• 米利班德一旦星期日太阳报开始发行可能是8进一加大默多克帝国英国媒体市场渗透力

    Miliband said that once a Sunday Sun was launched, possibly in August, this would add further to the Murdoch empire's penetration of the UK media market.


  • 多人生病了。在今年的一到四,这座城市被封锁,以防止病毒进一传播到其他地方。

    Many people got ill. This year the city was locked down from January to April to prevent the virus from spreading further to other places.


  • 购买原则(由于进一修正2011年10实施)给出版商提供了一个选择

    The pay-something rule (due for further modification in the period starting October 2011) presents publishers with a choice.


  • 世卫组织继续越南卫生部密切合作进一调查22日以来可能发生其他病例

    WHO continues to work closely with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health to further investigate additional cases which may have occurred since 2 February.


  • ,该科进一公布丹麦男童研究

    In January, the department published a further study of Danish boys.


  • 科学家们2010年1采取进一接近这个目标他们宣布他们已经建成了一个悬浮磁铁创造了被认为实现核聚变一些必要条件

    Scientists took a step closer to this goal in January 2010 when they announced they'd built a levitating magnet that created some of the conditions thought to be necessary for fusion.


  • 安德森将伤曼联中场问题进一加重。费格逊爵士坚持不会的冬季转会窗上恐慌性买人

    Manchester United's midfield problems have deepened after Anderson was ruled out until February, but Sir Alex Ferguson insisted he will not panic buy in the January transfer window.


  • 尽管选举委员会警告称进一延误导致投票被推迟,伊拉克议会仍然未能投票通过选举法

    The Iraqi parliament has again failed to vote on an election law despite warnings from the election commission that further delay could force a postponement of polls during January.


  • 但是欧洲共同承诺避免进一保护主义措施并且履行一承诺。

    But in March, European leaders made a collective commitment to avoid further protectionist measures, and they stuck to it.


  • 倘若经济继续疲软下去,也许承受进一赤字减缩措施包括原计划开始实施的加缴养老保险金。

    If the economy stays weak, it may not be robust enough to withstand further deficit-cutting measures, including a planned rise in national-insurance contributions this April.


  • 911日那天以后一个朋友打电话给打开电视

    When I finished my run on 9/11, a friend called and told me to turn on the TV.


  • 然后进一问道如果整个产品研发团队休假一个公司带来多大影响?

    Then I asked them this question: what would happen to the company if the entire product development team took a month off and went on vacation?


  • 今年,一群俄罗斯上了贝加尔湖之旅

    This trip to the Baikal was made by several Russian men in March of this year.


  • 开张上海分店正是公司重塑品牌的关键一

    The Shanghai store, which opened in March, is the cornerstone of the company's campaign to revitalize the brand.


  • 今年三,一群俄罗斯贝加尔湖之旅。以下他们拍摄精彩照片。

    This trip to the Baikal was made by several Russian men in March of this year. Many beautiful shots of the lake and its islands are inside the post.


  • 他们下一准备8奥兰多约会

    They next plan to rendezvous in Orlando in August.


  • 非常幸运的是发现,癌细胞没有进一扩散但是进行一次检查,并且会持续一生

    Luckily they caught it before it had gone too deep and spread any further, but I still have to get checkups every 6 months for all of eternity.


  • 2美国欧盟日本贸易逆差进一扩大

    The US trade shortfalls with the European Union and Japan widened in February.


  • 每日客运航班启动周一16个。此举是对7启动周末包机的进一扩大

    Daily passenger flights also were being launched, with 16 scheduled for Monday, in an expansion of weekend charter flights inaugurated in July.


  • TechReview进一指出开普勒天文台不到2不会透露科学发现的。

    But further, as Tech Review points out, Kepler is all set to reveal it's scientific findings in February.


  • 到了12公司决定完全撤出市场,以免进一削弱价格

    By December, his company decided to withdraw entirely from the market rather than further erode prices.


  • 423日大胆迈出宣布将7即将拉开帷幕G7富国峰会召开地移至阿奎拉,部分原因也是将所筹得的基金用于城市重建

    On April 23rd he went a daring step further, saying he would switch the venue of the G8 rich-country summit in July to L’Aquila, partly so as to divert funds towards the city’s reconstruction.


  • 银行存款准备金提高,615日提高半个百分点,625日提高半个百分点,达到百分之17.5的记录高点

    The reserve ratio is to go up in two stages, half a percent on June 15 and another half on June 25, to a record high 17.5 percent.


  • 日本汽车工业协会进一下调去年12做出的预测组织截至2010年3财年里,预计日本汽车销量下滑8%,至430万辆。

    Vehicle sales in Japan are expected to drop 8% to 4.3 million in the fiscal year ending March 2010, the JAMA said, a further reduction to the group's December projection.


  • 但是1223进一检测包括北京中国疾病预防控制中心进行聚合酶链反应试验显示结果为阳性

    But further tests on 23 December - including PCR tests carried out at the Chinese Center for Disease Control in Beijing - showed positive results.


  • 但是1223进一检测包括北京中国疾病预防控制中心进行聚合酶链反应试验显示结果为阳性

    But further tests on 23 December - including PCR tests carried out at the Chinese Center for Disease Control in Beijing - showed positive results.


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