next, the article introduces completely about the system's theory base and based method.


  • 结合武汉地区实际工程具体分析剪力抗侧刚度优化方法实际工程中的应用

    Based on an engineering example in Wuhan district, the paper has analyzed the application of optimal method of shear wall lateral stiffness in practical engineering.


  • 采用田间试验方法研究了湖北武汉地区玉米杂草发生动态化学防除技术。

    The occurrence and chemical control of weeds in summer-grown corn field were studied in Wuhan region, Hubei Province, China in 2000.


  • 介绍了武汉地区节能建筑整体规划单体设计节能设计理念、节能技术应用措施

    Energy saving designing idea both overall programming and single designing, the application and solutions of energy saving technique in Wuhan were introduced.


  • 我们抱歉通知由于武汉地区大雨,我们将备降洛阳机场可能还要那里过夜。

    Due to heavy rain in Wuhan area, we regret to inform you that we're going to land at Luoyang Airport and perhaps have to stay overnight there.


  • 选用武汉地区不同水分大米,分别采用不同的储藏方式,对其进行了安全度夏试验

    Three kinds of rice with the different moisture content in Wuhan district was chosen and stored in different ways. And the experiment of keeping the previous rice safe through summer Was made.


  • 预应力修理桥式起重机主梁近年来得到了广泛应用武汉地区应用较为普遍

    In recent years, remedy of main girder's downward deflection of OTC by pre-stress method has found wide spread application. This is also the common practice iu Wu Hun district.


  • 武汉地区早些采用粉桩复合地基加固,在交付使用后陆续出现倾斜裂缝问题

    Dry jet mixed pile composite foundation was used to fasten the soft soil in Wuhan area about ten years ago. But the buildings have had the problems of tilting and sinking since its completion.


  • 目的了解武汉地区医科大学生饮酒行为及其影响因素制定有针对性的控制医学生饮酒措施提供科学依据。

    Objective to study medical students alcohol using behaviors and the influencing factors in Wuhan, and to provide scientific basis for government to make the drinking-control measures.


  • 公司地处九省通衢的工业科技都市——武汉武汉地区较早从事结构设计详图设计及施工的专业公司。

    The company be skilled in special-shaped steel structure design and installation, for example rotary steel stairs, architecture art modeling steel structure, billboard steel structure.


  • 首先作了市场调查调查显示武汉地区仅有约6家小舞蹈俱乐部于是7月份他开了自己一家俱乐部。

    First he did market research, which showed that Wuhan had no more than six small dance clubs, so he opened his first in July.


  • 根据研究成果,本文武汉地区住宅实例,进行太阳能热水系统设计,并对系统进行了经济及节能分析

    The values of the main parameters of the area calculation of the solar collector are suggested in this paper. It can beAt the end of this paper, there is an example of a residence in Wuhan.


  • 研究发现北京地区两类材料大气腐蚀数据无显著差异,在青岛、江津武汉地区候钢腐蚀率显著低于碳钢

    Regression analysis of atmospheric corrosion date at BEIJING shows that relationship between corrosion date of weathering and carbon steel and time follows linear bilogarithmic law.


  • 研究发现北京地区两类材料大气腐蚀数据无显著差异,在青岛、江津武汉地区候钢腐蚀率显著低于碳钢

    Regression analysis of atmospheric corrosion date at BEIJING shows that relationship between corrosion date of weathering and carbon steel and time follows linear bilogarithmic law.


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